CAS BI 316 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 799
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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Which of the following statements is false regarding micturition?
A) When you relax the external urethral sphincter, the internal sphincter will relax.
B) Urination will be completed despite voluntary opposition.
C) Parasympathetic nervous control is involved with the micturition reflex.
D) Stretch receptors in the bladder are stimulated by the warm temperature of the urine.
E) Bladder contractions can force open the internal urethral sphincter.
Ventilation performed by contraction of the external intercostals muscle is known as
________ breathing.
A) forced
B) deep
C) costal
D) labored
E) passive
Which of these descriptions best matches the term B lymphocytes?
A) adhere to collagen beneath endothelium
B) helper cells are one type
C) develop into plasma cells
D) kill bacteria using hydrogen peroxide
E) often elevated in allergic individuals
Exposure to ________ generally causes a rapid increase in the rate of mucus production
in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
A) noxious vapors
B) unpleasant stimuli
C) allergens
D) debris or pathogens
E) All of the answers are correct.
Figure 20-2 Cardiac Cycle
What occurs at "A" on the graph?
A) Semilunar valve opens.
B) Semilunar valve closes.
C) AV valve opens.
D) AV valve closes.
E) end systolic volume
The intracellular protein ________ binds calcium ion. This complex can then activate
A) prostaglandin
B) leukotrieneiuretic factor
C) cyclic AMP
D) calmodulin
E) kinase
The ________ ligament extends from the lateral surface of the ovary to the pelvic wall.
A) suspensory
B) ovarian
C) round
D) gubernaculum
E) mesovarium
The conversion of the stimulus into an action potential to be interpreted by the brain is
A) transformation.
B) transduction.
C) translation.
D) transcription.
E) transpotential.
Which of the following descriptions best matches the term external intercostal?
A) accessory muscle of expiration
B) accessory muscle of inspiration
C) primary muscle of inspiration
D) primary muscle of expiration
E) an accessory muscle for both expiration and inspiration
Active sites become exposed when calcium ions bind to
A) tropomyosin.
B) actin.
C) myosin.
D) troponin.
E) calcium channels.
Blood volume represents about ________ percent of a person's body weight.
A) 7
B) 15
C) 2
D) 25
E) 42
You have spent 24 hours traveling from the U.S to New Zealand, on quite a few
airplanes with many stops. Because of the stress, changes in time zones, and short
blocks of time between planes, you find yourself tired with a headache when you arrive.
You are severely dehydrated. A hematocrit value on your blood would be ________
than normal because ________.
A) lower; more red blood are being made by the bone marrow
B) higher; you have less blood plasma volume
C) lower; the bone marrow is making fewer red blood cells due to the latitude of the
D) higher; more plasma proteins are made by the liver
The structural units of mature compact bone are called
A) trabeculae.
B) osteocytes.
C) osteons.
D) canaliculi.
E) lamellae.
The ________ separates the dura mater from the walls of the vertebral canal.
A) subdural space
B) subarachnoid space
C) epidural space
D) venous dural sinus
E) central canal
The adult skeleton contains ________ major bones.
A) 88
B) 115
C) 174
D) 206
E) 251
Which structure is called an osteon?
Figure 6-1 The Structure of Compact Bone
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
In arteries, the thick layer of elastic fibers associated with the tunica intima is called the
A) tunica intima.
B) external elastic membrane.
C) tunica media.
D) internal elastic membrane.
E) tunica externa.
Which area of the graph shows when potassium channels open?
Figure 12-2 The Nerve Action Potential
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Which of the following is not a function of the nasal mucosa?
A) warming the incoming air
B) trapping particulate matter
C) dehumidifying the incoming air
D) cooling outgoing air
E) None of the answers is correct; all of these are functions of the nasal mucosa.
Stem cells that will form B cells or NK cells are found only in the
A) red bone marrow.
B) liver.
C) spleen.
D) thymus.
E) kidneys.

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