CAS BI 295 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 628
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) cerebrospinal fluid
a) is secreted by ependymal cells.
b) is formed by a passive process.
c) is normally produced twice as fast as it is removed.
d) has almost the same composition as blood plasma.
e) contains blood cells and blood plasma.
2) each of the following landmarks is associated with the occipital bone except the
a) superficial nuchal lines.
b) jugular foramen.
c) hypoglossal canals.
d) petrous process.
e) occipital crest.
3) the molecule co2 is known as
a) carbonized oxygen.
b) carbonated oxygen.
c) carbon monoxide.
d) carbon oxide.
e) carbon dioxide.
4) the pelvic organs are mostly found within the
a) ishial spine.
b) iliac fossa.
c) ishial fossa.
d) obturator foramen.
e) pubic symphysis.
5) a sudden increase of light into the eye would cause
a) contraction of the sphincter pupillary muscles.
b) contraction of the radial pupillary muscles.
c) conversion of 11-trans to 11-cis retinal.
d) a decrease in the size of the pupil.
e) parasympathetic stimulation to the pupil.
6) the renal threshold for glucose is approximately ________ mg/dl.
a) 75
b) 90
c) 100
d) 140
e) 180
7) if a color-blind (x-linked recessive trait) man marries a woman who is heterozygous
for the trait, what proportion of their male offspring can be expected to be color blind?
a) 1/2
b) 1/4
c) 1/8
d) 3/4
e) 100 (all)
8) if acetylcholine (ach) causes inhibition of a postsynaptic neuron, to what type of
membrane channel did the ach bind?
a) mechanically-regulated channel
b) voltage-regulated sodium channel
c) voltage-regulated calcium channel
d) chemically-regulated potassium channel
e) chemically-regulated sodium channel
9) the tarsus contains ________ bones.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
e) 8
10) which type of synapse is most common in the nervous system?
a) chemical
b) electrical
c) mechanical
d) processing
e) radiative
11) rapid impulse conduction from "node" to "node" is called
a) spatial propagation.
b) saltatory propagation.
c) divergent propagation.
d) synaptic transmission.
e) continuous propagation.
12) which five skull bones contain the paranasal sinuses?
13) stimulation of the ________ within the hypothalamus produces the sensation of
14) the ________ lines the chambers of the heart, covers the heart valves, and is
continuous with the endothelium.
15) antigen-presenting cells located in the epithelia of the skin are called ________.
16) blood has a very narrow normal ph range but urine has a very broad normal ph
range. what does that indicate about the physiology of ph?
17) as the left ventricle contracts, it bulges into the ________.
18) photoreceptor that convey our ability to see color are ________.
19) in the process of ________ a phosphate group is transferred to a molecule.
20) reticulocytes complete their development into ________ in the circulation.

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