Chapter 1 Salivary Glands Which Secrete Amylase Into The

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2090
subject Authors Hillar Klandorf, Lauralee Sherwood, Paul Yancey

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Homeostasis and Integration: The Foundations of Physiology
A. Multiple Choice
a. matter, energy and their interactions.
b. how organisms function.
c. the mind.
d. temperament and character based on outward appearances.
a. homeostasis.
b. homeothermy.
c. home remedy.
d. homeopathy.
a. Structure/function relationships are evident at the organismal level, but not at the
molecular level.
b. Evolution by natural selection led to physiologic adaptation historically, but is not
relevant to extant organisms.
c. Homeostasis is the tendency toward relative stability in the internal environment
of an organism.
d. Feedback control refers specifically to the homeostatic mechanisms that help
organisms stop eating when they’re satiated.
a. understanding physiology can only be accomplished through the study of
evolution by natural selection.
b. the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.
c. understanding physiological phenomena is enhanced by studying model
organisms that have adapted to deal with particular physiological challenges.
d. salamanders are good for studying regeneration of limbs since what will be
learned can be applied to human medicine.
a. proving one's hypothesis
b. asking questions about the natural world
c. proposing explanations for phenomena in the natural world
d. designing experiments that enable one to test a hypothesis
e. conducting experiments and making observations
a. a DNA molecule.
b. a cell.
c. an organelle.
d. a virus.
e. a protein.
a. self-organization.
b. self-regulation.
c. self-support (structural) and movement.
d. self-replication.
e. all of the above
a. adaptations and cost-benefit ratio
b. homologous traits and a common ancestry
c. negative feedback and set point
d. feedforward system and acclimiatization
e. antagonistic control and two effectors
9, 10
a. muscular.
b. nervous.
c. epithelial.
d. connective.
e. all of the above
a. muscle
b. bone
c. blood
d. tendon
e. cartilage
F 1-4
a. The only physiological function for which surface-area-to-volume ratio is relevant
is digestion.
b. The only physiological function for which surface-area-to-volume ratio is
irrelevant is reproduction.
c. For any physiological function, a high surface-area-to-volume ratio is
d. Surface area increases as the square of the linear dimension while volume
increases as the cube.
e. All statements are true.
a. regulators.
b. conformers.
c. warm-blooded.
d. best fried.
a. the maintenance of a nearly constant internal environment by direct
compensatory mechanisms.
b. the maintenance of one of two constant internal environments, in which the two
environments are mirror images of each other.
c. the maintenance of a nearly constant internal environment by an indirect
compensatory mechanism.
d. none of these.
experience in winter represents
a. acclimation.
b. acclimatization.
c. adaptation.
d. feedback inhibition.
17, 18
adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP, or cAMP) by activating or inhibiting adenylyl
cyclase, the enzyme responsible for its production, or by activating or inhibiting
phosphodiesterases, which are responsible for its destruction. Cyclic AMP, in turn,
functions by activating enzyme cascades that set certain metabolic pathways in motion.
The regulation of cAMP levels in cells is an example of
a. homeostasis.
b. rheostasis.
c. equilibrium.
d. adaptation.
e. all of these.
13, 14
a. the value of a parameter, such as the concentration of sugar in the blood, that
homeostatic mechanisms aim to maintain.
b. the value of a parameter, such as the concentration of sugar in the blood, that set
homeostatic mechanisms in motion.
c. the location in a thermal gradient at which a poikilothermic organism rests,
reflecting is preferred body temperature.
d. the winning stroke in a tennis match.
used to the conditions in the laboratory, e.g., the light/dark cycle. The process they
undergo during this time is referred to as
a. acclimation.
b. acclimatization.
c. adaptation.
d. adjustment.
e. evolution.
a. whole-body control
b. maintenance
c. support and movement
d. reproductive
e. solar plexus
21, 22
of the following physiological systems?
a. nervous
b. endocrine
c. muscular
d. skeletal
e. all of these
a. nutrients
b. dissolved gases
c. electrolytes
d. heat
e. none of these
3, 4
a. physics
b. genomics
c. evolution
d. molecular biology
e. all of these
a. the study of bony fishes.
b. the study of life on other planets.
c. the study of media for mass communication.
