Business Communication Chapter 08 The Expectancy Theory Related Organizational Change

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subject Authors W. Warner Burke

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Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Chapter 8: Conceptual Models for Understanding Organization Change
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. The fundamental distinction between the content and process of change is that
A. content is the how and process is the what
B. content is the what and process is the how
C. content is less important than the process
D. process precedes content
2. When leaders first respond to changes in the environment that threaten the
organization’s survival, their first concern should be ______.
A. the content of change
B. the process of change
C. the cycle of change
D. the system of change
3. Which of the following proposed that organizations get into trouble when their
fundamental beliefs and assumptions no longer fit reality?
A. Drucker
B. Lewin
C. Lippitt
D. Maslow
4. When leaders choose a model for the steps to following when initiating organization
change, they are focusing on ______.
A. the content of change
B. the process of change
C. the cycle of change
D. the system of change
5. What are the four theories that Van de Ven and Poole (1995) identified as four ideal
categories to help understand the how and why of change?
A. life cycle, teleological, dialectical, and stage
B. life cycle, dialectical, field, and need
C. life cycle, dialectical, evolutionary, and revolutionary
D. life cycle, teleological, dialectical, and evolutionary
6. A study by Audia, Locke, and Smith (2000) found what the authors call a “paradox of
success.” What is the paradox?
A. The less successful an organization, the more it monitors the environment.
B. Organizations that monitor the environment most are the least successful.
C. Greater past success leads to greater strategic persistence following a radical
environmental change.
D. Greater past success leads to greater monitoring of the environment.
7. Lewin’s (1947) research on changing eating habits suggested that change requires
three steps, which are ______.
A. freezing, unfreezing, and changing
B. unfreezing, changing, and unfreezing
C. unfreezing, refreezing, and moving
D. unfreezing, moving, and refreezing
8. Schein (1987) did which of the following to Lewin’s (1947) three-step model of
A. refuted it after testing it on organization change
B. expanded and elaborated each step, and redesignated the steps as overlapping
C. reversed them
D. expanded them to five “phases”
9. Lippitt, Watson, and Westley (1985) did which of the following to Lewin’s three-step
model of change?
A. refuted it after testing it on organization change
B. expanded and elaborated each step and redesignated the steps as overlapping
C. reversed them
D. expanded them to five “phases”
10. Transition theories of organization demonstrate the importance of ______.
A. understanding organization changes at multiple levels at the same time
B. the complexities of large-scale organization change
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
11. Beckhard and Harris (1987) included in their transition model ______.
A. a step in which leadership determines whether or not to change
B. a neutral zone
C. punctuated equilibrium
D. all of these
12. Bridges (1980) included in his transition model, ______.
A. a step in which leadership determines whether or not to change
B. a neutral zone
C. punctuated equilibrium
D. the unconscious group
13. Episodic organization change ______.
A. neatly follows the model, “If Y happens, X likely caused it”
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
B. is predictably linear
C. due to unanticipated circumstances, is not as sequential as the linear models convey
D. is so complex that using a model hinders more than it helps
14. Sequential change models may be better suited for ______.
A. continuous improvement initiatives rather than for discontinuous change
B. discontinuous change than for continuous improvement initiatives
C. change that involves punctuated equilibrium
D. large-scale, radical change than for continuous change
15. Theories from psychology and organizational behavior address ______.
A. individual, group, and larger system levels of organization change
B. only the individual and group level
C. only the group level of organization change
D. only the individual level of organization change
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
16) Need theory, expectancy theory, job satisfaction theory, and positive reinforcement
are examples of theories to help create organization change at the ______.
A. individual level
B. group level
C. both individual and group level
D. neither individual nor group level
17. Participative management and a family metaphor are examples of theories to help
create organization change at the ______.
A. individual level
B. group level
C. both individual and group level
D. neither individual nor group level
18. Empirical-rational, normative-re-educative, and power-coercive strategies for
effecting change are ______.
A. specific to technological change
B. more processural then contextual
C. politically based
D. revolutionary
19. Normative-re-educative strategies are premised in the idea that ______.
A. people are independent and think for themselves
B. people like to follow directives
C. people conform and commit to sociocultural norms
D. people are political
20. The role of managers in implementing change is considered the ______.
A. content of change
B. process of change
C. the rational aspect of change
D. the cognitive aspect of change
21. Van de Ven and Poole (1995) conducted their study to ______.
A. verify the results of the Burke Litwin theory
B. contradict the results of the Burke Litwin theory
C. attempt to integrate diverse theories about organization change
D. comply with the governmental contract
22. Then the Van and Poole (1995) conducted a computerized literature search and
A. turned up over 1 million articles dealing with “change” and “development”
B. they filtered that to 200,000 titles and read about 200 of them
C. they discovered a cluster of four ideal types of development theories
D. all of these
23. Van de Ven and Poole (1995), as a result of their meta-analysis, identified four
primary theories as ______.
A. lifecycle, teleological, dialectical, and evolutionary
B. extrovert, Herbert, feeling, and thinking
C. ancient, old, modern, and postmodern
D. none of these
24. The life-cycle theory analyzed by Greiner (1972) ______.
Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018
A. proposed five stages in an organization’s life cycle
B. also included a dialectical component
C. remains popular with managers because of its ease of understanding
D. all of these
25. The teleological theory of organizational development assumes that an organization
A. is purposeful and adaptive
B. magnifies things of great distance
C. is linear and your reversible
D. none of these
26. The expectancy theory related to organizational change focuses ______.
A. on extrinsic behavior
B. the belief that people’s behavior is related to certain outcomes

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