BISC 616 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1053
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) at early puberty, follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) and luteinizing hormone (lh)
stimulate enlargement of the testes.
2) angiotensin-converting enzyme is found only in the kidneys and converts
angiotensinogen to angiotensin i.
3) a nerve fiber is enclosed in its own fibrous sleeve called perineurium.
4) straight hair is round, wavy hair is oval, and curly hair is relatively flat.
5) rh incompatibility between a sensitized rh+ woman and an rh- fetus can cause
hemolytic disease of the newborn.
6) many genes occur in alternative forms called alleles.
7) a heavyset middle-aged insurance salesman, who doesn't exercise often, accepts his
friend's invitation to a pickup basketball game. when attempting a jump shot, he falls to
the ground in pain, grasping at the calf of his leg. there is an enormous bulge in his leg
immediately below the popliteal fossa, and he is unable to plantar flex that foot. most
likely he has injured his __________ and the bulge is __________.
a.quadriceps tendon; his rectus femoris
b.calcaneal tendon; his triceps surae
c.patellar ligament; his fibularis longus
d.tibia; a previously undetected bone tumor
e.hamstrings; a large hematoma (blood clot)
8) dna is an example of an __________, whereas pet scan is an example of an
a. abbreviation; acronym
b. acronym; abbreviation
c. acronym; eponym
d. eponym; abbreviation
e. eponym; acronym
9) which of the following are macronutrients?
a.sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and phosphorous
b.nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
c.sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
d.carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water
e.carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, but not water
10) lipids are transportedto the surface of the intestinal absorptive cells by __________,
and are then processedinto __________.
a. fat droplets; micelles
b. fat droplets; chylomicrons
c. micelles; fat globules
d. micelles; chylomicrons
e. fat globules; micelles
11) which of the following statements about diabetes mellitus is false?
a. the body produces autoantibodies that destroy the pancreatic beta cells in type i dm.
b. target cells are unresponsive to insulin in type ii dm.
c. both type i and type ii dm are characterized by lack of, or low levels of, insulin.
d. diabetic neuropathy is a common long term effect of dm.
e. type ii dm is more common than type i dm.
12) found in the urinary bladder, __________ epithelium resembles __________
epithelium, but the apical cells are rounded, not flattened.
a. transitional; stratified squamous
b. stratified squamous; pseudostratified
c. stratified squamous; stratified columnar
d. simple columnar; pseudostratified
e. transitional; simple cuboidal
13) which of the following is a first-class lever?
a. the humeroulnar joint
b. the talocrural joint
c. the knee joint
d. any metacarpophalangeal joint
e. the atlanto-occipital joint
14) the opening of __________ gates produces an __________.
a. chloride; ipsp
b. sodium; ipsp
c. calcium; ipsp
d. potassium; epsp
e. calcium and sodium; ipsp
15) in life threatening starvation, the kidneys synthesize glucose by __________.
a. secreting erythropoietin
b. secreting renin
c. deaminating amino acids
d. contributing to calcium homeostasis
e. producing uric acid
16) which of the following does not explain why people on weight-loss diets often lose
weight quickly at first, but then more slowly over time?
a.water is lost quickly but other weight is harder to lose.
b.the initial weight loss is mostly fat. a diet progresses, the body produces more fat even with the same caloric intake.
d.the body lowers its metabolic rate when it loses weight.
e.will power often weakens as the diet progresses.
17) which of the following cartilages is largest?
a. corniculate cartilage
b. epiglottic cartilage
c. thyroid cartilage
d. cricoid cartilage
e. arytenoid cartilage
18) two groups of people were tested to determine whether garlic lowers blood
cholesterol levels. one group was given 800 mg of garlic powder daily for four months
and exhibited an average 12% reduction in the blood cholesterol. the other group was
not given any garlic and after four months averaged a 3% reduction in cholesterol. the
group that was not given the garlic was the __________ group.
a. peer
b. test
c. treatment
d. control
e. double-blind
19) which of the following is not caused by hypernatremia?
a. water retention
b. edema
c. hypertension
d. interstitial fluid accumulation
e. a reduction in plasma volume
20) which muscle originates at the manubrium, inserts on the thyroid cartilage, and aids
in singing low notes?
a. omohyoid
b. thyrohyoid
c. sternothyroid
d. stylohyoid
e. lateral pterygoid
21) the histological section that divides a specimen along its long axis is called a(n)
__________ section.
22) the medulla oblongata originates from which structure?
a. telencephalon
b. diencephalon
c. mesencephalon
d. metencephalon
e. myelencephalon
23) whichof the following does not play a role in thermoregulation of the testes?
a. the bulbospongiosus muscle
b. the cremaster muscle
c. the pampiniform plexus of veins
d. the countercurrent heat exchanger
e. the dartos muscle
24) the serous membranes that suspend the stomach and intestines from the abdominal
wall are called __________.
a. mesenteries
b. mucosae
c. submucosae
d. muscularis mucosae
e. muscularis externa
25) which of the following is the most important role of meiosis in sexual reproduction?
a. it reduces the size of the gametes.
b. it produces at least one gamete that is mobile.
c. it prevents the chromosome number from doubling in each generation.
d. it ensures that each daughter cell doubles the number of chromosomes.
e. it changes the genetic composition of each chromosome.

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