Chapter 10 Nonverbal Communication Includes Written Messages True False

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1113
subject Authors Geraldine E. (Elizabeth) Hynes

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1. Nonverbal communication includes written messages.
2. Statistics show 93 percent of a message comes from nonverbal communication.
3. When nonverbal signals contradict verbal ones, the verbal ones are usually the ones to trust.
4. One color can send the same nonlinguistic message worldwide.
5. Nonverbals enhance communication by combating the effects of noise.
6. Gestures and posture are both examples of movement.
7. Kinesic refers to the space around us and how we and others relate to it.
8. South African and Arab businesspeople generally operate within four zones: intimate,
personal, social, and public.
9. People cooperating on a task compensate for the invasion of their personal tasks by not making
eye contact.
10. Dress is an integral part of the first impression we form on meeting another and is often the
key to initial credibility.
11. Managers do not believe that casual dress affects the quality of work.
12. In business, speaking in a clear, firm, low-pitched voice connotes confidence and results in
more attentive listening.
13. Leakage occurs when contradictory nonverbal signals betray deception.
14. The most common deception-related gesture is the hand-shrug emblem.
15. Smoothing the tie indicates a deceptive answer.
16. An attempted change of personal space is a deception cue.
17. Deceptive answers are likely to be longer and less specific than honest ones.
18. “Faking” body language associated with dominance can improve a person’s self-image.
19. Personal possessions in the office, but not the location of the office, create perceptions.
20. If a speaker takes longer than usual to begin answering a question, he/she is probably lying.
21. Words represent ____ percent of the impact of an oral face-to-face message.
22. Which of the following is not a function recognized by Burbinster for nonverbal
23. Nonverbal signals that occur during conversations to signal to a partner to slow, stop and
even “wait your turn” and lets the other person know when you’re ready to listen is known as
24. The study of body language or movement is known as
25. Gestures include which of the following?
26. Which of the following complement communication by providing an example of or
reinforcing what is being said?
27. Twisting a paper clip during a stressful conversation is what kind of kinesic message?
28. Which movement has been shown to positively influence the flow of conversation?
29. Which of the following refers to the space around us and how we and others relate to it?
30. Nonverbal aspects of vocal delivery include
31. Small talk is valuable because
32. Which of the following is not a deception-related gesture?
33. Signals of deception include which of the following?
34. Which is a personal space deception cue?
35. Which is not a voice deception?
36. Personal effects in the office can be
37. Deception is not shown in which of the following?
38. Two common characteristics of attractiveness that increase wage earnings are _______ and
39. Displayed in an office, which of the following is an artifact that can manipulate an intended
perception of the person?
40. A term that refers to “everything except the words” in a communication event is
41. Which type of gesture has one meaning that everyone agrees on?
42. When nonverbal signals contradict verbal ones, which are the ones to trust?
43. Which nonverbal function is accomplished when a handshake accompanies a greeting?
44. Which spatial zone is the one in which most daily business is conducted in the UnitedStates?
45. The fact that men take up more space than women with their bodies and their artifacts is an
indication of
46. When someone attending a formal event is casually dressed, the impression he or she gives is
47. According to MIT researchers, when coworkers with similar proximity, body language, and
vocal styles communicate,
48. You are trying to indicate interest in the other person while listening. What should you be
doing with your eyes, head, trunk, and hands?
49. Why are emblems different from the typical movement communication cue?
50. In the United States we expect people to “keep their distance.” If someone in a social setting
does not observe our personal zone and instead comes closer than we expect, what might be the
possible cause(s)?

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