Chapter 5 Can Viewed As Set Defensive Policies

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Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility 3e
David Chandler and William B. Werther, Jr.
Instructor Resources
Multiple Choice
1. CSR can be viewed as:
2. With regards to CSR, the “tipping point” refers to a stage where:
3. Walmart most likely has a higher CSR threshold because:
4. Perhaps the most vulnerable strategy to stakeholder CSR concerns would be:
5. Firms that sell based on price are likely:
6. In Europe, pressure for CSR is more likely to come from:
7. _______________ is foremost in creating a firm’s commitment to CSR:
8. To be successful, a CSR officer should have which of the following characteristics
associated with his or her position:
9. The CSR Officer must undertake all of the following activities, except:
Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility 3e
David Chandler and William B. Werther, Jr.
Instructor Resources
10. Contingency plans for the eventuality of CSR failures:
11. The development of a firm’s CSR Position Statement:
12. Violations of CSR by insiders often occur:
13. A significant indication of the extent of integration of CSR into corporate culture is:
14. A CSR audit is most effective when:
15. CSR can be successfully implemented throughout a firm by:
16. Ways to encourage desired CSR behavior are:
17. Over the longer term, the text recommends all of the following methods to help
implement CSR effectively throughout the organization, except:
18. Investor relations departments should give way to:
19. One reason CSR goals are overlooked by some firms is that:
20. The central conflict surrounding the discussion of CSR is:
True and False Questions
21. The issues that determine the CSR Threshold for an individual company are more
complicated than those issues for an industry with certain individual industries being more
vulnerable than others.
22. The U.S. is more self-sufficient in the area of natural resources compared to Europe;
therefore the U.S. has less need to preserve natural resources from an economic perspective
when it comes to enforcing CSR in the area of environmental impact.
23. The urgency with which CSR policies are implemented depends on the perceived CSR
Threshold and the priority the issue holds for the firm’s leaders.
24. It is only important for the internal stakeholders to understand the firm’s CSR position and
vision and how it affects them.
25. Most CSR violations arise at different levels of an organization by decision makers who
are trying to avoid implementing a CSR vision and mission and do not support the initiative.
26. As part of moving CSR to the center of a company’s strategic outlook, a two-way avenue of
communication should be expanded to include a firm’s broader set of stakeholders.
27. Activism is minimally important for a firm to establish a corporate identity that attracts
stakeholders and fulfills the firm’s mission and vision.
Essay Questions:
28. What is meant by the phrase “CSR as brand insurance?” Can you think of a firm that has
benefited from CSR in this way?
29. Why do some firms, industries, and cultures have different “CSR Thresholds” than others?
Illustrate your answer with examples for all three categories.
30. Why is top management support for CSR so critical? Can CSR be delegated? If so, why
and to whom?
31. List four of the eight components of a firm’s plan of action necessary to implement CSR
over the short to medium term. What examples from business can you think of where firms have
performed these actions successfully?
32. In your view, what does a values-based business look like? Think of an example from what
you have seen or read in the news; what makes you believe they are a values-based business;
what do you think would be different about working for a firm like that?

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