Chapter 3 The ultimate goal of AI is to build machines 

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 720
subject Authors Brad Prince, R. Kelly Rainer

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Package Title: Homework Questions
Course Title: IS 5e
Chapter Number: Technology Guide 4
Question Type: True/False
1) The ultimate goal of AI is to build machines that mimic human intelligence.
2) Like human intelligence, artificial intelligence is erratic and perishable.
3) Because AI mimics human intelligence, it has the capability to be creative.
4) Expert systems can only support decision makers but never replace them.
5) Expert systems are very useful in unstructured decision-making environments.
6) IBM’s Watson technology is a better and faster version of search engines such as Yahoo! and Google.
7) Which of the following statements about neural networks is incorrect?
a) Neural networks are adept at recognizing subtle, hidden, and newly emerging patterns within complex
b) Neural networks are able to interpret incomplete inputs.
c) Neural networks can assist users in solving a wide range of problems.
d) Neural networks attempt to mimic human experts by applying expertise in a specific domain.
8) Neural networks are used to detect fraud in credit card transactions and insurance claims, to fight
crime, and to gauge customer satisfaction.
9) _____ is(are) a branch of mathematics that deals with uncertainties by simulating the process of
human reasoning.
a) Fuzzy logic
b) Boolean logic
c) Neural networks
d) Genetic algorithms
10) Fuzzy logic has very limited applications and can be used only in the domains of mathematics and
11) The approach that mimics the evolutionary, survival-of-the-fittest process to generate increasingly
better solutions to a problem is referred to as ___________.
a) Fuzzy logic
b) Boolean logic
c) Neural networks
d) Genetic algorithms
12) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a genetic algorithm?
a) Selection
b) Mutation
c) Segmentation
d) Crossover
13) The application of genetic algorithms can be seen in new product development.
14) Information agents are a type of intelligent agent that deal with uncertainties by simulating the
process of human reasoning
15) The only practical application of information agents is in the online retailing industry.
16) ____ are intelligent agents that constantly observe and report on some item of interest.
a) Googlebots
b) Shop bots
c) Valet bots
d) Predictive bots

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