Chapter 4 What Are Some Characteristics Children

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 3655
subject Authors James J Gallagher, Mary Ruth Coleman, Samuel Kirk

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1. Although original work was with children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, it is now
widely applied to the teaching of young typically developing children.
a. Itard's
b. Sequin's
c. Montessori's
d. Kirk's
2. The term "mental retardation" has been largely abandoned in favor of "intellectual and developmental disabilities"
because of the negative connotation of the term.
a. True
b. False
3. The most obvious characteristic of children who are mildly or moderately intellectually disabled is limited
a. cognitive ability.
b. motor ability.
c. verbal ability.
d. emotional ability.
4. The definition of IDD requires that there be limitations in
a. intellectual functioning.
b. perceptual-motor skills.
c. adaptive skills.
d. intellectual functioning and adaptive skills.
5. The degree to which individuals meet the standards of personal independence and social responsibility expected of
their age and cultural group is an indication of their
a. adaptive skills.
b. intelligence quotient.
c. physical maturity.
d. moral development.
6. The intensity of support for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities is measured as
a. primary, secondary, and tertiary.
b. mild, moderate, severe, and profound.
c. dependent and independent.
d. intermittent, limited, extensive and pervasive.
7. Adaptive Behavior Scales measure which of the following three categories?
a. Social skills, behavioral skills, and academic skills
b. Conceptual skills, social skills, and occupational skills
c. Behavioral skills, cognitive skills, and pre-vocational skills
d. Occupational skills, behavioral skills and academic skills
8. There are fewer children classified as having IDD in recent years because of changes in the way disabilities are
identified and classified.
a. True
b. False
9. In order to be identified as having an intellectual and developmental disability, an individual must have significant
limitations in
a. only intellectual ability.
b. only adaptive skills.
c. only academic achievement.
d. both intellectual ability and adaptive skills.
10. Memory, association and classification of information, and reasoning and making judgments are assessed by means
a. achievement tests.
b. adaptive behavior scales.
c. intelligence tests.
d. criterion referenced tests.
11. Why is the concept of adaptive behavior important in identifying individuals with intellectual and developmental
12. The shift in diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disability has been from strictly a measurement of cognitive
abilities to
a. measurement of adaptive behaviors.
b. a mix of cognitive abilities and adaptive behaviors.
c. a mix of cognitive abilities and social behaviors.
d. measurement of language skills.
13. include interpersonal skills, responsibility, self-esteem, gullibility, and naïveté.
14. Which of the following is NOT a category of adaptive behavior?
a. Conceptual skills
b. Social skills
c. Cognitive skills
d. Practical skills
15. David Wechsler developed that are widely used to assess IDD.
a. individual tests of intelligence
b. group tests of intelligence
c. adaptive behavior scales
d. achievement tests
16. What factors might explain the disproportionate representation of minority students identified as having IDD?
17. Self-sufficiency in the community, the ability to interact with others, and the ability to maintain employment are
assessed by means of
a. achievement tests.
b. intelligence tests.
c. criterion-referenced tests.
d. adaptive behavior scales.
18. The existence of three copies of chromosome 21 is characteristic of
a. Turner's syndrome.
b. Down syndrome.
c. PKU.
d. Tay-Sachs disease.
19. Which of the following is now recognized as a leading cause of inherited intellectual and developmental disabilities?
a. Tay-Sachs disease
b. Down syndrome
c. Turner's syndrome
d. Fragile X syndrome
20. The inheritance of three copies of the twenty-first chromosome results in
syndrome usually causes mild IDD and a variety of characteristic physical features.
. This
21. Drugs (including alcohol) and cigarette smoke are prime examples of
causes a structural abnormality following fetal exposure during pregnancy.
, agents that
22. Rubella
a. is an infection that will not affect a developing fetus.
b. is a type of prenatal test.
c. is a disease that may cause IDD and other serious birth defects.
d. is a form of encephalitis.
23. In , a single-gene defect that can produce severe IDD, the absence of a specific enzyme
in the liver leads to a buildup of the amino acid phenylalanine.
24. A child's environment has little or no impact on how his IDD will impact his ability to function.
a. True
b. False
25. Heavy drinking by mothers during pregnancy has been found to
a. cause fetal alcohol syndrome, resulting in the death of the mother.
b. be a possible cause of intellectual and developmental disabilities in children.
c. increase the intellectual efficiency and processing of children.
d. be a cause of epilepsy and other neurological conditions in children.
26. What factors contribute to intellectual and developmental disabilities in children?
27. How is language development for children with IDD different from same age peers?
a. There is a rate difference and a qualitative difference.
b. There is a qualitative difference but no rate difference.
c. It is sparser, but the content difference is negligible.
d. It is not substantially different.
28. Phenylketonuria is a(n)
a. inborn error of metabolism.
b. another term for Down syndrome.
c. a chromosome abnormality.
d. a drug used to treat metabolic disorders.
29. Executive function impairment common in children with IDD causes children with IDD to have difficulty with
a. language development.
b. making good judgements.
c. gross and fine motor skills.
d. memory tasks.
30. A reason that children with IDD have difficulty in social situations is
a. a result of short-term memory deficiency.
b. a failure to correctly identify social cues.
c. a deficiency in perceptual-motor activities.
d. unwillingness to respond to adults.
31. Central processing, one of the major components of information processing, is best described as the
a. auditory perception of a stimulus.
b. visual perception of a stimulus.
c. classification of a stimulus through the use of memory, reasoning, and evaluation.
d. choice of a single response from among many possible responses.
32. In the Information Processing Model, central processing includes all of the following EXCEPT
a. sensory input.
b. memory.
c. classification.
d. evaluation.
33. Learned helplessness leads to
a. poor "rehearsal" skills.
b. quitting before trying a task.
c. a state of well-being.
d. improved intellectual functioning.
34. Two common characteristics ascribed to persons with IDD are
a. rigidity and inanity.
