CAS 80255

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1189
subject Authors ‎Michael Gamble, Teri K Gamble

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The digital divide refers to the lack of access to online information by the elderly, poor,
and others around the world.
A. true
B. false
According to the text, Americans give more direct feedback to each other than Japanese
A. true
B. false
The first information we process when we interact with someone is his or her
A. proximity.
B. similarity.
C. complementarity.
D. outward attractiveness.
We state an opinion about others when giving
A. evaluative feedback.
B. positive evaluative feedback.
C. negative evaluative feedback.
D. all of these
According to Deborah Tannen, which behavior most accurately describes the listening
patterns of females?
A. Because of their need for independence, they may find it harder to listen.
B. Listening to directions often implies inferiority.
C. They may ask strangers for directions even when they seem sure of where they are
D. They don’t like listening to advice because it implies they are not in control.
Gossip is a form of
A. serial communication.
B. nonevaluative feedback.
C. dialogic listening.
D. mindfulness.
Which one of the following behaviors would counter the groupthink mentality in a
A. Rationalizing to justify a group decision.
B. Refraining from disagreeing in order to preserve harmony.
C. Assuming that silence means agreement.
D. Permitted outside ideas to challenge the prevailing opinion.
According to Daniel Goleman, empathic listeners are effective at
A. centering.
B. decentering.
C. limiting themselves to sympathetic responsiveness.
D. restricting their use of the paraphrase.
When performing a demographic analysis in preparation for a speech, it is important to
consider the age of audience members.
A. true
B. false
When you reason logically, you cite your sources carefully.
A. true
B. false
Which approach to decision making is the most effective?
A. decision by expert, because that person is the most knowledgeable to decide
B. averaging, because all voices are taken into account
C. majority vote, because each group member has one vote
D. decision by consensus, because all group members understand the outcome and can
support its implementation
When giving a speech, the purpose of a definition is to increase the audience’s
A. true
B. false
Which of these statements illustrates the effect of different treatment of males and
A. Females are more likely to be judged for the quality of their relationships, while
males are judged for their success.
B. Females are just as likely to develop a positive self-concept as males.
C. In order to achieve success, males are more likely to be self-critical than females.
D. Adolescent boys focus on pleasing others more than girls do.
The Johari window illustrates
A. how various components of our personality may be hidden or revealed to ourselves
and to others.
B. how not to break a window.
C. the importance of keeping important parts of our personality hidden so that others
will accept us.
D. several reasons for keeping self-disclosure to a minimum.
The type Y leader believes members are self-directed and seek responsibility as well as
opportunities for personal achievement.
A. true
B. false
A person who delivers an informative speech aims to
A. offer more information about a topic than the audience already has.
B. provide background material.
C. refine the audience’s understanding.
D. all of these
The Galatea effect refers to expectations we have for
A. our co-workers.
B. our friends.
C. our parents.
D. ourselves.
We do not know the names of our acquaintances.
A. true
B. false
Which of the following is an example of a fixed feature?
A. sidewalk
B. desk
C. car
D. library
The belief that language influences how we interpret the world is called
A. linguistic relativity.
B. linguistic determinism.
C. virtual linguistics.
D. none of these
All of the following are maintenance roles, except
A. gatekeeping.
B. harmonizing.
C. compromising.
D. standard setting.
E. initiating.
Cultures that encourage displays of warmth, closeness, and availability are referred to
A. contact cultures.
B. low-contact cultures.
C. dominant cultures.
D. submissive cultures.
Pictographs are circular graphs that indicate various percentages of the whole by
A. true
B. false
Which of the following statements about the goals of a persuasive speech is true?
A. They can be categorized as adoption, discontinuance, deterrence, and continuance.
B. Typically, the proposition of the speech reflects one or more of these goals.
C. Deterrence and continuance goals involve reinforcing or sustaining existing
behavior. Adoption and discontinuance goals tend to be harder to achieve than
deterrence and continuance goals.
D. all of these
The conflict grid devised by Blake and Mouton has two scales: one that represents a
person’s level of concern for others and a second that indicates the extent to which they
want to achieve their personal goals.
A. true
B. false
Which of the following is the best statement of purpose for an informative speech?
A. to be able to choose the best investment stocks
B. to inform about the grievances of airline pilots and why a strike is the best solution
C. to persuade students to call for the placement of recycle bins in all computer labs
D. to inform students of administrative plans to add more campus parking lots
Which of the following topics has been appropriately narrowed for a five-minute
A. “A Look at the Roman Empire”
B. “The History of England”
C. “The Curse of King Tut”
D. “Political Assassinations”
E. “The History of Rock and Roll”
In a symmetrical relationship, the emotions of one person are mirrored by the other.
A. true
B. false
Tolerance of vulnerability refers to
A. your tolerance for being lied to.
B. your trust in yourself.
C. the degree of trust that another person will accept your disclosures without hurting
D. the acceptance of others’ weaknesses.
E. the acceptance of your own weaknesses.
Which of the following is true regarding how men and women perceive power?
A. Men tend to perceive power as more finite than do women.
B. Men tend not to use power to enhance personal status.
C. Women, in contrast to men, perceive power as limited.
D. Women tend not to use power to empower others.
A group role is
A. another term for a decentralized network.
B. a particular type of function assumed by a group member.
C. a communicative act exhibited by the entire group acting as one.
D. always positive in nature.
E. always negative in nature.
A comprehensive research database that indexes a large number of materials on
educational topics is called
D. none of these

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