BISC 55538

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2641
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Which of the following statements is true of metabolic pathways?
a. They are enzyme-mediated sequences of reactions.
b. They may be biosynthetic or degradative.
c. Photosynthesis is a biosynthetic pathway.
d. Catabolism is a degradative pathway.
e. All of these statements are true.
Which of the following does NOT describe some aspect of polysaccharides?
a. energy storage
b. straight or branched chain
c. glucose subunits
d. contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms
e. produced by condensation reactions
The change in the developmental fates of different cell lineages in response to signals
from adjacent tissues is
a. contact inhibition.
b. ooplasmic localization.
c. embryonic induction.
d. pattern formation.
e. all of these.
Rhythms that are repeated every 24 hours are
a. sleep movements.
b. tropisms.
c. physiological requirements.
d. circadian rhythms.
e. biological clocks.
Choose the most appropriate answer response for each question.
a. responsible for opening and closing of stomata
b. mouthpart of an aphid
c. pipelines of the xylem
d. a mutually beneficial association between a fungus and a young root
e. structures on roots that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria
f. pipelines of the phloem
g. evaporation from stems and leaves
h. actively transport sucrose into sieve tubes
i. eudicot plants that tend to establish symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing
j. transport of organic molecules from source region to sink
k. a waxy band that forces water to diffuse through cells
In poultry, the genes for rose comb (R) and pea comb (P) produce walnut whenever
they occur together (R__ P__); single-combed individuals have the homozygous
condition for both genes (rr pp).
(a) Give the F1 and F2 phenotypic results of a cross of a pure-breeding rose comb (RR
pp) with a pure-breeding pea comb (rr PP).
(b) Give the phenotypic results of a cross of Rr Pp x rr Pp.
(c) Give the phenotypic results of a cross of RR Pp x rr Pp.
(d) Give the phenotypic results of a cross of Rr pp x rr Pp.
(e) Give the phenotypic results of a cross of Rr Pp x rr pp.
The interaction of several polypeptide chains in a hemoglobin molecule is its ____
a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. quaternary
e. combined
Which of the following systems is the first to begin development in the human embryo?
a. nervous system
b. excretory system
c. reproductive system
d. skeletal system
e. endocrine system
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five kinds of species
interactions listed below.
a. competition
b. parasitoidism
c. mutualism
d. commensalism
e. parasitism
The interaction between two closely related species of woodpeckers that live in a
temperate forest is likely to be this.
Which of these statements about snakes is false?
a. All snakes are carnivores.
b. All snakes use internal fertilization.
c. All snakes are venomous.
d. All snakes have flexible skull bones and hinged jaws.
e. Some snakes retain skeletal remnants of hindlimbs.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four kinds of reception listed
below that are used by social animals.
a. tactile
b. auditory
c. visual
d. chemical
This sensory modality is used by honeybees during the waggle dance.
Which of the following prokaryotic nutritional groups use CO2 and sunlight to produce
a. photoautotrophs
b. chemoautotrophs
c. photoheterotrophs
d. chemoheterotrophs
e. all of these
The conversion of proteins by the removal of a portion of polypeptide chain is an
example of
a. transcriptional control.
b. transcript processing control.
c. transport control.
d. translational control.
e. post-translational control.
All of the following are true of the process of phosphorylation EXCEPT that
a. a molecule gains a phosphate group.
b. a molecule loses a phosphate group.
c. molecules become less stable.
d. it is used to prime molecules to react.
e. it produces ADP from ATP.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. a group that includes apes and humans
b. a population of Homo spp. that lived from at least 100,000 to as recently as 30,000
years ago; tool users and artisans
c. the order that includes animals with freely swiveling limbs, mobile grasping digits,
upright body posture, good depth perception, and exquisite neural control
d. organisms in a group that includes New World and Old World monkeys, apes, and
e. an era that began 65 to 63 million years ago; characterized by the evolution of birds,
mammals, and flowering plants
f. an epoch of the Cenozoic lasting from 23.8 million to 5.3 million years ago;
characterized by the appearance of primitive apes
g. an epoch of the Cenozoic lasting from 5.3 million to 1.8 million years ago;
characterized by the appearance of distinctly modern plants and animals
h. bipedal organisms from about 3.2 to 2.3 million years ago, with essentially human
bodies and ape-shaped heads; "Southern Apes"
i. a group including humans and human-like species
Which of the following is least likely to be a cause of extinction?
a. asteroid impact
b. human activity
c. adaptive radiation
d. continental drift
e. climate change
DNA polymerases
a. are enzymes.
b. add new nucleotides to a strand.
c. catalyze hydrogen bonding.
d. assemble new strands in a specific direction.
e. are all of these.
The structure indicated by the letter "B" above represents
a. actin.
b. myofibril.
c. myosin.
d. sarcoplasmic reticulum.
e. muscle fiber.
