CGS SS 38617

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1891
subject Authors James Q. Wilson, John J. DiIulio, Jr. Meena Bose

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__________ are today the nation's largest minority group with more than 50 million
a. African Americans
b. Latinos
c. Asian Americans
d. Native Americans
e. Persians
Pork-barrel legislation is an example of this type of politics.
a. Interest group politics
b. Majoritarian politics
c. Client politics
d. Entrepreneurial politics
e. None of the above is true.
In United States v. Lopez (1995), the Supreme Court ruled that Congress overstepped its
power to regulate commerce by prohibiting __________ in a school zone.
a. guns
b. adult bookstores
c. cigarette sales
d. alcohol sales
e. dog races
In 1971, ratification of the __________ to the U.S. Constitution extended voter
eligibility to all persons age 18 or older.
a. Twenty-Third Amendment
b. Twenty-Fourth Amendment
c. Twenty-Five Amendment
d. Twenty-Sixth Amendment
e. Twenty-Seventh Amendment
The list of the essential rights demanded by the colonists included life, liberty, and
a. trading rights.
b. property rights.
c. the right to own slaves.
d. the pursuit of truth.
e. fraternity.
In the Supreme Court's ruling on President Obama's health care plan, National
Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (2012), the Court
a. upheld the individual mandate to purchase minimum essential health insurance.
b. struck down the law's mandate that state governments expand Medicaid coverage
c. ruled that the monetary penalty if an individual does not buy health insurance is a
permissible federal tax.
d. None of the above is true.
e. Options A, B, C, and D are true.
In 2007, the Supreme Court allowed a school principal to punish a student for
displaying a flag saying "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" because
a. the Court held that it was within the student's freedom of speech to wear the shirt.
b. the Court held that the language incited unruly behavior.
c. the Court held that the language harmed a religion.
d. the Court held that the shirt endorsed drug use.
e. None of the above is true.
Discuss how social class affects public opinions in America.
Slander differs from libel in that it refers to
a. oral statements.
b. written statements.
c. public officials.
d. private individuals.
e. administrative hierarchies.
The final report of the Constitutional Convention was approved on September 17, 1787
a. all twelve states in attendance.
b. eleven of the twelve states attending.
c. every state and delegate attending.
d. every state in the Confederation.
e. None of the above is true.
Female personnel account for approximately _________ of the armed forces today.
a. 3 percent
b. 14 percent
c. 20 percent
d. 30 percent
e. 46 percent
Most blue-collar workers in Great Britain and France think of themselves as
a. working-class.
b. lower-class.
c. middle-class.
d. upper-class.
e. elites.
By 1990, the cost of sugar subsidies to the American consumer was as much as
a. $1 million a year.
b. $3 billion a year.
c. $500 million a year.
d. $1 billion a year.
e. $5 billion a year.
A discharge petition is used by the House to
a. make revisions and additions to a bill before it is voted on.
b. get a bill that is stalled in committee onto the floor.
c. amend a bill that has already passed one house but not the other.
d. override a presidential veto.
e. amend a bill in a manner that will make it quite unpopular.
A classic study of American and Swedish trade-union and political-party leaders found
that Americanswere
a. less likely to favor equal pay for workers.
b. more likely to support liberal political candidates.
c. more likely to support higher spending on welfare programs.
d. more likely to favor limits on pay.
e. All of the above are true.
According to opinion polls, the public wants all of the following except
a. a balanced federal budget.
b. lowered government spending.
c. more spending on education and other programs.
d. tight trade restrictions.
e. a limited government, with no deficit.
__________ funds operate outside of the regular government budget, and the
appropriation committees have no control over these expenditures.
a. Trust
b. Monetary
c. Treasury
d. Federal reserve
e. None of the above is true.
The Supreme Court has argued that the right to privacy can be found in __________ of
the provisions in the Bill of Rights.
a. all
b. legislative interpretations
c. penumbras
d. the Founders' explanations
e. Thomas Jefferson's view
This federal organization is primarily responsible for monetary policy.
a. Council of Economic Advisers.
