CAS 88442

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 2418
subject Authors Ronald B. Adler, Russell F. Proctor II

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Selective listening is a reasonable thing to do when screening commercials and keeping
an ear out for the weather report.
Attraction to others is greatest when we perceive we are similar to them in a high
percentage of important areas, like goals and beliefs.
Complaining is the most destructive way to disagree with another person.
Communicating successfully with people from different cultural backgrounds only
requires using the same exact elements of competence we use with people in our own
After years of research, it has been concluded that names have little affect on how
others think of us and the way we act.
The attitude that one's own culture is superior to other cultures is called ethnocentrism.
Watching the popular television show Lie To Me will probably help improve our
abilities to accurately detect deception.
Studies show that business people believe that listening is important and they also do it
Prompting is a more passive listening style than advising.
The three phases of perception (selection, organization, and interpretation) that take
place in an individual's mind can occur in differing sequences, with one influencing
Your text makes the case that hints, benign lies, and equivocations are sometimes
ethical alternatives to telling the truth.
Research has shown that strong marriages manage conflict in constructive ways.
By making another person wait, you could be sending messages about status, whether
you intend to or not.
According to your text, people usually get more meaning from what others do than
from what they say.
Defensiveness pollutes the communication climate and is one of the primary warning
signs of a marriage in trouble.
Gender is the most important variable in determining conflict style.
According to the text, real self-disclosure does not involve attempts at control of the
What Gibb describes as 'spontaneity" means saying the first thing that comes into your
Social isolation and depression are problems that can result from the inability to
constructively talk about emotions.
A complementary conflict style can be problematic for couples, but a symmetrical one
will not be.
Behavior that fits into Gibb's category of 'strategy" attempts to manipulate the other
into doing what you want.
Your text argues that it is important to react in unique ways to every person we meet
and respond to each as a unique individual.
In order to truly respond nondefensively to criticism you must always agree with the
critic's judgment of you.
The process of reappraisal can be used to alter the way an event impacts us
Researchers have found that the face and eyes are capable of five basic expressions.
Syntactic misunderstandings arise when people assign different meanings to the same
In order to be successful in real life, we should try to word our assertive messages as
closely as we can to the authors' examples.
Perception checking can be a useful tool when you don't want to embarrass or directly
threaten another person.
The situation at hand and the behavior of the other person in the conflict are more
powerful determinants of a person's conflict style than gender.
Members of collectivistic cultures discourage expression of any negative emotions that
might upset relationships among people in their "in-group."
Physical intimacy is obviously the best type of relational intimacy.
Research supports that the quality of self-disclosure is not linked to marital
Over-expression of emotion may create physiological ailments as much as
under-expression of emotion.
Edward T. Hall defines social distance as
A. 0 to 18 inches
B. 18 inches to 4 feet
C. 4 feet to 12 feet
D. 12 feet to 25 feet
E. 25 feet and beyond
In nonverbal communication, studies of leakage deal with
A. innate behaviors.
B. illness behaviors.
C. environmental issues.
D. deception signals.
E. perceptions of illness.
Which of the following statements is the best supportive alternative to the accusation,
"You just don't try hard enough."
A. "You should try harder."
B. "You give up too easily."
C. "I'm worried you'll fail with two D's."
D. "You should study two hours every night."
E. "It's time we had a talk about trying."
In Chapter Eight's "Looking At Diversity" reading, Matt DeLanoy talks about how
communicating on the Internet makes it easier to meet people since he
A. is very shy.
B. is overweight.
C. stutters.
D. is physically disabled.
E. None of these choices are correct
All of the following are types of direct verbal aggression except
A. teasing.
B. character attacks.
C. threats.
D. shoving.
E. nonverbal emblems.
When Jim suggests to Bob that there might be another way to approach handling a
problem instead of enforcing his way of handling it, he is being ____ rather than ____.
A. spontaneous, strategic.
B. provisional, certain.
C. equal, superior.
D. empathetic, neutral.
E. descriptive, evaluative.
The "ownership" of a problem almost always belongs to
A. the person who brings it up.
B. the person to whom the complaint is directed.
C. the person with the lowest amount of self-disclosure.
D. the person with the greatest amount of passive aggressive behavior.
E. the most assertive person.
"Don't worry about it" is an example of what type of "cold comfort" message?
A. denying others the right to their feelings.
B. minimizing the significance of the situation.
C. focusing on 'then and there' rather than 'here and now.'
D. casting judgment.
E. none of these answers are correct.
Of the following, what is not an element of a complete "I" statement?
A. the other person's behavior.
B. your feelings.
C. the other person's intentions.
D. your interpretations.
E. the consequences the other person's behavior has for you.
His supervisor asked Michael to generate a PowerPoint presentation for the Thursday
team meeting. On Thursday, Michael showed up without the presentation. Which
element of the listening process is where Michael's listening failed?
A. hearing
B. attending
C. understanding
D. remembering
E. any of above
When a speaker uses powerful speech pattern he/she
