CGS SS 21890

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 23
subject Words 1791
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Which of the following statements about gender and ethnicity in the workplace is true?
A) Inequalities in promotion become less pronounced over time.
B) Women who are promoted usually attain the most prestigious high-level
management jobs.
C) The glass ceiling is a phenomenon of the past in the United States.
D) Women who demonstrate leadership qualities encounter prejudice because they
deviate from traditional gender roles.
Research on peer groups during middle childhood shows that
A) children who belong to a peer group rarely use relationally aggressive tactics to oust
no longer "respected" children.
B) within peer groups, children learn cooperation, leadership, followership, and loyalty
to collective goals.
C) most school-age children believe it is okay for a group to exclude a peer.
D) formal peer groups, such as 4-H or religious youth groups, often satisfy children's
desire for group membership.
In all, about _____ percent of synapses are pruned during childhood and adolescence to
reach the adult level.
A) 10
B) 20
C) 30
D) 40
Which of the following statements is supported by research on individual differences in
motor skills?
A) Environmental factors have little impact on sex differences in motor skills.
B) Sex differences in motor skills decrease with age.
C) Children master the motor skills of early childhood during everyday play.
D) Participation in competitive sports at a young age fosters motor development.
Compared to other industrialized nations, the United States has a high childhood injury
rate, largely because of
A) rapid population growth.
B) widespread childhood poverty.
C) overcrowding in cities.
D) inadequate safety measures.
Baby Andrew accidentally kicks his mobile, producing music. Andrew then repeatedly
kicks his leg to repeat the effect, gradually forming a new kicking scheme. Andrew is in
which of Piaget's sensorimotor substages?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Tammy's father is an exceptional gymnast. When Tammy was just a toddler, her father
believed that Tammy already showed great promise as a gymnast. Tammy's father
probably believes that athletic ability is mostly determined by
A) nurture.
B) stages.
C) nature.
D) early experiences.
During puberty,
A) the cephalocaudal growth trend of infancy and childhood reverses.
B) the torso accelerates first, followed by the hands, legs, and feet.
C) the average child gains 20 to 35 pounds.
D) girls' shoulders broaden relative to the hips.
Which of the following methods is best suited for studying whether American parents
are warmer than Japanese parents?
A) systematic observation
B) case study
C) structured interview
D) ethnography
Interviews with professional actors reveal that most memorize their lines by
A) rote.
B) rehearsing the lines many times.
C) breaking the script into "beats."
D) focusing on the mechanics of speech.
Candace and Christina sit side by side playing with their dolls. They do not talk or try to
influence each other. They are engaging in __________ play.
A) nonsocial
B) parallel
C) associative
D) cooperative
Melissa has a family history of both cardiovascular disease and breast cancer. Her
doctor is likely to
A) prescribe hormone therapy for at least five years.
B) begin hormone therapy a decade or two after menopause.
C) advise against hormone therapy.
D) prescribe hormone therapy on a short-term basis.
Which of the following statements about formal support for older adults is true?
A) Formal support spares older adults from feeling overly dependent in their close
B) Ethnic minority older adults more readily accept formal assistance than members of
the majority culture.
C) African-American seniors say they rely more on their church than on their families
for assistance.
D) Formal support often results in psychological distress because many older adults
value independence.
In two investigations of Caucasian older adults, __________ was associated with
favorable adjustment following loss of a spouse.
A) religious activity
B) membership in a congregation
C) religious belief
D) remarriage within six months
Mia returned to college at age 45. She will probably need help in
A) selecting a major.
B) academic tutoring.
C) choosing the most appropriate courses.
D) effective time management strategies.
Nina sees her neighbor in the supermarket and immediately knows her. Nina's
experience is an example of __________ memory.
A) temporal
B) recognition
C) associative
D) implicit
Dwayne feels that his parents and peers disapprove of his knitting hobby. His parents
have tried to encourage him to consider other hobbies, such as woodworking or coin
collecting. Dwayne is distressed and stops knitting. Which of the following accurately
describes Dwayne's gender identity self-evaluation?
A) gender contentedness
B) gender typicality
C) feels pressure to conform to gender roles
D) gender-disconnectedness
Compared with younger workers, laid off middle-aged workers are
A) less likely to perceive the layoff as highly traumatic.
B) more likely to experience a sense of freedom and relief.
C) less likely to suffer substantial income loss.
D) more likely to find themselves "off-time" in terms of the social clock.
Cross-cultural evidence indicates that
A) attachment patterns may have to be interpreted differently in certain cultures.
B) babies in Mali show more avoidant attachment than American babies do.
C) Japanese infants rarely show resistant attachment.
D) there are no significant cultural variations in attachment patterns.
Raven is less concerned about others' expectations than she was in her thirties. She is
now more concerned with following her own standards. Raven exhibits
A) generativity.
B) autonomy.
C) environmental mastery.
