CAS 74734

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 30
subject Words 4029
subject Authors Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas, Ronald Adler

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A disability is not a defining characteristic of any person; it is simply one feature of
their lives.
It's a good idea to link your LinkedIn account to your Facebook account, so you can
share as much information about yourself as possible with all your acquaintances.
Avoid using examples from your own experience in a speech.
The communication model shows that the receiver often does not understand the
message in the way the sender intended.
A monologue can feel artificial if it is presented to a small group.
The "direction giver" is a functional role in groups.
Multicommunicating reduces your ability to listen well.
Criticism should usually be delivered in private, not within earshot of others, to help
the receiver save face.
Building rapport is a function of the closing phase of an interview.
The most effective way to request a raise is to explain to your boss how hard you have
been working for the past year.
The thesis is so important that you should refer to it several times during your
A recent study indicates that employees who follow their organization's preferred
channels of communication tend to receive high performance evaluations.
A truly effective thesis statement should be stated once and only once in a speech.
The textbook suggests that meetings are desirable when confusing or controversial
information is being communicated.
A recent survey suggests that many students overestimate their own communication
competence and underestimate the importance of effective communication in the
Questions with more than one correct answer are better handled in meetings, while
those with only one solution can usually be handled best by individuals.
Surgeons with harsh, impatient voices are more likely to face malpractice suits than
surgeons who speak in a friendly tone.
If you are the victim of bullying in the workplace, consider several options and their
potential consequences before you decide on an appropriate response.
A report that evaluates a potential action and recommends how the organization should
proceed is called a feasibility report.
When speakers use computerized displays, it is rare for anything to go wrong.
In most situations, the employment interview is the most important factor in getting a
job offer.
One way to avoid misunderstandings in verbal messages is to use trigger words.
Patricia believes her own culture is better than other cultures. This attitude is called
"Questioning" and "paraphrasing" are synonymous.
One benefit of note-taking is that it signals to the sender that you are paying attention.
An interview that seeks to answer the question "What happened?" is referred to as an
investigative interview.
A strong link exists between career success and the use of nonverbal behaviors that
indicate closeness and liking.
You should try not to have any pauses in your speech because pauses communicate to
the audience that you are unsure of yourself.
Contingency approaches to leadership are based on the idea that each manager should
develop one style of leadership and stick with it.
If you include information that isn't relevant to your main point, your speech will
sound chaotic.
The "body" of a moderately structured interview consists of primary questions and
possible secondary questions arranged under several relevant topics.
An extemporaneous presentation should sound spontaneous, but in fact it should be
memorized word for word.
Because it is obvious when a group changes from one speaker to the next, transitions
are not important in group presentations.
Wal-Mart does not use greeters at its stores in Germany, because in that culture it is not
customary to talk to strangers.
According to the text, stories are effective forms of verbal support because they allow
you to create a situation that illustrates the point you are making to the audience. All of
the following are guidelines to consider when you include a story in a presentation
A. The story should be appropriate for the audience.
B. The story should be brief and get right to the point.
C. Only use stories that support the point you are making.
D. A humorous story is effective even if it isn't relevant to your speech.
Which of the following is NOT a suggested guideline regarding the visual elements of
your delivery?
A. Look at your notes during your opening statement to be sure you start out with the
right words.
B. Dress appropriately for the occasion and audience.
C. Don't pack up early.
D. Take time to arrange your notes and your physical position before you begin.
Which of the following is the most appropriate type of question if you want to acquire
information that you believe might be risky or embarrassing?
A. risky
B. counterfeit
C. indirect
D. manipulative
Groups tend to outperform individuals when
A. time pressures are intense.
B. members share similar opinions.
C. standards of performance are high.
D. employees are not highly committed to the job.
If you make a mistake while you're delivering a presentation, it is best to
A. remind the audience that nobody is perfect.
B. correct every minor slip you may make.
C. apologize for your nervousness.
D. just keep speaking, correcting only obvious mistakes.
In Darlene's performance review, her supervisor pointed out that she frequently
misunderstood the tasks and deadlines that had been assigned to her. The supervisor
suggested that Darlene should restate, after each team meeting, what she understands
her assignment to be. This strategy of rephrasing will give the supervisor a chance to
correct any misconceptions. Which type of paraphrasing will Darlene be using?
A. normal
B. feeling
C. content
D. revision
During a speech to a group of animal rights activists, Tiago, who is an enthusiastic
hunter, talked about his proposal for opening the deer hunt 12 months a year rather than
only during a 1-month season. Not surprisingly, Tiago's speech was not well received.
According to the text, which of the following did Tiago neglect to consider prior to
giving this presentation?
A. the economic status of the audience
B. the size of the group
C. the audience members' attitudes about the subject
D. who the key audience members are
The first four steps of the reflective thinking sequence, in order, are:
A. define the problem; analyze the problem; establish criteria for a solution; generate
possible solutions to the problem.
B. brainstorm solutions; analyze and decide on a solution; implement the best solution;
follow up on the solution.
C. forming; storming; norming; performing.
D. orientation; conflict; emergence; reinforcement.
In which of the following cultures would the words of a witness probably be regarded
with suspicion?
A. Euro-American
B. Polynesian
C. Arab Gulf states
D. African
Which is not a true statement about visual aids?
A. A professional display of visuals can enhance your professional image.
B. Effective visuals can make your information more memorable.
C. Visuals often reduce listener recall.
D. Visuals can help you explain complicated statistics.
Three purposes of a career research interview are to
A. get references, get referrals, write your résumé.
B. be remembered, prepare a résumé, get references.
C. read, remember, write.
