CGS SS 11590

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2070
subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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How did the Belgian colonizers of East Africa identify who was Tutsi and who was
A.individual self-identification
B.the number of cattle owned
C.previous census data
D.phenotype, or how the individual physically looked
E.unique tribal body modifications such as scar tattoos
Found in a cave in Slovenia, the oldest known musical instrument, the "Divje babe
flute," dates back more than
A.130,000 years.
B.5,000 years.
C.5 million years, to roughly the time of the emergence of bipedalism.
D.43,000 years.
E.10,000 years, the same time as the emergence of agriculture.
Ethnography is the of biological adaptability.
B.preliminary data that sociologists use to develop survey research.
C.fieldwork component of cultural anthropology.
D.cross-cultural comparative component of cultural anthropology.
E.generalizing aspect of cultural anthropology.
Which of the following is true about medical anthropology?
A.It is the field that proved that people from rural areas suffer only from illnesses and
not diseases.
B.It applies non-Western health knowledge to a troubled industrialized medical system.
C.Typically in cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, this field does market
research on the use of health products around the world.
D.This field applies Western medicine to solving health problems around the world.
E.This growing field considers the biocultural context and implications of disease and
Which of the following did NOT result from Christopher Columbus's voyages?
A.The rate of violence among Native Americans markedly increased.
B.Europeans extracted silver and gold from the land.
C.Europeans enslaved Native Americans.
D.Europeans offered statehood to Peru, Mexico, and Cuba.
E.Europeans colonized New World lands.
In a bifurcate merging kinship terminology, what is merged?
A.same-sex siblings of each parent
B.members of the family of orientation and those of the family of procreation
C.affinal relatives and collateral relatives
D.affinal relatives and lineal relatives
E.lineal relatives and offspring
What term refers to wealth or resources invested in business with the intent of
producing a profit?
A.the modern world system
B.industrialization open class system
D.socioeconomic stratification
What is meant by the term feminization of poverty?
A.the view that conditions of poverty are emasculating
B.the increasing number of women among the poorest people
C.the popularity of feminist ideals among poor people
D.the recent campaign by feminists to work with the poor
E.the view that only women care about issues of poverty
In Spanish-speaking Latin America, social scientists and politicians favor which term
over indio (Indian), the colonial term that the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors used
to refer to the native inhabitants of the Americas?
A.indigena (indigenous person)
D.cultural patrimony
________ is synonymous with the arts.
A.Social creativity
D.Expressive culture
In survey research, what is sampling?
A.the collection of a study group from a larger population
B.the interviewing of a small number of key cultural consultants
C.a form of participant observation
D.the collection of life histories of every member in a community
E.a collection reflecting the emic perspective
According to genealogical kin types used by anthropologists to study kinship relations,
what kind of relative is ego's mother's brother?
A.lineal relative
B.affinal relative
C.collateral relative
D.nuclear family member
E.member of the P2 generation
Despite the analytical usefulness of learning about anthropologist Elman Service's
typology of political organization into bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states, it is
important to remember that
A.Bronislaw Malinowski first came up with this typology. applies only to the reality of societies in the so-called Third World.
C.none of these political entities, or polities, can be studied as a self-contained form of
political organization, because all exist within nation-states. has no practical value in ethnographic research, only in theoretical anthropology.
E.people all over the world vocally reject being classified under such a typology and
typically express their anger through hidden transcripts.
Noting that chiefdoms created the megalithic cultures of Europe, such as the one that
built Stonehenge, Kottak reminds us that
A.chiefdoms that failed to become states did not have enough stone.
B.chiefdoms and states can fall as well as rise.
C.all chiefdoms end up becoming states.
D.all powerful chiefdoms required elaborate stonework to be recognized by competing
E.chiefdoms have been among the rarest forms of social organization throughout human
Which of the following tend to be directed at socially marginal individuals as a method
of social control?
A.blood feuds
B.Olympian religions
C.rites of passage
D.cargo cults
E.witchcraft accusations
What is one of the most fundamental key assumptions that anthropologists share?
A.There are no universals, so cross-cultural research is bound to fail.
B.A degree in philosophy is the best way to produce good ethnography.
C.We can draw conclusions about human nature by studying a single society.
D.Anthropologists cannot agree on what anthropology is, much less share key
E.A comparative, cross-cultural approach is essential to study the human condition.
Which of the following does NOT illustrate the kinds of work that applied
anthropologists do?