D) stagnation.
In a series of studies using the violation-of-expectation method, Rene Baillargeon and
her collaborators claimed to have found evidence for
A) mental representations in babies between 6 and 12 months of age.
B) mental representations in babies between 12 and 15 months of age.
C) object permanence in the first few months of life.
D) tertiary circular reactions in the first few months of life.
Because infant scores do not tap the same dimensions of intelligence measured at older
ages, they are conservatively labeled __________ rather than IQs.
A) perceptual quotients (PQs)
B) habituation quotients (HQs)
C) distribution quotients (DQs)
D) developmental quotients (DQs)
At a recent family reunion, Philip's uncle recognized him as his brother's son, but could
not recall his name. Philip's uncle exhibited a(n) __________ memory deficit.
A) associative
B) implicit
C) remote
D) prospective
Children who learn how to solve math problems by rote
A) are skilled at solving advanced multiplication and division problems.
B) seldom make errors on new problems.
C) often invent successful strategies to solve new problems.
D) have difficultly applying "math rules" to new problems.
Research demonstrates that only children __________ compared to children with
A) exhibit higher rates of antisocial behavior
B) have lower self-esteem
C) display poorer social skills
D) are higher in self-esteem and achievement motivation
According to Mildred Parten, two forms of true social interaction are __________ and
__________ play.
A) nonsocial; associative
B) parallel; nonsocial
C) cooperative; parallel
D) associative; cooperative
The lifespan perspective on human development assumes that development is
A) static and stable.
B) multidimensional and multidirectional.
C) continuous, rather than discontinuous.
D) largely the result of heredity.
Mr. Bigelow is in the final stage of cancer. During the first moments in which the
regular heartbeat disintegrates, he gasps and has muscle spasms. Mr. Bigelow is
A) the agonal phase of death.
B) clinical death.
C) brain death.
D) mortality.
Compared to their agemates, adolescents from immigrant families are __________
likely to __________.
A) more; commit delinquent and violent acts
B) more; use drugs or alcohol
C) more; have early sex
D) less; commit delinquent or violent acts
Neurons send messages to one another by releasing chemicals called
A) synapses.
B) neurotransmitters.
C) glial cells.
D) myelins.
Which of the following statements about the physical signs of aging is true?
A) The hands are especially likely to show the effects of aging.
B) Oil glands that lubricate the skin become more active.
C) Cigarette smokers have fewer age spots than nonsmokers.
D) In men with heredity pattern baldness, hair follicles begin to produce fine, downy
By third grade, most school-age children justify their preference for verbal strategies for
coping with negative emotion by
A) mentioning avoidance of punishment.
B) mentioning avoidance of embarrassment.
C) emphasizing concern for others' feelings.
D) mentioning adult approval.
Which of the following is a secondary sexual characteristic?
A) ovaries
B) pubic hair
C) scrotum
D) testes
Which of the following statements regarding students' ratings of their elementary,
middle-, and high school learning experiences is true?
A) Students tend to rate their high school experiences more favorably than their
elementary school experiences.
B) Students report that their middle- and high school teachers care less about them and
are less friendly than their elementary school teachers.
C) Students tend to rate their middle-school experiences more favorably than their
elementary school experiences.
D) Students report that their elementary school teachers graded less fairly and stressed
competition more than their middle- and high school teachers.
Describe a newborn's visual sensory capacity. How does a typical newborn respond to
visual stimulation?
Are chubby babies at risk for later overweight and obesity? How can concerned parents
prevent their infants from becoming overweight children and adults?
Anya is a rejected-withdrawn child. Describe the characteristics that Anya likely
displays as a result.
Discuss Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love. Define its components, and
discuss how each changes over the course of a relationship.
Define and describe terminal decline.
What is the maximum lifespan of humans? Does this figure actually reflect the upper
bound of human longevity, or can it be extended? Should it be increased as far as
Describe the role that Charles Darwin played in the study of human development.
Describe longitudinal design, and explain its strengths and weaknesses.
Explain dynamic systems theory of motor development.
Describe the Green House model. How is it different from traditional nursing-home
Describe the ways that the lives of expectant teenagers tend to worsen with regard to
educational attainment, marital patterns, and economic circumstances after the baby is
Describe Noam Chomsky's theory of language development.
Summarize the reproductive changes that men undergo during the aging process.
Describe how sibling interactions adapt to development at adolescence.
List four reasons why adolescent friendships that are high in trust and support
contribute to psychological health and competence.
Discuss the consequences of childhood obesity.
According to Elisabeth Kbler -Ross, what are the five typical ways a terminally ill
person responds to the prospect of death and the ordeal of dying? Provide a description
of each response.
What is the goodness-of-fit model? Explain the relationship between temperament and
child rearing.
What is kangaroo care? How is it used to foster development in preterm newborns?
Describe the Apgar Scale, and explain how it is used.

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