b. Treasury Department.
c. Office of Management and Budget.
d. Federal Reserve Board (Fed).
e. National Security Agency.
James Madison's main argument in favor of a federalist position, stated in Federalist
No. 10 and No. 51, was in defense of
a. large republics.
b. small democracies governed by direct democracy.
c. a bill of rights.
d. large legislatures with small districts and frequent turnover.
e. centralized judiciaries.
According to public opinion research, the president's use of the "bully pulpit" tends
a. to change opinion throughout the public.
b. to bolster existing public views.
c. to influence foreign opinion about America.
d. to help the president "go public."
e. None of the above is true.
Studies of opinion-policy congruence suggest that the rate at which the government
adopts policies supported by majorities in polls has
a. remained the same over the last four decades.
b. slightly increased in recent years.
c. increased significantly in recent years.
d. been declining since 1980.
e. been declining since the beginning of the Bush administration.
By authority, the authors mean
a. the right to use power.
b. the manner in which power is spread.
c. the use of power for good causes.
d. the desire to have power.
e. the desire to give power to others.
Senatorial courtesy is an especially important consideration in nominations to
a. legislative courts.
b. courts of appeals.
c. district courts.
d. constitutional courts.
e. intermediate appellate courts.
The formation of antislavery organizations during the 1830s and 1840s was an example
of interest groups that formed as a result of
a. government policy.
b. the emergence of talented leadership.
c. the enlargement of governmental responsibilities.
d. broad economic developments.
e. legislative capitulation.
According to the text, the Supreme Court has generally excluded __________ from
many of the restrictions addressed in commerce clause cases.
a. baseball players
b. lawyers
c. janitors
d. window washers
e. farmers
In this decision, the Supreme Curt ruled that American foreign policy is vested entirely
in the federal government where the president has plenary power.
a. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. v. United States
b. Korematsu v. United States
c. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer
d. Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
e. Rasul v. Bush
One perhaps ironic result of an activist government is
a. an increase in public trust of government.
b. a decline in interest group activity.
c. a decline in voter turnout.
d. an increase in party-related activity.
e. an increase in the role of courts.
__________ politics means that all or most people benefit and all or most pay.
a. Majoritarian
b. Client
c. Interest-group
d. Entrepreneurial
e. None of the above is true.
Political activism is correlated most closely with
a. political conservatism.
b. libertarian politics.
c. gender.
d. class differentiation.
e. ideological consistency.
Before 1824, this cabinet position was regarded as a stepping stone to the presidency.
a. Vice Presidency
b. Secretary of State
c. Secretary of War
d. Secretary of the Treasury
e. Governor
Agencies tend to be dominated by lifetime bureaucrats who have worked for no other
Passage of the Pendleton Act was encouraged by the assassination of James Garfield.
In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Maryland could
not tax a bank chartered by the national government.
The interstate highway system was built during the administration of Dwight
Compare and contrast presidential and congressional campaigns.
George Washington believed the country could survive only with a strong national
Most Americans do not employ the words "liberal" or "conservative" when explaining
their political beliefs and preferences.
In the immediate aftermath of Brown v. Board of Education, southern resistance to
school integration quickly collapsed.
In 1989, the Webster case upheld some state restrictions on abortion.
Libel involves written statements.
In 2000, Ralph Nader launched the Green party.
In Citizens United v. F.C.C., the Supreme Court ruled that corporations and labor unions
cannot be stopped from running ads in conjunction with a political party and/or a
candidate's campaign.
The Motor Voter Law has clearly led to an increase in the number of registered voters
and an increase in voter turnout.
The atmosphere now has less carbon monoxide than it once did.
Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Sandra Day O"Connor are the only current female
Supreme Court justices.

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