A. tends to be received more positively in culture like Mexico.
B. stresses relational goals over content goals.
C. may undermine relational goals to accomplish short term goals.
D. will use very polite phrases and intensifiers.
E. will be successful in all communication encounters.
Social scientists generally agree that there are four components to the phenomena we
label as "feelings." They are:
A. physiological changes, nonverbal reactions, cognitive interpretations, and verbal
B. physical changes, mental recognition, and verbal description.
C. sensing, organizing, interpreting, and encoding.
D. verbal and nonverbal manifestations, physical depression, and catharsis.
E. stimulus, proprioception, emotional contagion and response.
How is emotional intelligence defined in the text?
A. the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and be sensitive to others'
B. the ability to share multiple feelings
C. the ability to accept responsibility for our feelings
D. the ability to change negative self-talk to positive
E. a measure that indicates you have a large emotional vocabulary
Amanda wants to make a sale. According to the nonverbal information presented in
Chapter 6, to get compliance from a customer she might try
A. speaking in a rate much faster than her customer's
B. lightly touching her customer.
C. avoiding direct eye contact with her customer.
D. keeping her facial expression as neutral as possible.
E. None of these are advisable to gain compliance.
In the Looking at Diversity reading in Chapter One, Daria Muse says that a big part of
communicating well is
A. speaking more than one language.
B. staying TRUE to your own communication style.
C. understanding communication models.
D. being able to choose a behavior based on the situation.
E. having experiences in more than one culture.
"I'm worried that you won't follow through on your commitment" is an example of
self-disclosure at which of the following levels?
A. cliché
B. fact
C. opinion
D. feeling
E. interpretation
According to your text, the first step in minimizing your debilitative emotions is to
A. monitor your emotional reactions.
B. note the activating event.
C. record your self-talk.
D. dispute your irrational beliefs.
E. confront the person who caused them.
Judith and Natalie work for the same employer and often have lunch together to talk
about their current romances, problems with their families, and apartment headaches.
Most Saturday afternoons they play tennis together. Which relationship stage do they
seem to be in?
A. initiating
B. differentiating
C. bonding
D. intensifying
E. circumscribing
Jim's boss at the bank criticizes the way Jim handled a new account. Jim says nothing
to his boss, but he's very short-tempered with his roommate that evening. Which
defense mechanism is Jim most likely using?
A. apathy
B. displacement
C. rationalization
D. regression
E. repression
When John steered clear of Kathy after they had an argument, he was using what style
of conflict?
A. accommodating
B. compromising
C. avoiding
D. passive aggression
E. crazymaking
Empathy is related to perception in that
A. the more perceptive you are, the less empathetic you need be.
B. the more perceptive you are, the easier it is to forget to be empathetic.
C. empathy is facilitated by trying to perceive things from the other person's point of
D. empathy and perception are both a result of self-fulfilling prophecies.
Which of the following is not an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy?
A. A child fails a test after hearing her teacher tell her mother that she never does well
on tests
B. A student who previously complained of stage fright loses his place during a class
speech and can't go on.
C. A husband reluctantly agrees, with reservations, to his wife's request that they spend
the holiday visiting Disneyland. He has a terrible time.
D. Both b and c above qualify as examples of self-fulfilling prophecies.
E. All of the above qualify as examples of self-fulfilling prophecies.
Despite their very different personalities, Sandra and Maureen have been able to share
an office together by agreeing to disagree when a conflict comes up that might threaten
their friendship. Their conflict style is best described as
A. nonintimate-aggressive.
B. nonintimate-nonaggressive.
C. intimate-aggressive.
D. intimate-nonaggressive.
The best chance of repairing damaged relationship requires
A. sincere apology.
B. an acknowledgement that the transgression was wrong.
C. some type of compensation.
D. a and b
E. All of these choices are correct
Which of the following does the text offer as a guideline for expressing emotions?
A. The sooner a feeling is shared, the better.
B. Try to avoid sharing negative feelings whenever possible.
C. Share multiple feelings when appropriate.
D. Let others know that they have caused you to feel a certain way.
E. Try to avoid getting too emotional.
Which of the following is the best advice for expressing your emotions?
A. Accept responsibility for your own feelings.
B. Express your feelings as soon as they occur.
C. Recognize that feeling and acting out the feeling are the same.
D. Express only primary feelings.
E. Tell yourself you shouldn't feel bad.
An inconsistency between two conflicting pieces of information about one's self,
attitudes, or behavior is called
A. a defensive spiral.
B. a supportive spiral.
C. cognitive dissonance.
D. an ambiguous response.
E. intrapersonal conflict.
Misunderstandings that revolve around equivocal and relative language can all be
clarified by
A. clearer punctuation of perceptual events.
B. more interpersonal and less impersonal communication.
C. replacing abstract terms with concrete ones.
D. static definitions.
E. sequential placement.
The Pillow Method is designed to
A. persuade someone to accept your viewpoint.
B. settle a dispute.
C. minimize an issue.
D. gain insight into another's viewpoint.
E. punctuate the cause and effect of an argument.
A reciprocating communication pattern in which each person's message reinforces the
other's is called a(n)
A. conflict.
B. defense mechanism.
C. face-threatening act.
D. attack.
E. spiral.

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