CGS SS 20896

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2157
subject Authors James Q. Wilson, John J. DiIulio, Jr. Meena Bose

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This plan presented at the Constitutional Convention called for a bicameral legislative
body with states' representation in each house based on population.
a. Connecticut Plan
b. New Jersey Plan
c. Maryland Plan
d. Virginia Plan
e. Great Compromise
Democrats who participate in the Iowa caucus tend to be
a. more liberal than Democrats generally.
b. more conservative than Democrats generally.
c. less likely to win the nomination compared to other candidates who do not
d. more moderate than Democrats generally.
e. None of the above is true.
When the Framers of the Constitution wrote "republican form of government," they
were referring to
a. direct democracy.
b. democratic centralism.
c. mob rule.
d. town meetings.
e. representative democracy.
There are 94 __________ in the federal judiciary.
a. constitutional courts
b. district courts
c. courts of appeal
d. legislative courts
e. supreme courts
The staff agency that advises Congress on the probable economic effect of different
spending programs and the cost of proposed policies is the
a. Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
b. General Accounting Office (GAO).
c. Congressional Research Service (CRS).
d. Office of Technology Assessment (OTA).
e. Congressional Research Fund (CRF).
When Congress formally sets aside money for a specific use, it is called a(n)
a. allocation
b. appropriation
c. monetary-enhancement measure
d. fiscal measure
e. authorization measure
In a classic study of the political beliefs and attitude of children, American children
were more likely to argue that a president who was pulled over for speeding would be
a. warned.
b. reprimanded.
c. let off completely.
d. fined or ticketed.
e. impeached.
The text says that it would be a mistake to conclude that the doctrine of dual federalism
a. entirely dead.
b. alive and well.
c. much changed.
d. no longer a threat.
e. an empirical reality.
With respect to impact of motor voter laws, the evidence suggests
a. the number of registrants has not increased but voter turnout has increased slightly.
b. the number of registrants has increased somewhat but voter turnout has not increased
c. vote turnout and registration has increased significantly.
d. vote turnout and registration has not increased significantly.
e. None of the above is true.
In 1993, President Clinton raised the top income tax rate to over
a. 15 percent.
b. 20 percent.
c. 31 percent.
d. 39 percent.
e. 53 percent.
The personality of which president began to alter the relationship between the president
and Congress and the nature of presidential leadership?
a. Andrew Jackson
b. Ulysses S. Grant
c. Richard Nixon
d. Jimmy Carter
e. William Henry Harrison
The term yellow journalism was coined to describe media sensationalism in what era?
a. The early days of the republic
b. The time of the Civil War
c. The turn of the century
d. Post-World War II
e. The Great Depression
The rule of propinquity states that
a. power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
b. power tends to be shared most evenly when leadership is weakest.
c. power tends to be wielded by the people who are in the room where a decision is
d. power is greatest when legitimacy is strongest.
e. power is rarely distinguishable from wealth and fame.
The National Performance Review, led by Vice President Al Gore, argued that the
problem with bureaucracy was that
a. it had become too centralized.
b. too rule-bound.
c. too little concerned with making programs work.
d. too much concerned with avoiding scandal.
e. All of the above are true.
In the __________ decision, the Supreme Court ruled that persons charged with a crime
have a right to an attorney even if they cannot afford one.
a. Gideon v. Wainwright
b. Mapp v. Ohio
c. Miranda v. Arizona
d. United States v. Leon
e. Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
The Framers' concerns about direct democracy are well illustrated by the fact that the
a. uses the word democracy only once, in the Preamble.
b. uses the word democracy only in reference to Congress.
c. does not feature the word democracy at all.
d. uses only the word democratic.
e. frequently uses the word democracy, but never in reference to the enumeration of a
The "Exceptions" clause in Article III, Section III has been interpreted by the Court to
mean that
a. Congress can change the Court's appellate jurisdiction.
b. Congress can change the Court's original jurisdiction.
c. only the Supreme Court can alter its appellate jurisdiction.
d. only the president can call for a change in the Supreme Court's appellate jurisdiction.
e. Congress can change the pay of Supreme Court justices.
The Founders did not include in the U.S. Constitution an explicit statement of state