A.working for or with international development agencies, such as the World Bank and
the U.S. Agency for International Development
B.helping the Environmental Protection Agency address environmental problems
C.borrowing from fields such as history and sociology to broaden the scope of
theoretical anthropology
D.using the tools of medical anthropology to work as cultural interpreters in public
health programs
E.applying the tools of forensic anthropology to work with police, medical examiners,
the courts, and international organizations to identify victims of crimes, accidents, wars,
and terrorism
What is the name of the Brazilian danceplay that reenacts the Portuguese discovery of
E.Dia do Descobrimento
Which of the following is NOT true of core nations?
A.They export their raw materials to other countries.
B.They consist of the strongest and most powerful states.
C.They have advanced systems of production.
D.They have complex economies.
E.They represent the dominant structural position in the world system.
Traditional ethnographic research focused on the single community or culture, which
was treated as more or less isolated and unique in time and space; however,
A.all such single communities have already been studied, so anthropologists have very
limited project choices.
B.there has been a shift within the discipline toward a recognition of ongoing and
inescapable flows of people, technology, images, and information.
C.the American Anthropological Association still requires its members to strive toward
research focused on one single community.
D.this is no longer true, nor has it ever really been true, a fact that renders classic
ethnographies historical curiosities and not serious academic works.
E.there has been a shift within the discipline against the concept of culture and toward
the individual as the only true, reliable unit of analysis.
According to Weber, what are the three dimensions of social stratification?
A.the means of production, mode of production, and measure of production
B.status, exchange, and religion
C.gender, ethnicity, and race
D.wealth, power, and prestige
E.age, gender, and ethnicity
A policy of ethnic expulsion aims at removing from a country groups who are culturally
different. There are many examples, including Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 1990s;
Uganda expelling 74,000 Asians in 1972; and so on. The neofascist parties of
contemporary western Europe advocate the repatriation of immigrant workers. What is
one of the potential consequences of such policies?
A.the breakup of imaginary communes
B.the creation of refugeespeople who have been forced or have chosen to flee a country
to escape persecution or war
C.state-mandated forced assimilation
D.the creation of class consciousness
E.gender stratification
What does it mean to say that humans use culture instrumentally?
A.People use culture to fulfill their basic biological needs for food, drink, shelter,
comfort, and reproduction.
B.People use culture to develop artistic endeavors, including musical instruments and
visual arts.
C.People use culture to advance civilization.
D.Culture is a human construct.
E.Culture is instrumental in the creation of societies.
Which of the following statements about political leaders in foraging bands is true?
A.They maintain power by keeping up strong ties with the commoner class.
B.They have inherited special access to strategic resources.
C.They maintain control by conquering foreign territories.
D.They have no means of forcing people to follow their decisions.
E.They are the most dominant males in the largest, most powerful descent group.
What is the term for ethnic groups that once had, or wish to have or regain, autonomous
political status?
B.captive nations
E.ethnic avengers
Ethnographic evidence has revealed that traditionally, Pawnee women worked wood,
and among the Hidatsa, women made boats. Cases such as these suggest that
A.the division of labor by gender is a natural characteristic of human societies.
B.biology has nothing to do with gender roles.
C.anthropologists are overly optimistic about finding a society with perfect gender
D.patterns of division of labor by gender are culturally generalnot universal.
E.exceptions to cross-cultural generalization are actually the rule.
East Asians who have emigrated recently from India and Pakistan to northern areas of
the United Kingdom have a higher incidence of rickets and osteoporosis than the
general British population. This phenomenon illustrates that
A.natural selection continues today.
B.genetic adaptation of environmental stressors can occur within one generation.
C.cultural adaptation provides effective shortcuts to those that are genetically
disadvantaged in a foreign environment.
D.because of global warming, the lack of sunlight that people are exposed to in the
northern regions is made up for by the intensity of the sunlight.
E.natural selection's role in determining skin color is a thing of the past, relevant only
prior to the 16th century, when massive population migrations altered the geographic
distribution of dark-skinned people.
What is an example of what Bourdieu calls symbolic domination in the context of
language use? an egalitarian society, the promotion of linguistic diversity
B.pride in one's linguistic heritage, regardless of what the majority thinks
C.the fact that in a stratified society, even people who do not speak the prestige dialect
tend to accept it as standard or superior
D.focal vocabulary contrasts among groups
E.Chomsky's insistence that the universal grammar defines all culture
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic field technique of the ethnographer?
A.structured interviewing histories
C.random sampling
D.working with informants
E.the genealogical method
What is anthropology?
A.the art of ethnography
B.the study of long-term physiological adaptation
C.the study of the stages of social evolution
D.the humanistic investigation of myths in nonindustrial societies
E.the exploration of human diversity in time and space
What is the study of the sounds used in speech?

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