b. unpredictable violence and anxiety.
c. lack of muscle tone and discoordination.
d. credulity and gullibility.
35. How can socialization skills best be taught to children with IDD?
a. Directly in the settings in which they occur
b. Generally, so children will be able to transfer them from one setting to another
c. Through constant drill and role-playing
d. Through occasional drill
36. In most school situations, students with mild intellectual and developmental disabilities are initially identified by the
a. school counselor.
b. principal.
c. school psychologist.
d. teacher.
37. Congress has expressed little interest in promoting the practice of inclusion through legislation.
a. True
b. False
38. The practice of inclusion is most associated with which tier of the RtI framework?
a. Tier I
b. Tier II
c. Tier III
d. Inclusion is not associated with RtI.
39. According to Universal Design for Learning (UDL), if the student can't read, then
a. the material is presented visually in pictures.
b. the student is given time to read.
c. some other content is taught.
d. the student is seated to have the proper visual distance.
40. A child with IDD who is receiving intensive instruction in a special learning environment would be at which tier of
the RtI model?
a. Tier I
b. Tier II
c. Tier III
d. This child would not be served within the RtI framework.
41. A system used with children with IDD to present the information to be learned in the most accommodating style for
the individual student's needs is called
a. structured teaching.
b. universal design for learning.
c. cooperative learning.
d. reciprocal teaching.
42. At the secondary level, the major focus of learning for most students with IDD is developing
a. more detailed knowledge in each content area.
b. greater social awareness.
c. greater depth in one or two subject areas.
d. prevocational and life management skills.
43. Differentiated instruction means
a. adjusting the level of difficulty of tasks to fit the average student in the classroom.
b. utilizing the same topic in presenting a lesson in math, reading, science and social studies.
c. adjusting the level of difficulty of tasks to fit the level of development of the child.
d. allowing the student with IDD to do a different task while being in the regular classroom.
44. A technology that can help a student to increase his or her understanding of the vocabulary used in a classroom is
a. assistive instruction.
b. UDL technology.
c. hypertext software.
d. adaptive instruction.
45. An approach to intervention based on behavior science principles and meant to replace punitive measures for
behavior control is
a. FAS.
b. PBIS.
c. UDL.
d. IPM.
46. Discuss the dilemma facing educators in deciding what curriculum is most appropriate for students with IDD. Make
sure you describe how legislation such as NCLB and standards such as the CCSS complicate the issue.
47. Research into the effect of learning environment on children with IDD has found
a. the learning environment alone does not make a striking difference.
b. the learning environment greatly influences the level of academic achievement.
c. the learning environment affects cognitive development but not adaptive behavior.
d. the learning environment affects adaptive behavior but not cognitive development.
48. A primary emphasis for children with moderate IDD is
a. reading and math skills.
b. functional language.
c. science skills.
d. social studies skills.
49. Asking a student with IDD to write a paragraph response to a question while classmates write an essay is an
example of
a. inclusion.
b. positive behavior supports.
c. scaffolding.
d. a tiered assignment.
50. The teacher models the expected behavior, guides the student through the lesson, and fades assistance as the child
learns the task. This is called
a. contingent social reinforcement.
b. cooperative learning.
c. reciprocal teaching.
d. scaffolding.
51. In reciprocal teaching
a. the teacher models the behavior to be learned.
b. th teacher uses direct instruction.
c. the teacher waits for a student to respond.
d. students take turns leading or teaching.
52. The goals of positive behavior interventions and supports include all of the following EXCEPT
a. enhanced social competence.
b. improved academic performance.
c. safe learning and teaching environments.
d. scaffolding punishments.
53. The commitment to high standards in the educational reform movement (such as those promoted by NCLB and
a. will help students with intellectual and developmental disabilities perform better in school by providing greater
supports and sevices.
b. is problematic for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities because they have difficulty with
high-level conceptual material.
c. has caused regional districts to refuse to test students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
d. does not apply to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities because the legislation and standards
acknowledges student differences.
54. provides the means for presenting content in an alternative approach.
a. Instructional technology
b. Task analysis
c. Assistive technology
d. Computer technology
55. What two qualities seem to be most key in determining an intervention's effectiveness?
56. One long-term goal for students with IDD aimed at helping them set and achieve personal goals is
a. cooperative learning.
b. self-determination.
c. reciprocal teaching.
d. positive behavior supports.
57. An example of a Tier II activity to improve social skills in children with IDD is
a. a special educator doing a role-play activity in a class for children with IDD.
b. a small group instruction in social skills with the children with IDD and children from a regular classroom.
c. a regular class discussion in the regular classroom.
d. IEP goals in the special education classroom.
58. Research studies have shown that early childhood intervention for social skills instruction for children at risk for
intellectual and developmental disabilities
a. can lead to counterproductive changes in the child's development.
b. can lead to modest but meaningful changes in the child's development.
c. can lead to dramatic positive changes in the child's development.
d. do not lead to changes in the child's development.
59. Positive Behavior Supports
a. focus on human motivation, not just human behavior.
b. focus on the most positive consequence for the behavior.
c. stress structure and discipline.
d. focus on the behavior and not the circumstances surrounding the behavior.
60. The provision of child care services for parents of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities is called
a. circle of friends.
b. parent to parent.
c. support facilitation.
d. respite care.
61. Approximately what percentage of adults with IDD are competitively employed?
a. 20 percent
b. 40 percent
c. 60 percent
d. 70 percent
62. What is the ultimate goal for students with IDD as they transition to adulthood?

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