d. explanations that presume a purposeful goal for evolutionary adaptations.
e. the study of bald-headed men.
small intestine. This specialization reflects an elaboration of which of the following basic
cell functions?
a. obtaining oxygen and nutrients
b. eliminating wastes
c. synthesizing components needed for the cell's survival
d. controlling movement of materials between the cell and its environment
e. reproducing
12, 13
a. concentration of blood sugar
b. concentration of dissolved gases
c. blood volume
d. blood pressure
e. urine volume
F 1-1
closely related?
a. Porifera (e.g. sponges)
b. Echinodermata (e.g. sea stars)
c. Platyhelminthes (e.g. flatworms)
d. Arthropoda (e.g. insects)
e. Mollusca (e.g. octopi)
F 1-2
mainly tissue.
a. nervous
b. muscle
c. connective
d. epithelial
F 1-3
a. nervous
b. muscle
c. connective
d. epithelial
16, 17
a. Feedforward systems anticipate oncoming disturbances.
b. Feedforward systems reduce the delay response associated with negative
feedback systems.
c. The production and accompanying response insulin following the ingestion of
food is one type of feedforward system.
d. All of these are true.
e. None of these are true.
2, 4
a. analogous traits and independent evolution
b. chordata and dorsal notochord
c. dormancy and acclimatization
d. acclimation and controlled environment
e. none of these
2, 3
a. The spine evolved as an adaptation for swimming in fish.
b. Some organisms have vestigial genes.
c. Enantiostasis involves a change in two variables.
d. Two of these.
e. All of these.
placed in distilled water. This ability comes in part as a consequence of activating ion
transport mechanisms that enable them to control cell volume. This activity is an example
a. self-organization.
b. self-regulation.
c. self-support (structural) and movement.
d. self-replication.
e. all of these.
and movement"?
a. ciliary beating in the respiratory epithelium of the trachea
b. flagellar beating of sperm cells
c. microvilli on the luminal surface of intestinal epithelial cells
d. muscle contraction
e. all of these
a. locomotion.
b. nerve conductance.
c. mammalian body temperature.
d. Two responses are homeostatic.
e. No responses are homeostatic.
would be recognized as an example of
a. down regulation.
b. a preadaptation.
c. genetic fitness.
d. a cost-benefit trade off.
e. intrinsic control.
existence of bacterial endosymbionts which invaded ancestral eukaryotes. This
explanation could be considered
a. mechanistic.
b. evolutionary.
c. both of these.
d. neither of these.
low altitudes for long periods of time. This ability is attributed to the superabundance of
mitochondria in their limb muscles. This explanation could be considered
a. mechanistic.
b. evolutionary.
c. both of these.
d. neither of these.
current heat exchangers in their limbs to help maintain their body temperature at a level
well above the ambient temperature. This explanation could be considered
a. mechanistic.
b. evolutionary.
c. teleological.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.
1, 11
of glucose in the blood plasma. The effect of insulin is to stimulate cells to take up glucose
(out of the plasma), resulting in decreased plasma glucose levels. This system is an
example of the physiological principle of
a. homeostasis.
b. homeothermy.
c. home remedy.
d. homeopathy.
e. digestion.
13, 14
a. an integrator.
b. an effector.
c. both of these.
d. neither of these.
B. True or false
F1-1 would be more closely related to mollusks nematodes.
1, 13 would likely trigger a response within the colony causing a reduction in breeding.
16 an example of antagonistic control of body temperature.
F 1-9a
18, 19 of the initial change making them dangerous and not beneficial to humans.
22 membrane to a cell.
F 1-11
2 pinna, are considered to be vestigial structures.
19, 20 body and intrinsic factors originate within the body.
C. Matching (correct answers are aligned with each number; e.g., #1 matches with letter a)
D. Essay
Page No.
following statement from your text:
“Reproductive systems are not essential for homeostasis and therefore
are not essential for survival of the individual.”
local control and a situation in which the same process reflects response to commands
from an "integrator."
some of the functions common to cells, and by extension, to living organisms. Choose
one of the functions from the list below and describe whether viruses can or cannot
perform that function. Conclude whether you consider viruses to be living.
a. self-organization
b. self-regulation
c. self-support (structural) and movement
d. self-replication
e. all of the above

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