CAS BI 180 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 561
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) the right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid)regulates the opening between the
_________ and the _________.
a. right atrium; left atrium
b. right atrium; right ventricle
c. right atrium; left ventricle
d. left atrium; left ventricle
e. left ventricle; right ventricle
2) which structure allows upper respiratory infections to spread from the throat to the
tympanic cavity?
a. oval window
b. cochlear duct
c. auditory canal
d. auditory (eustachian) tube
e. tympanic cavity
3) looking at aslide of thin skin under the microscope, you note that the stratum basale
is the __________ layer of the epidermis in from the surface.
a. second
b. third
c. first
d. fifth
e. fourth
4) __________ yield about 4 kcal/g when completely oxidized, whereas __________
yield about 9 kcal/g.
a. proteins and carbohydrates; fats
b. proteins; fats and carbohydrates
c. fats; carbohydrates and proteins
d. carbohydrates; fats and proteins
e. carbohydrates and fats; proteins
5) which of the following is not part of the skin?
a. epidermis
b. papillary layer
c. hypodermis
d. stratum basale
e. dermis
6) the bicarbonate buffer system would not work very well in the human body if not for
the action of the respiratory system, which ___________.
a. supplies the buffer system with co2
b. supplies the buffer system with o2
c. expels hco3- produced by the buffer system
d. expels h+ produced by the buffer system
e. expels co2 produced by the buffer system
7) sympathetic nerve fibers are not associated with situations involving __________.
a. anger
b. digestion
c. exercise
d. stress
e. arousal
8) what is the most important force driving filtration at the arterial end of a capillary?
a. oncotic pressure
b. tissue fluid colloid osmotic pressure
c. blood colloid osmotic pressure
d. interstitial hydrostatic pressure
e. blood hydrostatic pressure
9) a hole through a bone that usually allows passage for nerves and blood vessels is
called a(n) _________.
a. canal
b. alveolus
c. fissure
d. foramen
e. sinus
10) which is the correct sequence of events of the cardiac cycle?
a. ventricular filling isovolumetric contraction isovolumetric relaxation ventricular
b. ventricular filling isovolumetric relaxation isovolumetric contraction ventricular
c. ventricular filling ventricular ejection isovolumetric contraction isovolumetric
d. ventricular filling isovolumetric relaxation ventricular ejection isovolumetric
e. ventricular filling isovolumetric contraction ventricular ejection isovolumetric
11) which of these is hydrophobic?
a. glucose
b. k+
c. cl-
d. water
e. fat
12) place the following events of synaptic transmission at an adrenergic synapse in
order: a - atp is converted to camp b - the cell's metabolism is altered c - g protein binds
adenylate cylased - the g protein dissociates e - ne binds the receptor
a.e, d, c, a, b
b.e, d, a, c, b
c.d, e, c, a, b
d.d, e, a, c, b
13) which of the following is not considered a region of the spinal cord?
a. cervical
b. thoracic
c. lumbar
d. pelvic
e. sacral

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