Business Communication Chapter 10 Medium Standard Systems And Processes Organizations 13 The

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subject Pages 9
subject Words 1205
subject Authors W. Warner Burke

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Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Chapter 10: The BurkeLitwin Causal Model of Organization
Performance and Change
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following is true about the organization models by Porras, Weisbord,
and Nadler-Tushman?
A. They are more about organizational functioning than about change.
B. They do not integrate content and process.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
2. Which of the following is true about Tichy’s TPC framework?
A. It does not address organization change.
B. It does address organization change.
C. It does not address content.
D. It does not address process.
3. Which of the following is true about the organization models by Porras, Weisbord,
Nadler-Tushman, and Tichy?
A. They are explicit about cause and effect.
B. They are not explicit about cause and effect.
C. They are explicitly predictive.
D. None of these
4. Litwin of the BurkeLitwin Causal Model of Change was influenced by ______.
A. the works of Atkinson (1958)
B. the works of McClelland (1961)
C. need theory
D. all of these
5. Litwin’s early research (Litwin & stringer, 1968) showed that ______.
A. achievement-oriented leaders have the highest performance but the lowest morale
B. achievement-oriented leaders have the lowest performance and lowest morale
C. achievement-oriented leaders have the highest performance and the highest morale
D. affiliation-oriented leaders have the highest performance and the highest morale
6. Which of the following is the centerpiece of Litwin, Humphrey, and Wilson’s 1978
Organizational-Climate System?
A. norms and values
B. management systems
C. organizational performance and development
D. none of these
7. Which of the following are outcome variables of the Organization-Climate System?
A. employee health and retention
B. organizational performance and development
C. motivation
D. all of these
8) The Organization-Climate System linked ______.
A. psychological and organization variables as cause and effect
B. the systems approach with the nonlinear approach
C. input throughput and output with the external environment
D. none of these
9. The BurkeLitwin Causal Model of Change emerged from ______.
A. theory
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
B. research
C. practice (consulting to bring about change at British Airways)
D. trial and error
10. The BurkeLitwin model is based in ______.
A. closed system thinking
B. open system thinking
C. sociotechnical system thinking
D. chaos theory
11. If the BurkeLitwin model were to be portrayed as close to reality as possible, the
arrows ______.
A. would flow only in one direction
B. would flow only top-down
C. would flow only from the bottom up
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
D. would link each box and all of the other boxes
12. According to Burke and Litwin, the most significant component of the model is
A. leadership
B. management practices
C. the external environment
D. organization culture
13. The top half of the BurkeLitwin model features ______.
A. transactional factors
B. transformational factors
C. both transactional and transformational factors
D. none of these
14. The bottom half of the BurkeLitwin model features ______.
A. transactional factors
B. transformational factors
C. both transactional and transformational factors
D. none of these
15. A fundamental premise of the BurkeLitwin model is that ______.
A. planned change should flow from the bottom up
B. planned change should flow from the top down
C. planned change should flow from left to right
D. planned change should flow from right to left
16. Inside the organization, which of the following has the greatest impact, according to
the BurkeLitwin model?
A. the culture
B. the climate
C. transformational factors
D. transactional factors
17. Changing the transformational factors in the BurkeLitwin model ______.
A. should result in discontinuous change and affect the deep structure
B. should result in discontinuous change but not affect the deep structure
C. should result in continuous change and affect the deep structure
D. should result in continuous change but not affect the deep structure
18. Which one of the following statements is true about the BurkeLitwin model?
A. Thus far, research has not supported any parts of the model.
B. Thus far, no research has been conducted to determine the model’s validity.
C. Thus far, the model is only theoretical.
D. None of these
19. The BurkeLitwin model ______.
A. proposes cause and effect relationships for organization change
B. represents organizational reality to some degree
C. has been validated in part by researchers
D. all of these
20. The systems component of the BurkeLitwin model refers to ______.
A. open systems
B. input-throughput-output systems
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
C. policies and procedures
D. management practices
21. George Litwin, of the BurkeLitwin model, developed ______.
A. an abbreviated organizational model with claimant as the centerpiece
B. defined organizational climate, which is a set of psychological priorities of a given
work environment
C. determined that climate was composed of a number of organizational variables
D. all of these
22. Organizational climate is defined in terms of ______.
A. perceptions that individuals have of their local work unit
B. the economic systems in which the organization performs
C. the geographical area in which the organization performs
D. none of these
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
23. Litwin(1978), in addition to modeling climate as affecting motivation, included
A. leadership principles
B. the outcome variables of organizational performance
C. employee health and retention
D. B and C
24. When doing his graduate work at the University of Michigan, Lewin was influenced
by the works of ______.
A. Atkinson (1958)
B. David McClellan (1961)
C. Nadler Cushman (1991)
D. A and B

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