Chapter 5 The operational definitions should be clear enough

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1829
subject Authors Jeffrey R. Sprague, Keith Storey, Richard W. Albin, Robert E. O'Neill, Robert H. Horner

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1. The competing behavior model provides the blueprint for
a. The formal behavior plan
b. The implementation of that plan
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
2. Written behavior support plans serve functions of
a. Being professional documents that demonstrate a coherent, rational plan of support
b. Being formats for clearly defining exactly what will be done to reduce problem behaviors
c. Providing assumptions behind a plan
d. All of the above
3. An effective written plan provides a clear strategy for
a. Monitoring progress
b. Monitoring the thought patterns of the individual with problem behavior
c. Monitoring of the inner states within the individual that need to be changed
d. All of the above
4. An effective written plan provides a format for
a. Modifying the thought patterns of the individual with problem behavior
b. Modifying support procedures in response to ongoing changes in the target individual's behavior and context
c. Modifying the inner states within the individual that need to be changed
d. All of the above
5. The heart of a behavior support plan lies in the extent to which the plan is
a. Based on functional assessment results
b. Consistent with fundamental principles of behavior
c. A good contextual "fit" with the values, resources, and skills of all people in the setting
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Chapter 05: Writing Behavior Support Plans
6. A good behavior support plan should include the following key features
a. Operational description of the problem behaviors
b. Summary statements resulting from a functional assessment
c. Descriptions of (a) typical routines and (b) most difficult problem situations
d. Monitoring and evaluation plan
e. All of the above
7. A behavior support plan should include clear descriptions
a. Of problem behaviors
b. Of the inner states of the individual
c. Of how to think about the problem behavior
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
8. The operational definitions should be clear enough that a person reading the plan
a. Can identify what the person is thinking about when they engage in problem behaviors
b. Can identify the inner states of the individual
c. Can identify instances and non-instances of each problem behavior
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
9. It is important that behavior support plans include the summary statements derived from the functional assessment
a. Summary statements increase consistency in plan implementation
b. Recording the summary statements in the behavior support plan helps ensure that all procedural elements of
the plan are conceptually consistent with the information obtained from the functional assessment
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
Chapter 05: Writing Behavior Support Plans
10. The overall goal of the Behavior Support Plan is to
a. Have staff stop doing what they have been doing
b. Identify a set of procedures that make problem behaviors irrelevant, inefficient, and ineffective
c. Changing the function that the behaviors serve
d. All of the above
11. In most cases, the Behavior Support Plan will include
a. Setting event strategies
b. Immediate predictor strategies
c. Teaching strategies
d. Consequence strategies
e. All of the above
12. The section of the behavior support plan that defines monitoring and evaluation procedures should indicate
a. The system that will be used for collecting data
b. The process for data review
c. How often and by whom the data will be reviewed
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
13. The length of the Behavior Support Plan should
a. Be long so that it is thorough
b. Be of an appropriate length so that all relevant elements are covered in the plan
c. Be short so that people will read and understand it
d. None of the above
14. A behavior support plan that does not have clearly defined procedures for responding to difficult situations is
a. Okay to put into place as long as it can be revised
b. Incomplete
c. Complete
d. All of the above
Chapter 05: Writing Behavior Support Plans
15. An effective behavior support plan describes in detail how to respond when
a. Theperson’sthinkingisoff
b. The staff are not doing what they should be doing
c. The most dangerous and difficult behaviors occur
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
16. No behavior support plan can contain a detailed description of every possible interaction or event. In many cases,
however, it is important and helpful to include
a. Clearindicationsofwhattodowhentheperson’sinnerstatesareclearlyoff
b. Scripted descriptions of the daily routines that are most common and the problem situations that are most
c. Analyzing what the person is thinking and putting that information to direct use in the applied situation
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
17. Although every effort will be made to develop proactive procedures that decrease the likelihood of problem
behaviors, family and staff should assume
a. That a well-designed behavior support plan will be effective
b. That any problem behaviors observed in an individual in the past will occur in the future
c. Both of the above
d. Neither of the above
18. With the Behavior Support Plan
a. All participants in the plan should read it and see their responsibilities
b. The person with the problem behavior should read and sign off on the plan
c. Should be internalized by the support providers so that they can effectively implement the plan
d. All of the above
Chapter 05: Writing Behavior Support Plans
19. An effective written plan provides a format for
a. Modifying support procedures in response to ongoing changes in the target individual's behavior and context
b. Modifying the attitudes that support providers have towards the person with the problem behaviors
c. Modifying the attitude that the person with the problem behaviors has towards themself
d. All of the above
20. Behavior support plans should always address
a. The disability label that the person has
b. The diagnosis that the person has
c. Relevant inner states of the person
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
21. How comprehensive should Behavior Support Plans be?
22. What types of evaluation procedures are most effective for Behavior Support Plans?
Chapter 05: Writing Behavior Support Plans

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