BUS 666 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 496
subject Authors Mary Von Glinow, Steven Mcshane

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Many of the popular organizational culture models and measures oversimplify the
variety of organizational cultures and correctly assume that organizations can easily be
identified within these categories.
Brooks's law says that adding more people to a late software project only makes it later.
Personality traits are more evident in situations where an individual's behavior is
subject to social norms and reward systems.
One reason why the problem identification stage is imperfect is that various
stakeholders try to frame the decision maker's view of the situation.
The grapevine is the main conduit through which organizational stories and other
symbols of the organization's culture are communicated.
Ambiguous language is sometimes necessary to describe situations or concepts that are
ill-defined or lack agreement between sender and receiver.
Mediation has a high level of process control but a low level of decision control.
Social loafing is more prevalent when the task is interesting.
When people support change, they typically assume that it is others who need to
A strategic vision is necessarily abstract.
The MBTI instrument is mostly used for team building and career development.

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