CAS 54932

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1024
subject Authors ‎Michael Gamble, Teri K Gamble

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MYGLO is an acronym that describes speeches that are lively and exciting.
A. true
B. false
The belief that persons who speak different languages will perceive the world
differently is known as linguistic relativity.
A. true
B. false
Studies reveal that men tend to develop a less positive view of themselves than women.
A. true
B. false
Semi-fixed-feature space includes items to create distance such as
A. chairs.
B. desks.
C. sofas.
D. plants.
E. all of these
Which of the following are visual cues that affect the way an audience responds to a
A. clothing
B. eye contact
C. gestures
D. posture
E. all of these
When group members don’t have equal status, some members may dominate the
A. true
B. false
A person who asks questions about the validity of opinions, evidence, and assumptions
has the characteristics of
A. an online communicator.
B. a critical thinker.
C. an uncritical thinker.
D. a giver of supportive feedback.
Which of the following statements about words is not true?
A. Words continually change meaning.
B. The word is the thing.
C. No one else will respond to a word exactly as you do.
D. A word is a symbol.
Which statement about interpersonal relationships describes women more than men?
A. They place a higher value on emotionally close relationships than do men.
B. Their expectations for family life are more traditional.
C. They bond through shared activities.
D. They may feel uncomfortable expressing feelings verbally.
A(n) _____ consists of a system of knowledge, beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors
used and shared by members in daily living.
A. co-culture
B. subculture
C. culture
D. anticulture
The triangle of meaning was developed by
A. Ogden and Richards.
B. Sapir and Whorf.
C. S. I. Hayakawa.
D. Lewis Carroll.
In order to avoid groupthink, members should welcome critiques from people both in
and outside the group.
A. true
B. false
About one-third of the meaning of a message is communicated nonverbally.
A. true
B. false
Which of the following is an open question?
A. How old are you?
B. What college did you attend?
C. Would you tell me about yourself?
D. Would you work for the salary offered?
According to social penetration theory, the breadth of a relationship has to do with
A. how far you distance yourself when talking to another person.
B. how much you reveal.
C. how many topics you discuss.
D. how central the topics you discuss are to your self-concept.
E. none of these
Interpreting and sharing messages with people from different races is called
A. interracial communication.
B. nonracial communication.
C. interethnic communication.
D. intersharing communication.
An interpersonal relationship is
A. dyadic.
B. allows communication of a personal nature.
C. develops shared history.
D. all of these
Americans tend to value
A. personal achievement.
B. individualism.
C. both personal achievement and individualism.
D. procrastination.
Which of the following is a highly mobile, quickly changing space that functions as a
personal bubble?
A. personal distance
B. visual territory
C. proxemic
D. informal space
A person who adopts a win-lose orientation when faced with a conflict is called
A. an avoider.
B. a compromiser.
C. an accommodator.
D. a competitive forcer.
Which of these is not considered one of the functions of nonverbal communication,
according to Knapp and Hall?
A. message negation
B. message accentuation
C. message regulation
D. message reversal
When wording a speech, which of the following should you not do?
A. Speak in long, unbroken units.
B. Avoid using jargon or technical language with a general audience.
C. Keep your words simple and concrete.
D. Use vivid language.
A role-limited interaction occurs at the _____ of a relationship.
A. beginning
B. middle
C. end
D. all of these
The expansion of domination of one culture over another is
A. cultural groups.
B. cultural imperialism.
C. cultural narcissism.
D. none of these
George and Andy became angry at each other during an online discussion. They began
writing insults at each other. These insults are termed
A. disagreements.
B. flashes.
C. flames.
D. There is no term for online insults.
We tend to associate high-pitched voices with strength and maturity.
A. true
B. false
The best approach to a constructive resolution in which all participants are satisfied is
A. compromise.
B. competition.
C. cooperation.
D. groupthink.
Psychologist Martin Seligman found that optimists
A. are less successful than pessimists.
B. are more successful than pessimists.
C. have about the same success rate as pessimists.
D. tend to avoid success.
In the United States more computers than TV sets are sold.
A. true
B. false
Closed questions
A. are broader than open questions.
B. give the respondent a chance to express his or her feelings.
C. are unstructured.
D. can be answered with a few words or a simple yes or no.
Individualistic cultures include
A. Great Britain.
B. Canada.
C. France.
D. all of these
Which of the following accurately describes how group composition influences goals?
A. Members of Western cultures tend to focus on short-term goals with more immediate
B. Members of East Asian cultures tend to be unwilling to defer gratification, preferring
not to seek long-term goals.
C. Members of Western cultures tend to focus on long-term goals, deferring
D. Members of East Asian cultures tend to be less patient than members of Western
cultures regarding goal attainment.
Toxic communication includes
A. all forms of functional communication.
B. consistent use of verbal abuse and/or physical or sexual aggression, or violence.
C. intensely positive feelings.
D. waning friendship.

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