Business 85218

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Finance, from a CSR perspective, is concerned with:
A. Securing access to finance for underprivileged organizations.
B. Ensuring the employees of financial organizations are well paid.
C. Holding financial organizations accountable for the projects they fund.
D. Keeping interest rates low.
Customers, competitors and other forces all drive changes in the firm's operating
environment. When environmental changes occur, leaders face a make-or-buy decision.
A. True
B. False
Mallen Baker accuses the financial sector of being built on an underlying logic of:
A. Maximizing homeownership in order to keep bank's federal charter and not be
accused of "red lining" (excluding) poor parts of the cities being served.
B. Confusing (the consumer), combined with a fundamental legitimacy (people know,
in principle, that it is important to save and invest money).
C. Mortgage investors and homeowners assuming that the federal organizations such as
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were policing lending standards.
D. Effective Congressional oversight.
______________ are actions a firm does very well and is so superior at
performing these activities that it is difficult (or at least time consuming) for other firms
to match their performance in this area:
A. Capabilities.
B. Competencies.
C Core competencies.
D. Make-or-buy decisions
When either social or economic value is deficient in supporting a strategic CSR
perspective, stakeholders have a basis upon which to question the legitimacy of the firm
as a member of society.
A. True
B. False
Violations of CSR by insiders often occur:
A. Intentionally but those who disagree with CSR.
B. Unintentionally while pursuing other, seemingly more pressing goals.
C. Accidentally by those who are not at corporate headquarters.
D. Because CSR goals conflict with security, safety, and quality goals.
According to Accion, re-payment rates for the micro-loans they have made are:
A. 67%.
B. 77%.
C. 87%.
D. 97%.
The connection among a firm's internal strengths and its external opportunities is driven
A. The firm's vision.
B. Protecting against external threats, real and potential.
C. The strategic axiom that success depends on a position of competing from strengths.
D. The changes that result when a firm creates a new set of aspirations and forms them
into a vision.
CSR defines society:
A. Narrowly, only to include businesses.
B. Broadly, only to include the impact businesses have on society.
C. To include the impact of society on business.
D. As a company's relationships with its stakeholders and recognizes the essential
nature to their success.
Although corruption permeates all society, recent efforts of anticorruption campaigns
by governments designed to change norms and perceptions have resulted in an
improvement in many countries.
A. True
B. False
The issue of relative value is important in an age when Western consumers often judge
a multinational corporation's operations in a developing country by their own standards,
rather than the standards facing the company in that developing country. The result is
often very difficult for a company that:
A. Believes it faces a no-win situation.
B. Believes in CSR.
C. Does not believe in CSR.
D. Believes that the purpose of the business is to maximize profits above all.
. Those economies that have developed the furthest, the fastest, have also been
producing the:
A. least carbon emissions.
B. most carbon emissions.
C. least electronic waste.
D. None of the above.
IKEA set a goal of reducing its US stores' plastic bag consumption by 50 %. What
percentage of their customers said no more plastic bags?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 40%
D. 92%
The pursuit of profit, in terms of CSR:
A. Is distasteful.
B. Is unacceptable.
C. Stimulates innovation and progress and helps meet society's developmental needs.
D. All of the above.
A firm's aspirations are most closely associated with its:
A. Strategy.
B. Vision.
C. Mission.
D. Tactics.
The agents of an organization are the company's:
A. Shareholders.
B. Stakeholders.
C. Workers.
D. Managers.
___________ is able to align the economic value its internal stakeholders seek with the
broader social value that is sought by its various external stakeholders:
A. The Strategic CSR Window of Opportunity.
B. The CSR Deficit.
C. A CSR Perspective.
D. The Iron Law of Social Responsibility.
Today, advocates of CSR outside the firm have greater opportunities to effectively
mobilize their efforts because of:
A. Society's elites.
B. Greater sophistication among government leaders.
C. Declining world trade.
D. The revolution in communications technology.
_______________ is foremost in creating a firm's commitment to CSR:
A. Top management commitment.
B. Having a CSR officer.
C. Ensuring that the CSR officer has direct access to the board of directors.
D. The CSR officer is an executive.
The goal of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition is to connect the consumer with every
stage of the production process to support the Lifecycle Pricing concept.
A. True
B. False
A ______________ is applied when a firm decides the competitive environment
demands a change in strategy and internal and external resources must be evaluated:
A. Strategic intent.
B. Virtuous cycle.
C. Core competency.
D. Make-or-buy decision.
In 2011, Fairtrade USA certified a record ______ pounds of Fair Trade Coffee from 22
different countries:
A. 5 million pounds.
B. 60 million pounds.
C. 138 million pounds.
D. 330 million pounds.
It is only important for the internal stakeholders to understand the firm's CSR position
and vision and how it affects them.
A. True
B. False
Countrywide is a good example of how good things have become in terms of corporate
responsibility within the financial industry during the Financial Crisis.
A. True
B. False
Corporate Stakeholder responsibility is the responsibility among a firm's stakeholders to
hold the firm accountable for its actions.
A. True
B. False
Strategic CSR expounds the___________ argument in favor of CSR:
A. Economic.
B. Financial.
C. Political.
D. Social.
Stock options are:
A. One way of aligning the interests of the owners of the organization with those
entrusted to operate the organization on the owners' behalf.
B. An accounting tool designed to reduce salary expense for an organization.
C. An incentive for executives to adopt a long term perspective for the organization.
D. A necessary evil of conducting business today.
The urgency with which CSR policies are implemented depends on the perceived CSR
Threshold and the priority the issue holds for the firm's leaders.
A. True
B. False
______________ are actions a firm can do and can do very well:
A. Capabilities.
B. Competencies.
C. Core competencies.
D. Make-or-buy decisions.
"Micro-credit" or "Micro-loans" were first introduced in:
A. India in the 1950s.
B. Indonesia in the 1960s.
C. Bangladesh in the 1970s.
D. Vietnam in the 1980s.
In the 1790s, consumer boycotts occurred in reactions to:
A. Slave-harvested sugar.
B. Cheap cotton from the United States.
C. The high price of fuel (lamp) oil.
D. The use of the Royal Navy in England to transport slaves.
The issues that determine the CSR Threshold for an individual company are more
complicated than those issues for an industry with certain individual industries being
more vulnerable than others.
A. True
B. False
Walmart most likely has a higher CSR threshold because:
A. It is a big company.
B. It deals with the public.
C. It has a business level strategy that pursues low costs.
D. It has an extensive CSR effort underway.

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