CAS 21320

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1992
subject Authors Dan O'Hair, Dorothy Imrich Mullin, Mary Wiemann

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Which organizational pattern organizes the main points according to their physical
proximity in relation to one another?
A) topical
B) spatial
C) chronological
D) proximal
In what ways are online relationships similar to and different from face-to-face
relationships? Considering what you have learned about both hyperpersonal
communication as well as the importance of self-disclosure, what recommendations do
you have for people who are engaging in online communication to ensure they develop
the healthy relationships they desire?
Television is often characterized and criticized as low culture. Do you think this is a fair
assessment? Is it fair to disregard the cultural importance of television because much of
it appeals to our base needs? Why or why not?
Why is conflict described as inevitable and unavoidable in relationships?
List and define four of the six types of love.
How is the voice used to communicate nonverbally? What distinguishes vocal
nonverbal communication from verbal communication? Describe a scenario where a
person would communicate vocally as a substitution for a verbal message.
Interviewers will often ask questions related to the interviewee's personality and
character. How would you describe the difference between these two types of
Define power distance as it applies to leadership.
Describe a group you have either been a part of or have observed that has been
unproductive identifying the norms that lead to the group's ineffectiveness.
Synthesizing what you have learned throughout the chapter, describe some steps the
group's leader, as well as other members of the group, could take to help the group
become more productive.
Imagine that you are a woman who is being hit on by a man you do not find attractive.
Provide an example of a resistance message that adheres to the feminine preferences
discussed in the text.
Define the term schema.
Explain the Elaboration Likelihood Model.
Explain why the language a speaker uses is critical to his or her success as a speaker.
Based on what you have learned in this chapter, what advice do you have for how a
speaker can use language effectively and avoid some common pitfalls that can get in the
way of the speech's success?
*This question can be used to synthesize information from Chapter 12 by specifically
referencing the idea of ethics by adding: Why is it an ethical obligation of the speaker
to use language appropriately in his or her speech? or How can the use of inappropriate
language undermine the dignity of the audience, and how can a speaker demonstrate his
or her integrity through the use of appropriate language? or How can appropriate
language usage help a speaker demonstrate to an audience that he or she is trustworthy,
respectful, responsible, and fair?
Briefly explain why speakers need to keep track of whether they have copied
information from a source verbatim or if they have paraphrased.
_______ is an example of a nonvocal form for verbal communication that is often
mistaken for nonverbal communication because of its reliance on gestural symbols
rather than spoken words.
Synthesizing what you have learned in this chapter and others, discuss the problem of
harassment in the workplace. How would you define harassment? How important is the
notion of "intent" when determining whether a behavior constitutes harassment? Why
would you characterize harassment as a problem not only for the victim but also for the
organization as a whole? What steps should you take to document and resolve matters
of harassment if you are the victim or if you observe someone else being victimized?
"We do not need additional gun control laws. The 9/11 attackers used box cutters to
take over the planes!" What form of logical fallacy does this statement represent?
In a(n) __________ culture, members of a group seek consensus and group harmony.
Define the term attribution.

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