CAS BI 29562

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 1764
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. dissipates excess vibrational energy to the middle ear
b. contains the organ of Corti
c. separates the outer and middle ears
d. membrane-covered gateway to inner ear
e. consists of tissue containing rods and cones
f. bone in middle ear
g. peak height and valley depth of sound waves are its basis
h. maintain balance and position; detect acceleration
i. depends on the number of wave cycles per second
j. a substance that elicits a response in members of the same species
k. regulates size of pupil and amount of incoming light
The obvious advantage of the lactose operon is that
a. it allows bacteria to survive in the presence of lactose.
b. lactose-metabolizing enzymes need not be made when lactose is not present.
c. it enables bacteria to make lactose only in the presence of the proper enzymes.
d. it negates the need for milk in the diet of adult humans.
e. it enables glucose to substitute for lactose in the diet of lactose intolerant persons.
Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of "life"?
a. organization into cells
b. response to environmental change
c. reproduction
d. inability to change
e. using energy
The cell walls of plant cells that have stopped growing and actively dividing are
characterized by the presence of
a. pectin.
b. cellulose.
c. glue-like polysaccharides.
d. lignin.
e. a gluey matrix containing rope-like strands.
The cells surrounding milk-producing cells in the female mammary gland contract
shortly after the female hears the cry of an infant. This is an example of
a. a response that is not a behavior.
b. instinctive behavior.
c. imprinting behavior.
d. learned behavior.
e. a time-dependent form of learning.
Answer the following questions using the five groups listed below:
a. halophiles
b. cyanobacteria
c. thermophiles
d. proteobacteria
e. methanogens
These are the most diverse monophyletic group of bacteria.
Muscle cells are not typical cells because
a. groups of them fuse in the embryo to form multinucleated fibers.
b. they contain actin proteins.
c. they contain myosin proteins.
d. they respond to stimuli.
e. all of these are true.
Which of the following statements about kudzu is false?
a. It was imported from Asia for erosion control and forage.
b. It was originally introduced into the Pacific Northwest.
c. It is an exotic species.
d. It grows over most anything stationary in its path.
e. It is a vine.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the four steps of the nitrogen
cycles listed below.
a. nitrogen fixation
b. nitrification
c. denitrification
d. ammonification
The action of bacteria on nitrates, converting them to gaseous nitrogen, involves this
Exoskeletons are most characteristic of
a. Mollusca
b. Arthropoda
c. Nematoda
d. Chordata
e. Annelida
Which of these statements is true?
a. Environment can readily alter some genotypes.
b. Genotype is manifested in phenotype.
c. Genetic variation is easier seen than phenotypic variation.
d. Variation dies with individuals.
e. Phenotype is seen physically in the genotype.
The distribution of social animals is likely to be
a. clumped.
b. random.
c. uniform.
d. constant.
e. homogeneous.
Answer the following questions in reference to the five eye structures listed below.
a. cornea
b. lens
c. retina
d. ommatidium
e. vitreous body
This structure primarily acts to focus light waves.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five vitamins listed below.
a. Vitamin B1
b. Vitamin B2
c. Niacin
d. Vitamin B6
e. Vitamin B12
This vitamin functions in connective tissue formation.
Answer the following questions in reference to the five divisions of vascular plants
listed below.
a. lycophytes
b. bryophytes
c. monocots
d. conifers
e. eudicots
Orchids are members of this division.
Answer the following questions using the group of answers below.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 12
e. 24
Animal species X is tetraploid (4n = 12). Following gene duplication and translocation,
a given gene is found on each chromosome. How many alleles for this gene can be
present in an individual of this species?
Which of the following will NOT develop into one or more gametes?
a. spermatogonium
b. polar bodies
c. primary oocyte
d. spermatid
e. secondary spermatocyte
Which of the following statements is NOT generally characteristic of parasites?
a. They are specialists and usually are able to affect only one variety of hosts.
b. They inflict serious injury and kill their hosts.
c. Some reside inside their hosts, whereas others live outside their hosts.
d. Their host may be a plant as well as an animal.
e. Plants as well as animals can be parasites.
For the polymerase chain reaction to occur,
a. isolated DNA molecules must be primed.
b. all DNA fragments must be identical.
c. the DNA must remain double stranded.
d. a sticky end must be available for the ligase enzyme to function.
e. all of these must occur.
Phytochemicals are
a. essential for survival.
b. produced in laboratories exclusively.
c. not essential but can prevent some disorders.
d. cofactors for cellulose degradation.
e. none of these.
Use the figure above showing developmental day 14 to answer the following questions.
The cavity of the sac that will directly enclose the embryo is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
The following questions refer to the figure above illustrating soil horizons. NOTE: The
labels are not the actual names of the soil horizons.
Which soil horizon is composed of organic litter?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
The figure listed above is known as
a. a book lung.
b. a tracheal system.
c. gills.
d. a lung micrograph.
e. none of these.
Cellular slime molds can be distinguished from plasmodial slime molds on the basis of
a. reproductive structures.
b. spore formation.
c. number of nuclei per cell.
d. slime trails.
e. food requirements.
____ molecules carry protein-assembly instructions from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
a. Template DNA
b. Messenger RNA
c. Transfer RNA
d. Ribosomal RNA
e. All of these
The wobble effect pertains to the matching of
a. codons with anticodons.
b. codons with exons.
c. exons with introns.
d. template DNA with messenger RNA.
e. messenger RNA with ribosomal RNA.
The greatest volume of blood is found in the
a. aorta and arteries.
b. capillaries.
c. veins.
d. lungs.
e. heart.
Sexual dimorphism has arisen as a result of
a. stabilizing selection.
b. heterozygote superiority.
c. kin selection.
d. sexual selection.
e. directional selection.
In mitosis, if a parent cell has 16 chromosomes, each daughter cell will have how many
a. 64
b. 32
c. 16
d. 8
e. 4
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. blending in and being hidden by the background
b. where an organism is generally located in a community
c. one organism benefits at another organism's expense
d. traditionally a self-sustaining array of interacting organisms that is best suited for a
particular environment
e. lichens on newly hardened, newly cooled lava
f. robins and human populations
g. the yucca moth and the yucca
h. one species is eliminated from an area of niche overlap
i. tasty species resembles repugnant one
j. the process that leads from a pioneer community to a mature community
k. natural reforestation of burned-over forest
Tall (D) is dominant to dwarf (d). Give the F2 genotypic and phenotypic ratios of a
cross between a pure-breeding tall plant and a pure-breeding dwarf plant.
An __________ species is one that is especially sensitive to environmental change and
can be monitored to determine the health of an ecosystem.
In __________ speciation, a geographic barrier interrupts gene flow between
Species interactions between members of a community include __________ and
__________, in which one species benefits at the expense of another.
Each species in a community has its own __________, or way of living.
__________ and cues from the environment coordinate plant development, which is the
formation and growth of tissues and parts in predictable patterns.
__________ attach a gametophyte to soil or another surface.
indicates an actin filament.
At __________, the fusion of two gametes produces a __________.
labium major
During implantation, the __________ buries itself in the uterine wall.
In nutrient-rich water, photosynthetic protists may undergo population explosions
known as __________.
Do trees really sequester carbon permanently or just while they are alive?
In female mammals, most genes on one of the two X chromosomes are permanently
inaccessible, and this phenomenon is called __________.

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