Business Communication Chapter 3 When Referring Channel And Medium Medium The System Used Deliver The Message

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3447
subject Authors Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill

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75) When referring to channel and medium, medium is the system used to deliver the message.
76) Most media can only be distributed through one channel, so you have to select the channel
and medium combination carefully.
77) Media choices can be divided into oral, written and visual media.
78) Being in the same physical space is a key distinction in oral medium, in-person combination.
79) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a combination of a written medium and a
digital channel of communication.
80) When faced with the need to convey complex ideas and relationships quickly, what
combination of channel and medium would be most effective? Why?
81) If you expect your audience to be skeptical about your information, how can you minimize
the potential for skepticism?
A) State conclusions and recommendations up front, then offer supporting evidence.
B) Offer complete details.
C) Offer a summary of each main point.
D) Introduce conclusions gradually with more proof.
E) Use oral communication instead of written communication.
82) Which of the following is not affected by good organization of a message?
A) The audience's understanding of the message
B) The acceptance of the message
C) The time the writer spends crafting the message
D) The time the audience spends reading the message
E) The technology used to produce the message
83) The overall subject of a message is called what?
A) Unifier
B) Main idea
C) Handle
D) Topic
E) Organizational cue
84) Generating as many ideas as you can without stopping to criticize or organize them is called
A) Storyteller's tour
B) Questions and answer chain
C) Journalistic approach
D) Brainstorming
E) Mind mapping
85) When attempting to distill major thoughts from unorganized information, what approach
might be most effective?
A) Question and answer chain
B) Journalistic approach
C) Mind mapping
D) Brainstorming
E) Storyteller's tour
86) Which of the following creates a visual aid indicating the relationship between ideas?
A) Storyteller's tour
B) Question and answer chain
C) Journalistic approach
D) Brainstorming
E) Mind mapping
87) The length and level of detail in a communication is indicated by what?
A) Mind mapping
B) Storyteller's tour
C) Limitations
D) Scope
E) Format
88) After you have defined the main idea and supporting points, what is the next step in the
planning sequence?
A) Determining the approach
B) Committing thoughts to words
C) Selecting the channel
D) Selecting the medium
E) Outlining content
89) To determine the best approach to organizing your message, which of the following is least
likely to affect the choice?
A) Audience's likely reaction
B) Unique circumstances of the message
C) The type of message
D) The amount of time available to develop the message
E) Unique circumstances of the audience
90) When using an indirect approach, the message should start with what?
A) Evidence
B) The main idea
C) Recommendations
D) Conclusions
E) Requests
91) When determining scope, how many major supporting points should be included?
A) One
B) As many as necessary
C) One for each main idea
D) Five
E) No more than six
92) Which of the following is least likely to limit the scope of a message?
A) Overall length
B) Level of detail
C) Interest level of the audience
D) Range of information
E) Time allowed for presentation
93) What is the most common presentation structure used in television commercials and other
A) Indirect format
B) Storyteller's technique
C) Direct format
D) Mind mapping
E) Limited scope
94) What part of the classic storytelling technique builds the audience's interest by increasing
A) Preview to the story
B) Introduction to the story
C) Middle of the story
D) End of the story
E) Follow up to the story
95) Careful organization can help the writer arrange points that can soften the blow of
unwelcome news.
96) The main idea is a specific statement about the overall subject of the message.
97) An indirect approach is best when your audience will be receptive to your message.
98) Major supporting points should be backed up with evidence and examples.
99) Discuss key components of organizing the content of a written communication.
100) Identify when an indirect approach to providing information would be most effective,
providing an example that highlights each step in the process.

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