Business Communication Chapter 09 Which The Following Models Takes Contingency Viewpointe

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subject Authors W. Warner Burke

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Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Chapter 9: Integrated Models for Understanding Organizations and for
Leading and Managing Change
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. To be its most effective, consulting for organization change must focus on ______.
A. the content
B. the process
C. both the content and process
D. the unanticipated
2. Organizational models that integrate content and process ______.
A. help address the what of organization change
B. help address the how of organization change
C. help address both the what and how of organization change
D. help address the unanticipated aspects of organization change
3. An organization model ______.
A. is a graphic depiction of an organization
B. can be used as a map for organization change content
C. can be used as a map for organization change process
D. is metaphorical
E. is all of these
4. Which of the following is a caveat to organization models?
A. They are only as good as the selected components and how the components are
B. The insights they create can become distortions.
C. Organization models have no caveats.
D. Both A and B
5. Which of the following is correct?
A. Organization models can be prescriptive.
B. Organization models can be descriptive.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
6. Leavitt’s (1965) model of organization change depicted ______.
A. the interdependence of structure, technology, task, and people
B. the cyclic nature of structure, technology, task and, people
C. the inputthroughputoutput nature of organization change
D. a circular model of organization change
7. The six boxes in Weisbord’s Six-Box Model of organization change are ______.
A. purposes, structure, rewards, helpful mechanisms, relationships, and leadership
B. purposes, structure, rewards, helpful mechanisms, tasks, and leadership
C. purposes, processes, rewards, helpful mechanisms, tasks, and leadership
D. purposes, people, processes, rewards, tasks, and leadership
8. Which one of the following statements is true?
A. Weisbord’s Six-Box Model of organization change does not take the external
environment into account.
B. Weisbord’s Six-Box Model of organization change does take the external
environment into account.
C. Weisbord’s model is not diagnostic.
D. The relationships box is in the center of the model.
9. Which of the following models is based on an open-system theory that takes into
consideration inputs, throughputs, and outputs?
A. Leavitt’s Organization Systems Model, Weisbord’s Six-Box Model, and the Nadler-
Tushman Congruence Model
B. Leavitt’s Organization Systems Model and Weisbord’s Six-Box Model
C. Weisbord’s Six-Box Model and the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model as well as
Tichy’s Framework
D. Leavitt’s Organization Systems Model
10. For organization change to be effective, according to Tichy, ______.
A. the technical, political, and cultural systems should be dealt with in sequence
B. the technical, political, and cultural systems should be dealt with one at a time
C. the technical, political, and cultural systems should be changed last
D. the technical, political, and cultural systems should be dealt with simultaneously
11. A limitation to Tichy’s model is that ______.
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
A. he barely mentions the people component
B. it is not rational
C. it does not take hard data into consideration
D. all of these
12. Which of the following models takes into consideration the alignment within and
between systems?
A. Weisbord’s Six-Box Model
B. Leavitt’s Organization Systems Model
C. The Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model
D. Tichy’s Technical, Political, and Cultural Matrix
13. Which of the following models takes a contingency viewpoint?
A. Weisbord’s model
B. Both Weisbord’s and Nadler-Tushman’s models
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
C. Both Weisbord’s and Tichy’s models
D. Tichy’s model
14. Which of the following models explicitly accounts for the informal and formal
organizational arrangements in its graphic depiction?
A. Weisbord’s model
B. The Nadler-Tushman model
C. Both Weisbord’s and Tichy’s models
D. Tichy’s and Nadler-Tushman’s models
15. Congruence as the concept of fit is pertinent to ______.
A. Weisbord’s model
B. Nadler-Tushman’s model
C. Tichy’s model
D. Leavitt’s model
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
16. Which of the following models takes a normative stance?
A. Weisbord’s model
B. Both Weisbord’s and Nadler-Tushman’s models
C. Both Weisbord’s and Tichy’s models
D. Tichy’s model
17. Which of the following is not true?
A. Organization models can help us understand behavior during organization change.
B. Organization models can help us understand actions taken during organization
C. A drawback to models is that they are only based in theory.
D. A drawback to models is that we can’t be sure they take all of the necessary
organization change components into account.
18. According to the Nadler and Tushman (1977) model, ______.
A. the inputs include environment, resources, history, and strategy
B. outputs can feed back into the transformation process and to the input component
C. the transformation process can feed back into the input component
D. all of these
19. Which of the following is true, according to Nadler and Tushman (1977)?
A. strategies must be planned.
B. Strategies can be unintentional.
C. Strategies must be long range.
D. Not all organizations have strategies.
20. Models that provide best guesses of what is important to consider for organization
change ______.
A. ignore theory and combine only research and practice
B. ignore research and combine only theory and practice
C. ignore theory and research and consider only practice
D. combine theory, research, and practice
21. One of the ways an organizational model can be useful is ______.
A. it aids in helping to categorize activities or behavior
B. it allows for excellent prediction of future behavior
C. it simplifies organizational understanding
D. none of these
22. An organizational model helps in focusing on ______.
A. the categorization of an organization
B. the age of the organization
C. we know more readily where we should take action
D. none of these
23. An organizational model can help us with data by ______.
A. providing a framework for data analysis
B. establishing a context to give the data some reality
C. the actual collection of realistic data
D. all of these
24. Analysis of an organization is aided by an organizational model because ______.
A. it uses consistent and uniform terms
B. it allows for uniform contextual analysis
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
C. it can demonstrate differences and similarities between cultures
D. all these
25. Guiding an action plan for change is facilitated by ______.
A. hiring a consultant
B. applying an organizational model
C. participation by members
D. applying a unique survey
26. The Nadler congruence model is ______.
A. an open system
B. influenced by its environment
C. influenced by its outputs
D. all of these

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