BUSMT 35098

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1601
subject Authors Michael R. Solomon

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________ occurs when an individual may have reason to believe that the group will
apply sanctions to punish nonconforming behavior.
A) Fear of deviance
B) Fear of commitment
C) The principle of least interest
D) Interpersonal influence
According to the two-factor theory, the net effect of being exposed repeatedly to the
same message is a combination of ________.
A) argument and counter-argument
B) learning and tedium
C) compliance and non-compliance
D) affect and cognition
An individual who scores high on an assessment of materialism would be LEAST likely
to be categorized in which of the following VALS2™ groups?
A) Innovators
B) Strivers
C) Achievers
D) Makers
In Japanese, the word "gemba" means ________.
A) a possible interpretation of the truth
B) the one true source of information
C) the news
D) falsehoods
Fred has been a farmer all his life. He inherited the family farm when he was 35, but
that was twenty years ago. Due to the economy, Fred has lost the farm and has taken a
manual labor job in the city to support his family. What form of mobility best describes
Fred's position?
A) Horizontal mobility
B) Two-way stretch mobility
C) Downward mobility
D) Upward mobility
________ performances are where the message itself is a form of entertainment.
A) Ad target
B) Spectacle
C) Encoding
D) Decoding
The success of ________ hinges on the marketer's ability to convince the consumer to
consider its product within a given category.
A) identifying competitors
B) positioning strategy
C) exemplar products
D) product locations
Peggy Simmons has a tough assignment. She is to live in Japan for the next five years
and successfully introduce her company's line of cosmetics to Japanese women. Her
company's management hopes that living in an average neighborhood, commuting to
work every day, eating native food, and speaking Japanese will help Peggy involve
herself in the society more quickly than if she stayed separate from her hosts. The
company's management wants Peggy to use the ________ model.
A) life course paradigm
B) progressive learning
C) warming
D) consumer renaissance
Instrumental conditioning is also called ________.
A) learning
B) classical conditioning
C) operant conditioning
D) shaping
Which term refers to exchanges of resources, information, or influence among members
of networks?
A) Media multiplexity
B) Flaming
C) Lurkers
D) Flows
The ________ hierarchy of effects assumes the consumer does not initially have a
strong preference for one brand over another. Instead, a consumer acts on the basis of
limited knowledge and then forms an evaluation only after the product has been
purchased or used.
A) experiential
B) habitual
C) low-involvement
D) standard learning
In the past, ketchup formed an unbecoming 'scum" on its surface when exposed to air,
so manufacturers created the traditionally shaped ketchup bottle with the narrow
opening. When chemicals were developed to reduce the oxidation, it was then possible
to sell ketchup in more conveniently shaped containers. Customers, however, rejected
bottles that didn't have the traditional ketchup shape. This is an example of the power of
________ in the marketplace.
A) sensory overload
B) thresholds
C) hyperreality
D) schema
Which of the following is NOT listed as a determiner of how much a person will save
(saving rate)?
A) The individual's own sense of optimism about his or her personal circumstances
B) The relationship between the lending prime rate and growth rates
C) World events such as wars
D) Cultural differences
Researchers agree that there are various levels of commitment to an attitude. The lowest
form of involvement is ________.
A) identification
B) compliance
C) internalization
D) commitment
SRBI Consulting Business Intelligence divides consumers into which of the following
A) Luxury is functional
B) Luxury is a reward
C) Luxury is indulgence
D) All of the above
Sharon is upset with her secretary. Though everyone in the office agreed not to give
Christmas presents this year, Sharon's secretary gave her an expensive bottle of
perfume. Which of the following best identifies the source of Sharon's feelings?
A) Objectification
B) Self-serving guilt
C) The reciprocity norm
D) Role transference
The day reconstruction method requires a respondent to ________.
A) dispose of any unused product during a specified period of time
B) keep a record of everything he or she recycles during the month
C) try to remember what he or she did a month ago on the same day of the week
D) keep a diary of everything he or she did during the day
Which term refers to the bittersweet emotions that arise when a consumer views the
past with happiness and sadness?
A) Chunking
B) Nostalgia
C) Spontaneous recovery
D) A schema
According to Pierre Bourdieu, people's taste regarding entertainment and the arts serves
as a status-making force or ________ that causes consumption preferences to cluster
A) habitus
B) code
C) hierarchy
D) chav
The perception of time is different in different cultures. It would likely be most
accepted for employees to be paid by the hour in a culture with which of the following
perceptions of time?
A) River
B) Map
C) Pressure cooker
D) Mirror
Which of the following is a new kind of avoidance group that has grown in popularity
through the Web?
A) Virtual communities of consumption
B) Virtual worlds
C) Consumer tribes
D) Anti-brand communities
________ foods are permissible under the laws of Islam.
A) Kosher
B) Organic
C) Halal
D) Tudung
________ describes the capacity to alter the actions of others.
A) Social power
B) Social pressure
C) Social interaction
D) Social involvement
Motivational conflicts can occur in a variety of ways. If a person must choose between
two desirable alternatives, this form of conflict is called ________.
A) approach-approach conflict
B) approach-avoidance conflict
C) approach-desire conflict
D) avoidance-avoidance conflict
When a professor reviews a certain topic many times, he is practicing ________.
A) psychological conditioning
B) stimulus-response conditioning
C) subliminal conditioning
D) repetition conditioning
As a relationship grows and progresses, gift giving tends to become more ________.
A) exchange oriented
B) reciprocal
C) altruistic
D) instrumental
British psychologist Frederic Bartlett used ________ to examine how information
A) transmission
B) serial reproduction
C) negative information
D) core information
Which form of relationship between product and customer is most at risk of the
consumer switching to a different brand or product?
A) Self-concept attachment
B) Nostalgic attachment
C) Interdependence
D) Love
Power that is granted by virtue or a social agreement, such as the authority we give to
police officers, is called ________.
A) referent power
B) information power
C) legitimate power
D) expert power
A billboard is positioned beside a busy highway. However, the merchant that has
purchased the billboard complains that no response is being generated by his
advertising message. Upon closer inspection, the billboard company determines that the
typeface used is too small to be effectively read by a motorist going 60+ mph on the
highway. Which of the following sensory thresholds would be most appropriate to
explain the failure of this advertisement to connect with motorists?
A) The intensity threshold
B) The differential threshold
C) The absolute threshold
D) The relative threshold
Marketers must know the needs and wants of their customers. Which of the following
presents the most accurate picture of the typical elderly consumer today?
A) Most are old, infirm, depressed, stay-at-home people who live a hand-to-mouth
B) Most are active, interested in what life has to offer, and are enthusiastic consumers
with the means and willingness to buy many goods and services.
C) Most live with their children, have little savings, and have an increasingly difficult
time adjusting to the changing technical world around them.
D) Most have refused government support and are going through a hermitization
process. They don't trust anyone under 60.
________ influence helps the consumer make decisions about specific brands or
A) Normative
B) Social cue
C) Selective
D) Coercive
Bart was a mortuary worker who noticed that there seemed to be a social class
difference in what people placed on the graves of departed family members. What Bart
observed was a class difference in how people manifest the relationship between
external objects and the ________ self.
A) extended
B) actual
C) social
D) looking-glass
A physiological or psychological dependency on a product or service is called a
A) want
B) consumer addiction
C) need
D) specialty product

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