BISC 93995

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 2650
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. a group that includes apes and humans
b. a population of Homo spp. that lived from at least 100,000 to as recently as 30,000
years ago; tool users and artisans
c. the order that includes animals with freely swiveling limbs, mobile grasping digits,
upright body posture, good depth perception, and exquisite neural control
d. organisms in a group that includes New World and Old World monkeys, apes, and
e. an era that began 65 to 63 million years ago; characterized by the evolution of birds,
mammals, and flowering plants
f. an epoch of the Cenozoic lasting from 23.8 million to 5.3 million years ago;
characterized by the appearance of primitive apes
g. an epoch of the Cenozoic lasting from 5.3 million to 1.8 million years ago;
characterized by the appearance of distinctly modern plants and animals
h. bipedal organisms from about 3.2 to 2.3 million years ago, with essentially human
bodies and ape-shaped heads; "Southern Apes"
i. a group including humans and human-like species
The range of all factors that influence whether a species can obtain resources essential
for survival and reproduction is its
a. habitat.
b. niche.
c. carrying capacity.
d. ecosystem.
e. community.
The group Amoebozoa
a. are shape shifters.
b. includes the amoebas.
c. includes the slime molds.
d. includes species most of which are able to form pseudopods.
e. includes all of these.
Use the figure above to answer the following questions.
The point at which this neuron will be able to generate another action potential is
indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
There are ____ molecules of DNA in a developing human sperm cell at the beginning
of prophase I.
a. 92
b. 23
c. 46
d. half as many (as compared to somatic cells)
e. twice as many (as compared to mature sperm)
To answer the following questions refer to the four items listed below.
a. cDNA
b. restriction enzyme
c. reverse transcriptase
d. gene library
This is any DNA made from mRNA transcripts.
Which of the following is not a C3 grass?
a. wheat.
b. oats.
c. barley.
d. rice
e. legumes.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five kinds of behavior listed
a. imprinting
b. sexual selection
c. learned behavior
d. defense behavior
e. altruism
The adult male who jumps overboard to save a drowning niece is exhibiting
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. blending in and being hidden by the background
b. where an organism is generally located in a community
c. one organism benefits at another organism's expense
d. traditionally a self-sustaining array of interacting organisms that is best suited for a
particular environment
e. lichens on newly hardened, newly cooled lava
f. robins and human populations
g. the yucca moth and the yucca
h. one species is eliminated from an area of niche overlap
i. tasty species resembles repugnant one
j. the process that leads from a pioneer community to a mature community
k. natural reforestation of burned-over forest
Which statement is NOT generally true of monocot stems?
a. They do not undergo secondary growth.
b. They are not tapered along their length.
c. Their vascular bundles are distributed throughout the ground tissue.
d. Monocot stems have a single, central vascular cylinder.
e. All of these are not true.
The somatic senses include all EXCEPT which one of the following sensations?
a. balance
b. pain near the body surface
c. temperature
d. touch
e. pressure
Which of the following habitats is most likely to be rich in fossils?
a. eroding hillsides
b. deserts
c. polar ice caps
d. shallow seas
e. rocky plateau
Secondary succession is likely to occur in
a. a burned forest.
b. a shallow lake.
c. an abandoned field.
d. a burned forest and a shallow lake.
e. a burned forest, a shallow lake, and an abandoned field.
If you were searching for anaerobic bacteria, you would NOT look for them in
a. the guts of farm animals.
b. swamps.
c. shallow, running water.
d. sediments of lakes and oceans.
e. canned goods.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. do not maintain the same body temperature at all times; are capable of internal heat
b. heat energy is released to the air when liquid water converts to gaseous form
c. bulk flow of protein-free plasma from capillaries into Bowman's capsule
d. animals with more or less constant body temperature
e. emission of heat from body surface when environmental temperature is lower than
the body temperature
f. movement of ions from peritubular capillaries into nephron tubules
g. loss of too much body heat
h. heat next to the body's surface undergoes mass transport by air or water currents
i. active and passive transport of solutes from peritubular capillaries into the glomerular
j. a long, slender, tubular unit in the vertebrate kidney that forms urine
k. body temperatures rise and fall with environmental changes
l. secreted by adrenal glands; influences sodium reabsorption
m. passive transport of water; active and passive transport of solutes out of the nephron
into peritubular capillaries
n. heat energy is transferred from high to low temperature regions due to collisions
between adjacent molecules
o. released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary in response to hypothalamic signals
p. toxic substances are extracted from blood circulating in cellophane tubes suspended
in a warm-water bath
q. erection of hairs and feathers by smooth muscles in the skin
The following questions refer to the figures above.
Which of the letters in the above figure represents the anther?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. none of these
With regard to photosynthesis, photorespiration
a. is more efficient in producing carbohydrates.
b. predominates in C3 plants in cool weather when water is plentiful.
c. predominates in C4 plants on hot days.
d. produces the same amount of PGA.
e. does none of these.
Which event of translation is shown in the figure above?
a. initiation
b. elongation
c. termination
d. peptide bond formation
e. elongation and peptide bond formation
The DNA molecule is most similar functionally to a
a. pair of scissors.
b. flashlight battery.
c. computer memory chip.
d. ballpoint pen.
e. craft kit of ceramic tiles.
