Chapter 2 Americans Are Fearful Crimed Crime Rates Are

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1581
subject Authors Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F. Cole

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True / False
1. Personal lifestyles do not influence exposure to victimization.
a. True
b. False
2. The tangible costs of crime are large.
a. True
b. False
3. The intangible costs of crime are small.
a. True
b. False
4. Fear of crime is greatest in urban areas.
a. True
b. False
5. Reduction in crime rates reduces the fear of crime.
a. True
b. False
6. Wealthy people can take measures to protect themselves from some types of crime.
a. True
b. False
7. Television feeds our fear of crime
a. True
b. False
8. Race is a key factor in exposure to crime.
a. True
b. False
9. Classical criminology argues that criminal behavior is irrational.
a. True
b. False
10. Positivist criminologists believe that science can be used to discover the causes of crime and to treat deviants.
a. True
b. False
11. Cesare Lombroso's medical training led him to believe that certain people are born criminals.
a. True
b. False
12. Freud proposed a psychoanalytic theory that crime is caused by unconscious drives and forces.
a. True
b. False
13. A state of anomie is where rules or norms that guide behavior have been strengthened or reinforced.
a. True
b. False
14. Emilie Durkheim believed that crime was an unnatural part of social life.
a. True
b. False
15. Most theories about crime are based on men.
a. True
b. False
16. Most theories about crime focus on both the poor and wealthy.
a. True
b. False
17. Similar to men, women who engage in criminal activity disproportionately come from poor families.
a. True
b. False
18. Research shows that the number of women being arrested has decreased significantly.
a. True
b. False
19. Marxism is an example of social conflict theory.
a. True
b. False
20. Labeling is an example of a social process theory.
a. True
b. False
21. Theories of crime causation DO NOT affect laws and crime policies.
a. True
b. False
22. If crime is learned behavior, then there should exist policies to promote stable families.
a. True
b. False
23. Wilson and Herrnstein's book, Crime and Human Nature (1985), argued that certain biological factors such as sex,
age, body type, and intelligence predispose some people to crime.
a. True
b. False
24. Repetitive victimization refers to individuals who are victimized by crime more than once during a relatively brief
period of time.
a. True
b. False
25. Crime has many kinds of costs including economic, psychological, and emotional.
a. True
b. False
26. According to the lifestyle exposure model, who is most likely to be victimized because of where they live and how
they spend their leisure time?
a. elderly white females
b. elderly white males
c. elderly black females
d. young black males
e. young white males
27. According to your text, which of the following statements BEST reflects race victim crime statistics?
a. most violent crime is interracial
b. whites are most likely to be victims of violent crime
c. most victims and offenders are from different social classes
d. whites are not fearful of being victimized by black strangers
e. African-Americans and other minorities are most likely to be victims of violent crimes
28. According to the Lifestyle Exposure Model, which of the following does not affect victimization?
a. exposure
b. associations
c. lifestyle
d. adaptations
e. self-control
29. Crime in poor areas is ALWAYS:
a. high
b. low
c. moderate
d. non-existent
e. None of the above because others factors shift the results
30. According to recent statistics, the crime the highest percentage of Americans fear or worry over is now:
a. getting mugged
b. getting murdered
c. being the victim of identity theft
d. being a victim of terrorism
31. Which of the following statements is TRUE about how Americans refer to crime?
a. crime rates are increasing and Americans are not fearful of crime
b. crime rates are decreasing and Americans are not fearful of crime
c. crime rates are increasing and Americans are fearful of crime
d. crime rates are decreasing and Americans are fearful of crime
32. The fear of crime is greatest in
a. rural areas
b. suburban areas
c. urban areas
d. the workplace
33. The fear of crime is fed by
a. television
b. news media
c. personal communication in social networks
d. all of the above
34. Which of the following is not a main principle of classical criminology?
a. criminal behavior is rational
b. people who commit crimes weigh the costs and benefits
c. fear of punishment keeps most people in check
d. punishment should be tailored to each individual person
35. Which type of criminology used science to study the body, mind, and environment of the offender?
a. classical
b. neoclassical
c. positivist
d. victimology
36. If a person is defined as criminogenic, this means that he/she
a. became a criminal as an adult
b. was born a criminal
c. became a criminal as a result of a traumatic experience
d. will never become a criminal
37. Which class of theory views the cause of criminal behavior from a mental condition, a personality disturbance, or
limited intellect
a. biological explanations
b. psychological explanations
c. criminogenic explanations
d. sociological explanations
38. What stage of life is most significant in Sigmund Freud's theory of personality?
a. fetal development
b. early childhood
c. Adulthood
d. middle age
39. Freud's psychoanalytic theory focuses on
a. adult experiences causing criminal behavior
b. social explanations of crime
c. biological explanations of crime
d. unconscious drives and forces explaining crime
40. Psychoanalytic theory explains criminal behavior as resulting from
a. overdeveloped id
b. perfectly developed ego
c. underdeveloped or overdeveloped superego
d. underdeveloped or overdeveloped ego
41. An explanation of criminal acts that argues being a member of a social group shapes behavior is called
a. Biological
b. Psychological
c. Sociological
d. Physiological
42. A type of social process theory that stresses that social links to keep people in line with accepted norms is called
a. labeling theory
b. learning theory
c. control theory
d. normal theory
43. Which theory contains the idea that any person regardless of education, class, or upbringing can become a criminal?
a. biological theory
b. social process theory
c. social conflict theory
d. social structure theory
44. Who created the theory of differential association?
a. Sigmund Freud
b. James Q. Wilson
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. Edwin Sutherland
45. Criminal activity where family and peers are primary influences is called
a. control theory
b. labeling theory
c. learning theory
d. conflict theory
46. What are the three types of social process theories?
a. learning, control, and labeling
b. biological, psychological, and sociological
c. id, ego, and superego
d. critical, radical, and Marxist
47. Which of the following theories involves the use of criminal law to control society's poor and have-nots?
a. social conflict
b. Learning
c. social structure
d. Labeling
48. Which of the following argued that the women's movement increased the role of women in criminal activity?
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Freda Adler
c. Edwin Sutherland
d. Richard Herrnstein
49. Prior to the 1970s, why was it assumed that women did not commit serious crimes?
a. women were not physically strong enough
b. women were assumed to be very dependent and nurturing
c. women were not given the opportunities to commit such crimes
d. women were too intelligent
50. In relation to men, women commit
a. more crime
b. the same amount of crime
c. less crime
d. no research is available on this subject
51. Most women criminals come from
a. upper-class families
b. middle-class families
c. lower-class families
d. upper-middle class families
52. What two things must a theory explain if it does a good job of explaining gender differences in offending?
a. the gender gap, and differences in types of offenses committed by men and women
b. the fact that women are more criminal than men, and also commit more serious crimes
c. the role of victimization on offending, and the disparate treatment of minority offenders
d. the income inequalities between men and women, and the fact that women are more likely to live with their

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