powers but added it later in
a. the Second Amendment.
b. the Seventh Amendment.
c. the Tenth Amendment.
d. the Fourteenth Amendment.
e. None of the above is true.
Democratic rule changes were drafted in 1972 by a commission headed by
a. Edward Kennedy.
b. Barbara Mikulski.
c. Jacob Javits.
d. George McGovern.
e. Hubert Humphrey.
An advantage of direct-mail appeals is that they
a. cost very little.
b. can be directed at specific subgroups of the population.
c. can blanket the entire electorate.
d. reach only the literate.
e. can convince strong partisans to change their perspectives.
A city council representative faces an important vote on how much, if any, money to
spend on a new school. The representative relies on a poll of her constituents to make a
decision. This is in keeping with the form of politics known as
a. participatory politics.
b. majoritarian politics.
c. pluralist politics.
d. elitist politics.
e. reciprocal politics.
In recent elections, candidates have relied increasingly on
a. appearances at malls to reach potential voters.
b. large parades and rallies to reach potential voters.
c. whistlestop train tours to reach potential voters.
d. appearances at factories to reach potential voters.
e. broadcasting to reach potential voters.
Which is correct about the Senate confirming federal judges?
a. Until recently, most judges were confirmed.
b. Only liberal judges have been confirmed in recent years.
c. Activist judges are more likely to be confirmed than constructionists.
d. The president holds little respect for the opinions of Senators.
e. Senators actually nominate judges.
A means tested social program is limited to people of certain
a. social statuses.
b. education levels.
c. income levels.
d. age groups.
e. states.
All of the following gave significant tax benefits to most taxpayers except
a. mortgage interest deductions.
b. Schedule C deductions.
c. state tax payments.
d. interest on consumer loans.
e. local tax payments.
National party conventions were developed as a reform of
a. the Electoral College.
b. party caucuses.
c. primary elections.
d. direct elections.
e. recall elections.
The total value of all a nation's goods and services produced each year is called
a. adjusted production value.
b. consumer price index.
c. gross domestic product.
d. goods measure.
e. international trade product.
The president's national security adviser and the National Security Council (NSC)
a. helps the president coordinate the foreign policy bureaucracy.
b. controls the State Department.
c. runs the Defense Department.
d. Options A, B, C, and D are true.
e. None of the above is true.
A federal republic derives its powers from
a. the people.
b. the states.
c. the Congress.
d. the courts.
e. None of the above is true.
The text suggests there has been little decrease, and some increase, in the percentage of
a. campaign.
b. contact government officials.
c. volunteer.
d. work on community issues.
e. do all of the above.
Identify and discuss the four worldviews discussed in this chapter.
Discuss the differences of opinion between Thomas Hobbes and John Locke regarding
the nature of democracy.
Explain Shays's Rebellion and its significance.
The concept of dual federalism grew out of a debate on the issue of commerce.
Lower income earners tend to vote Democratic.
Privacy is mentioned only once in the Constitution.
De jure segregation refers to segregation that is the result of residential patterns as
opposed to deliberate government policy.
The Supreme Court prevented the government from levying an income tax.
The Supreme Court has ruled that Congress cannot require local police to conduct
background checks on all gun purchasers.
The British prime minister can declare war without the consent of Parliament.
The earliest method for nominating presidential candidates was the party convention.
At the Constitutional Convention, Roger Sherman of Connecticut wanted the president
elected by thepeople.
Writers for the national press tend to be more conservative than their local counterparts.
Political elites change their minds more slowly than the average citizen.
In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that the equal protection clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed political equality but not social equality.
The Articles of Confederation empowered the national government with the ability to
regulate interstate commerce leading to an era of prosperity.
In recent years, public trust in the news media has increased.
In 1776, most state constitutions had detailed bills of rights.
What are some examples of the interest group and client politics in foreign policy?
The text suggests that the reforms of the Democrats and Republicans may have shifted
emphasis from blue- and white-collar workers to upper-middle-class voters.

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