The bond in table salt (NaCl) is
a. polar.
b. ionic.
c. covalent.
d. double.
e. nonpolar.
Which of the following is incorrect concerning Radiolarians?
a. They have perforated shells of calcium carbonate.
b. They form part of the plankton.
c. They use pseudopods for feeding.
d. They have vacuoles that impart buoyancy.
e. They are heterotrophic protists.
This nucleotide is not incorporated into the structure of the DNA helix.
Answer the following questions in reference to the five nucleotides listed below:
a. guanine
b. cytosine
c. pyrimidine
d. thymine
e. uracil
Which of the following is false?
a. Flowers often exhibit coevolution with their pollinators.
b. Seeds often exhibit coevolution with their disseminators.
c. The pollen grain forms from a haploid microspore.
d. Megaspores are part of the female gametophyte generation.
e. Megaspores and microspores arise through mitosis.
What is the type of speciation that can occur in an instant with a change in chromosome
a. temporal
b. mechanical
c. behavioral
d. ecological
e. polyploidal
The teeth designated by the letter "B" in the above figure are called
a. canines.
b. premolars.
c. incisors.
d. molars.
e. all of these.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE concerning photosynthetic plants?
a. They get carbon from the environment.
b. They obtain energy from the environment.
c. They make their own food.
d. They provide food for others.
e. They do not need gases to make food.
Enkephalins and endorphins are
a. neuromodulators.
b. stimulators of brain and nervous activity.
c. inhibitors of pain perception.
d. neuromodulators and stimulators of brain and nervous activity.
e. neuromodulators and inhibitors of pain perception.
Which of the following bridges the gap between a neuron sending a message and the
neuron receiving it?
a. threshold value
b. action potential
c. transmitter molecules
d. a neurohormone
e. all of these
Which of the following dominates in the process of transcription?
a. RNA polymerase
b. DNA polymerase
c. helicase
d. transfer RNA
e. all of these dominate in the process of transcription
The nucleus of an atom contains
a. neutrons and protons.
b. neutrons and electrons.
c. protons and electrons.
d. protons only.
e. neutrons only.
Match all applicable letters with the appropriate term(s). Letters may be used more than
once, and a term may have more than one letter.
a. tissue that is part of the ground system
b. tissue that is part of the vascular system
c. tissue that is part of the dermal system
d. develops into the vascular cambium
e. leaf's photosynthetic tissues (palisade and spongy) are in this category
f. transports photosynthetic products away from leaves and stem
g. meristematic tissue
h. develops into secondary xylem and phloem
i. transports water and dissolved nutrients up to the stem and leaves
j. replaces the epidermis in plants that undergo secondary growth
k. a single layer of cells that helps control the movement of water and dissolved salts
into the xylem pipeline
l. influence the movement of carbon dioxide into the leaf and movement of water out of
the leaf
m. generally, dead cells that provide support and strength to all three tissue systems
n. ground tissue centrally located within a ring of vascular bundles
All of the following are located on the exterior surface of a prokaryote EXCEPT
a. flagellum
b. pilus
c. plasma membrane
d. capsule
e. none of these
In sweet peas, genes C and P are necessary for colored flowers. In the absence of either
(__ pp or cc __) or both (cc pp), the flowers are white. What will be the color of the
offspring of the crosses listed below and in what proportions?
(a) Cc Pp x cc pp
(b) Cc Pp x Cc Pp
(c) Cc PP x Cc pp
(d) Cc pp x cc Pp
Which of the statements below is true about warfarin?
a. It is a very effective rodenticide.
b. It interferes with blood clotting in rats.
c. Rats that are resistant to warfarin possess a gene that is rare among vulnerable rats.
d. It is an agent of natural selection in rats.
e. All of these are true.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the organ systems listed below.
a. circulatory
b. lymphatic
c. digestive
d. endocrine
e. respiratory
Involved in the immune response
Land plants, or embryophytes, are close relatives of __________, a kind of green algae.
prostate gland
In garden peas, one pair of alleles controls the height of the plant, and a second pair of
alleles controls flower color. The allele for tall (D) is dominant to the allele for dwarf
(d), and the allele for purple (P) is dominant to the allele for white (p). A tall plant with
purple flowers crossed with a dwarf plant with white flowers produces 1/4 tall purple,
1/4 tall white, 1/4 dwarf purple, and 1/4 dwarf white. What is the genotype of the
Plant growth requires steady sources of water and nutrients obtainable from
__________ and soil.
Why is morphological convergence not a good explanation for vertebrate forelimbs?
Give the bird-like and reptile-like features of Archaeopteryx?
Prokaryote means before the nucleus, but what general feature could prokaryotes also
be said to lack?
Chart the path of air from the atmosphere to the blood.
is a region where there are only myosin molecules.
Discuss the role of turgor in the crisp lettuce purchased at the grocery store looking
much limper by the time it gets home.
Monoglycerides and fatty acids diffuse into a brush border cell, where they combine
with proteins resulting in __________.
Why are Africanized honeybees more dangerous than European honeybees?
__________ assorts gene pairs of homologous chromosomes independently of gene
pairs on all other chromosomes.
With __________, gametes are typically released into water.
Why are human behaviors so difficult so study?

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