D. conduct research, be remembered, get referrals.
Which of the following should NOT be included in the conclusion of a presentation?
A. making an appeal to the audience
B. challenging your audience to action
C. reviewing your main points
D. providing statistics to support one of the main points of your presentation
The text identifies a number of potential delivery types from which a speaker can select
when preparing a presentation. Which of the following types is most likely to cause
anxiety or stage fright for the speaker?
A. extemporaneous
B. impromptu
C. manuscript
D. memorized
Which of the following discussion methods tends to result in unbalanced
A. nominal group technique
B. a loosely structured informal meeting
C. asking questions that draw out silent members
D. having members take turns
Which of the following was NOT presented as a guideline for using quotations during
a presentation?
A. Use lengthy quotations often, always keeping their original form.
B. Cite the source of the quotation to add credibility to your presentation.
C. Quotations are most effective if the audience recognizes the name of the person you
are quoting.
D. Instead of reading long quotations; paraphrase the ideas into your own words.
Which of the following is NOT one of the elements of the communication process
described in the text?
A. noise
B. topic
C. channel
D. feedback
If you build on the remarks of the previous speaker during your introduction, which of
the following type of opening statements would you be using?
A. using humor
B. making a startling statement
C. referring to the audience
D. referring to the occasion
An example of a behavioral job interview question is:
A. "Tell us about a time when you had to fire someone and how you handled it."
B. "Where do you see yourself ten years from now?"
C. "Would you prefer to work at our West Coast or our East Coast location?"
D. "Who is your favorite mentor, and why?"
Many people believe that _________ is the best approach to conflict because, in the
short-term, you might get the results you want. However, this approach to conflict often
results in a number of long-term costs.
A. avoiding
B. accommodating
C. competing
D. compromising
The Japanese process of nemawashi means
A. ironing out issues in a series of one-to-one sessions prior to conducting a
problem-solving meeting.
B. saving face by giving wishy-washy answers.
C. taking turns conducting the meeting.
D. a volatile exchange of competing ideas.
Well-designed visual aids should
A. contain a great amount of detail.
B. never need explanation by the speaker.
C. use vertical printing.
D. show labels for all important items.
How can you best show respect for individuals' rights to pursue their own chosen
approaches to spirituality in the workplace?
A. Open each staff meeting with a few moments of silent prayer.
B. Encourage employees to display religious symbols on the office bulletin boards.
C. Visit your co-workers' offices during lunch and share your religious pamphlets with
D. When others practice a religious belief that makes you feel uncomfortable, remove
yourself from the situation without voicing your judgment about their belief.
Maria and Adnan work in different departments of the same company. They discovered
that it was much quicker to e-mail each other for information they needed from each
other's departments than to wait for the official company newsletter to arrive. This is an
example of the __________ function of informal communication.
A. confirming
B. expanding
C. expediting
D. contradicting
If you were offering constructive criticism to an employee, which of the following
would NOT be recommended?
A. Explain the value of the improvement to the employee.
B. Be sure to mention every detail that needs to be improved on.
C. Wait to deliver the criticism until you are certain you have the facts straight.
D. Offer to help the employee find a solution.
One tip that can help members of virtual teams is:
A. Members should not confer privately with one other team member; all conferring
should be done with the entire group.
B. Members of virtual teams should not express their personal emotions.
C. Unlike face-to-face teams, virtual teams do not have to deal with cultural differences
in communication style.
D. Test the technical system the group will be using in advance of the meeting.
All of the following are appropriate reasons for concluding a meeting except:
A. Controversy has arisen because people have different ideas about how to proceed.
B. The agenda has been covered.
C. The scheduled closing time has arrived.
D. The group needs additional information in order to make meaningful decisions.
Which of the following is NOT suggested by the text as a technique for effective
A. When the sender pauses, seek clarification by restating her ideas in your own words.
B. Be sure you understand the other person's ideas very well before you begin to
evaluate them.
C. Give the person advice by asking leading questions such as: "Are you sure you've
really tried every solution we talked about?"
D. When you are listening, hold back from making a wealth of comments.
Which of the following is NOT one of the organizational plans suggested in your text
for persuasive presentations?
A. cyclical
B. problem solution
C. criteria satisfaction
D. comparative advantages
According to the functional perspective, specific interactions that focus on the job at
hand are known as ____________ functions.
A. transactional
B. task
C. social
D. symmetrical
A. add interest to ordinary bar charts.
B. are mathematically exact.
C. are best suited for reports that require precise data.
D. are useful for scientific and technical audiences.
The term "emotional intelligence" refers to
A. the ability and skill of interacting well with others.
B. a tendency of highly intelligent people to be emotionally imbalanced.
C. a belief that women are too emotional to be intelligent.
D. a person's score on the personality questions found on most IQ tests.
Which of the following attitudes would be most helpful if you encounter a practice in
another country that you think is unethical?
A. "I won't interact with these people as long as they're acting like that."
B. "My culture's values are the purest in the world. This country is immoral."
C. "Perhaps I should be open to this practice, because I know that even back home not
everyone agrees what the right approach is."
D. "Even though this is a morally significant problem, I will just do as they do while
I'm in this country."
All of the following are guidelines for constructive reframing except:
A. Ask the complainer to be quiet until they have something nice to say.
B. Restate personal attacks so the focus is on issues instead.
C. Point out that individual concerns are also group concerns.
D. Turn complaints about the past into hopes for the future.
If you want to cultivate your informal networks in an organization, you should
A. treat people at all levels of the organization with gratitude and respect.
B. nurture friendships primarily with those who are in top management positions.
C. guard your expertise by keeping valuable information to yourself.
D. impress your coworkers by describing how you were able to gain some special
Your text describes all of the following methods of delivering a presentation except
A. extemporaneous.
B. impromptu.
C. manuscript.
D. informal.

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