The most important evidence that Darwin used to develop his theory of natural
selection came from
a. the Argentine pampas.
b. his boyhood neighborhood in England.
c. the Galpagos Islands.
d. Australia and New Zealand.
e. South America.
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. contain enzymes for intracellular digestion
b. are primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembled
c. package cellular secretions for export
d. extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon
e. synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasm
f. transcribe, translate hereditary instructions into specific proteins
g. store substances
h. encode hereditary information
i. help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell division
j. convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or
DNA molecules
The feature of Darwin's finches that shows variation is
a. feet.
b. beaks.
c. feathers.
d. structure of eggs.
e. all of these.
Which of these statements is false concerning covalent bonds?
a. Atoms share electrons.
b. Molecules may possess many covalent bonds.
c. Water contains polar covalent bonds.
d. Covalent bonds may be "double bonds."
e. In polar covalent bonds, electrons are shared equally.
Which of the following is properly matched?
a. osteoblasts; bone breakdown
b. osteocytes; initial bone formation
c. osteoclasts; initial bone formation
d. osteoclasts; bone breakdown
e. osteoblasts; imprisoned in bony matrix
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five types of white cells
listed below.
a. macrophages
b. helper T cells
c. B cells
d. cytotoxic T cells
e. natural killer cells
These cells recognize cell surface antigens and initiate the proliferation of lymphocytes.
Endosperm mother cell
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. male spores of anthers
b. site where pollen tube usually penetrates the ovule
c. develops into a fruit at maturity
d. a 2n cell that will help form nutrients for the developing plant embryo
e. cluster of matured ovaries attached to a common receptacle
f. modified leaf with pigments and fragrance-producing cells
g. immature male gametophyte
h. female reproductive organ
i. landing platform for pollen
j. pollen-bearing structure
k. female spores of ovule
l. outermost whorl of leaf parts on a receptacle; generally green, but sometimes
m. female gametophyte
n. matured ovaries of several flowers fused together into a single mass (for example,
pineapple, fig)
o. forms a seed at maturity
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. 3n; generally sterile
b. a chromosome segment is permanently transferred to a nonhomologous chromosome
c. (2n - 1); a zygote deprived of a chromosome
d. a repeat of a particular DNA sequence in the same chromosome or in nonhomologous
e. (2n + 1); three chromosomes of the same kind are present in a set of chromosomes
f. a piece of the chromosome is inadvertently left out during the repair process
g. inhibits microtubule assembly; used in karyotyping
h. a chromosome segment that has been cut out and rejoined at the same place, but
The chromatids detach from one another and become visibly separate chromosomes
a. anaphase.
b. metaphase.
c. interphase.
d. prophase.
e. telophase.
The hosts for the causative agent of cholera between El Nio Southern Oscillations are
a. humans.
b. algae.
c. copepods.
d. shellfish.
e. marine worms.
The illustration shows a cell in ____ of mitosis.
a. anaphase
b. metaphase
c. interphase
d. prophase
e. telophase
PKU can be detected by
a. prenatal karyotyping.
b. urine analysis at birth.
c. blood tests at birth.
d. saliva tests.
e. both urine analysis and blood tests at birth.
Which scientist(s) identified the transforming substance involved in changing rough (R)
bacteria to smooth (S)?
a. Avery and McCarty
b. Griffith
c. Chargaff
d. Hershey and Chase
e. Pauling
Which of these groups is least closely related to the other four?
a. ciliates
b. finoflagellates
c. diplomonads
d. apicomplexans
e. all of the above are equally closely related
An individual has an issue with their red blood cells. Are they most likely to have an
issue with their immunity, oxygen transport, or hemostasis?
A lipid __________ is the most common conformation of the membrane of living
Ovules develop from a mass of __________ wall tissue inside carpels.
In humans, an X-linked disorder called coloboma iridia (a fissure in the iris) is a
recessive trait. A normal couple has an afflicted daughter. The husband sues the wife for
divorce on the grounds of infidelity. Would you find in his favor?
__________ relieve allergy symptoms by dampening the effects of histamines.
What are the downsides of sweat as a cooling mechanism?
Neutral mutations tend to accumulate in DNA at a predictable rate; like the ticks of a
__________, they can help researchers estimate how long ago two lineages diverged.
Do humans exhibit r-selected or K-selected species patterns?
Would you describe the water cycle as slow or rapid?
How are bacteria the beginning and end of the nitrogen cycle?
__________ moves food down the esophagus and through a __________ (a ring of
muscle that can close off an opening) into the stomach.
Ovaries, the female gonads, produce eggs and secrete __________ and __________.
In biology, many complementary processes exist. Explain how condensation reactions
are complementary to hydrolysis reactions.
Each species occupies a certain __________characterized by physical and chemical
features and by the array of other species living in it.
__________ results in an early embryo that has two or three primary tissue layers.
__________ counters the effects of mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.
Provide evidence for and against the now disproven concept of blended inheritance?

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