Chapter 12 She Decided That She Can Make The

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 907
subject Authors Brad Prince, R. Kelly Rainer

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Package Title: Homework Questions
Course Title: IS 5e
Chapter Number: 12
Question Type: True/False
1) Business intelligence applications are used for gathering, storing, accessing, and analyzing data to
help business users make better decisions.
2) Which of the manager’s roles do modern information systems support?
a) Interpersonal Roles
b) Informational Roles
c) Decisional Roles
d) All of the following: interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles
e) Both interpersonal and informational roles
f) Both informational and decisional roles
3) Which of the following is not a reason that managers need IT support?
a) The number of alternatives is decreasing.
b) Decisions must typically be made under time pressure.
c) Decisions are becoming more complex.
d) Managers increasingly need to access remote information sources.
e) Decision makers are often based in different locations.
4) The type of decision that can be made by following a definite procedure is called a(n) ______
a) structured
b) unstructured
c) undocumented
d) semistructured
e) procedural
5) BI refers to only those technologies that obtain data from warehouses.
6) Independent data stores or data silos are an efficient way to store proprietary data because they deny
access to unauthorized parties.
7) Business intelligence applications include:
a) Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
b) Data warehouses
c) Special purpose analytic packages
d) All of these
8) Searching for valuable business information in a database, data warehouse, or data mart refers to
a) structured queries
b) database queries
c) data mining
d) query by example
c) expert system queries
9) At the end of a semester, a student knows that she must score at least an 81 on the final exam to
receive an A in the course. She decided that she can make the 81 by studying the material only the night
before the exam. She has just performed what kind of analysis?
a) What-if
b) Statistical
c) Sensitivity
d) Goal-seeking
e) Simulation
10) Which of the following is not a characteristic of DSS?
a) They support only lower and middle-level managers.
b) They are easy to use and construct.
c) They can be adapted to changing conditions.
d) They typically utilize quantitative models.
e) They support all phases of the decision-making process.
11) The most distinguishing characteristic of geographical information systems is:
a) Every record or digital object has a unique identifier.
b) Every record or digital object is visible to the user.
c) Every record or digital object must be accessed by programmers.
d) Every record or digital object has an identified geographical location.
e) Every record or digital object is encrypted.
12) An important trend is the combination of geographical information systems with _____ to form
geospatial technologies.
a) dashboards
b) global positioning systems
c) decision support systems
d) expert systems
e) neural networks
13) A(n) _____ provides rapid access to timely information and direct access to management reports.
a) decision support system
b) expert system
c) neural network
d) digital dashboard
e) data warehouse
14) ____ is(are) involved with monitoring and managing an organization’s performance according to the
organization’s key performance indicators.
a) Corporate performance management
b) Real-time BI
c) Digital dashboards
d) Expert systems
e) Data warehouses
15) Which of the following factors is associated specifically with corporate performance management
for online businesses?
a) Overhead
b) Network traffic
c) Operational costs
d) Return on investment (ROI)

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