Business Communication Chapter 15 When Employees Start Ask Top Leadership Provide

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subject Authors W. Warner Burke

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Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Chapter 15: Leading Organization Change
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. Phases of organization change are ______.
A. discrete
B. unplanned
C. overlap
D. arbitrary
2. The prelaunch phase is the time for ______.
A. leader self-examination
B. gathering data on the organization’s external environment
C. establishing the need for change and providing clarity of vision and direction
D. all of these
3. The launch phase is the time for ______.
A. dealing with resistance
B. multiple leverage
C. taking the heat
D. repeating the message
4. Which of the following are activities that should be conducted during sustaining the
A. choosing successors
B. launching more new initiatives
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
5. Research evidence indicates that high-performing leaders ______.
A. see themselves in the best possible light
B. see themselves much as others see them
C. don’t care what other people think of them
D. don’t consider how their feelings affect their behavior
6. According to McClelland and Burnham (1976), managers who were rated by
subordinates as high in degree of clarity (about what was expected of subordinates) and
in promoting team spirit were ______.
A. high in power motivation, low in need for affiliation, and high in inhibition
B. low in power motivation, high in need for affiliation, and high in inhibition
C. low in power motivation, low in need for affiliation, and high in inhibition
D. high in power motivation, high in need for affiliation, and high in inhibition
7. McClelland and Burnham (1976) found that successful managers tend to be ______.
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
A. aloof
B. caring
C. participative managers who coach their employees
D. both B and C
8. Determining mission and values ______.
A. is a top-down process
B. is a bottom-up process
C. can be either a top-down or bottom-up process
D. is a centralized process
9. Today, most organizational environments are ______.
A. placid, randomized
B. placid, clustered
C. disturbed, reactive
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
D. turbulent fields
10. The prelaunch phase is the time for the leader to ______.
A. be impulsive, if needed
B. take the time and effort to gather and analyze environmental information
C. rely on instinct
D. none of these
11. An organization change effort ______.
A. should not include any activities geared toward embracing the change until the
postlaunch phase
B. should not include any activities geared toward implementing the change until the
postlaunch phase
C. should include an event that will capture employees’ attention, provide focus, and
create the reality that the change effort is not merely an exercise during the launch
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
D. should not include an event that will capture employees’ attention, provide focus, and
create the reality that the change effort is not merely an exercise until the postlaunch
12. Dealing with resistance ______.
A. should be left to the managers
B. should be handled at all levels of the organization
C. should be left until the postlaunch phase
D. all of these
13. When employees start to ask top leadership to provide structure during a time when
it is not feasible during the change effort, ______.
A. it is time for the leader to step in and establish the new order
B. the leader should be persistent in communicating that living with ambiguity is going to
work out in the end
C. the leader should delegate to managers to take control
D. none of these
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
14. Organization change requires ______.
A. consistency
B. multiple interventions
C. sustaining
D. all of these
15. Sustaining the change requires ______.
A. expecting unanticipated consequences
B. adapting to unanticipated consequences
C. continuing the momentum
D. all of these
16. An overriding goal of sustaining organization change is to ______.
A. regain equilibrium
B. counter equilibrium
C. alternate being on the edge of chaos with equilibrium
D. avoid being on the edge of chaos
17. During an organization change effort, it is not advisable to ______.
A. acquire other organizations or business lines
B. start new programs within the organization
C. try to penetrate new markets
D. none of these
18. Transformational leadership is associated with ______.
A. continuous change
B. evolutionary change
C. discontinuous change
D. transactional leadership
19. The new organization vision ______.
A. should be created by the top leader
B. should be communicated and “sold” by the top leader
C. should be general so it can be interpreted as needed
D. all of these
20. The overall objective of an organization changing in response to changes in the
external environment is to ______.
A. change the culture
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
B. change the vision
C. change the products or services
D. survive
21. During the prelaunch phase, self-reflection by a leader can be considered in the
categories of ______.
A. self-awareness
B. motives
C. values
D. all of these
22. Growing evidence supports that self-awareness is related to ______.
A. ego
B. self-promotion
C. performance
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
D. none of these
23. Leaders who want to bring about a successful change effort must be cognizant of
their ______.
A. tolerance for ambiguity
B. current and prospective salaries
C. the reaction of their members
D. none of these
24. It is difficult to have a high need for control and ______.
A. promote others
B. lead change effectively
C. avoid mistakes
D. none of these
25. In addition to leaders preferences for extraversion or introversion, it is important for
leaders to know the dimensions such as ______.
A. need for closure
B. intuition versus sensing
C. logic or empathy
D. all of these
26. When making decisions, it is highly valuable for a leader to understand ______.
A. the differences between times when one needs to take control and one needs to
B. whether this is an open system or closed system
C. the gender of leaders and followers
D. none of these

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