Biology 93333

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2173
subject Authors Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Peter V. Minorsky, Steven A. Wasserman

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A cell with membrane-bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone is called
that hormone's _____.
A) secretory cell
B) endocrine cell
C) target cell
D) regulatory cell
What component of amino acid structure varies among different amino acids?
A) the long carbon-hydrogen tails of the molecule
B) the presence of a central C atom
C) the components of the R-group
D) the glycerol molecule that forms the backbone of the amino acid
Which of the listed statements describes the results of the following reaction?
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy
A) C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced.
B) O2 is oxidized and H2O is reduced.
C) CO2 is reduced and O2 is oxidized.
D) O2 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized.
Genetic variation _____.
A) is created by the direct action of natural selection
B) arises in response to changes in the environment
C) must be present in a population before natural selection can act upon the population
D) tends to be reduced by when diploid organisms produce gametes
In the hypothesis that C. stellatus (a species of barnacle) is competitively excluded from
the lower intertidal zone by B. balanoides (another species of barnacle), what could be
concluded about the two species?
A) The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides and C. stellatus are identical.
B) The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides and C. stellatus are different.
C) The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides are different, but the
fundamental and realized niches of C. stellatus are identical.
D) The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides are identical, but the
fundamental and realized niches of C. stellatus are different.
Which process in Paramecium results in genetic recombination but no increase in
population size?
A) budding
B) meiotic division
C) conjugation
D) binary fission
About thirteen different species of finches inhabit the Galpagos Islands today, all
descendants of a common ancestor from the South American mainland that arrived a
few million years ago. Genetically, there are four distinct lineages, but the thirteen
species are currently classified among three genera. The first lineage to diverge from
the ancestral lineage was the warbler finch (genus Certhidea). Next to diverge was the
vegetarian finch (genus Camarhynchus), followed by five tree finch species (also in
genus Camarhynchus) and six ground finch species (genus Geospiza). If the six ground
finch species have evolved most recently, then which of these is the most logical
A) They should be limited to the six islands that most recently emerged from the sea.
B) Their genomes should be more similar to each other than are the genomes of the five
tree finch species.
C) They should share fewer anatomical homologies with each other than they share
with the tree finches.
D) The chances of hybridization between two ground finch species should be less than
the chances of hybridization between two tree finch species.
The reason that paralogous genes can diverge from each other within the same gene
pool, whereas orthologous genes diverge only after gene pools are isolated from each
other, is that _____.
A) having multiple copies of genes is essential for the occurrence of sympatric
speciation in the wild
B) paralogous genes can occur only in diploid species; thus, they are absent from most
C) polyploidy is a necessary precondition for the occurrence of sympatric speciation in
the wild
D) having an extra copy of a gene permits modifications to the copy without loss of the
original gene product
Trichomes _____.
A) absorb sunlight, increasing the temperature of leaves
B) open and close for gas exchange
C) repel or trap insects
D) increase water loss from leaves
Which statements about K are correct?
I) K varies among populations.
II) K varies in space.
III) K varies in time.
IV) K is constant for any given species.
A) only I and III
B) only II and IV
C) only I, II, and III
D) only II, III, and IV
Which of the following statements is true of signal molecules?
A) When signal molecules first bind to receptor tyrosine kinases, the receptors
phosphorylate a number of nearby molecules.
B) In response to some G protein-mediated signals, a special type of lipid molecule
associated with the plasma membrane is cleaved to form IP3 and calcium.
C) In most cases, signal molecules interact with the cell at the plasma membrane, enter
the cell, and eventually enter the nucleus.
D) Protein kinase A activation is one possible result of signal molecules binding to G
protein-coupled receptors.
Research indicates that ibuprofen, a drug used to relieve inflammation and pain, is a
mixture of two enantiomers; that is, molecules that _____.
A) have identical chemical formulas but differ in the branching of their carbon
B) are mirror images of each other
C) differ in the location of their double bonds
D) differ in the arrangement of atoms around their double bonds
Applying the principle of parsimony to the trait "ability to fly," which of the two
phylogenetic trees above is better?
A) Tree 1
B) Tree 2
C) Both trees are equally parsimonious.
D) Since the trees show different evolutionary relationships, you cannot determine
which is more parsimonious.
Which of the following is (are) problematic when the goal is to construct phylogenies
that accurately reflect evolutionary history?
A) polyphyletic taxa
B) paraphyletic taxa
C) monophyletic taxa
D) polyphyletic taxa and paraphyletic taxa
Which of the following animal groups is entirely aquatic?
A) Mollusca
B) Crustacea
C) Echinodermata
D) Nematoda
Dll is a gene known to direct limb development in the fruit fly. Researchers studying
this gene have found that it is also expressed in developing appendages in animals from
many other phyla, supporting the hypothesis that all animal appendages may be
homologous. However, suppose researchers looking at Dll activity had instead found
the results shown in the figure above. These results suggest instead that _____.
A) Dll is not actually involved in appendage development
B) appendages evolved separately in protostomes and deuterostomes
C) appendages coevolved with segmentation
D) all animal appendages are homologous
The correct sequence of sensory processing is _____.
A) sensory adaptation → stimulus reception → sensory transduction → sensory
B) stimulus reception → sensory transduction → sensory perception → sensory
C) sensory perception → stimulus reception → sensory transduction → sensory
D) stimulus reception → sensory perception → sensory adaptation → sensory
Which of the following techniques would be most appropriate to test the hypothesis that
humans and chimps differ in the expression of a large set of shared genes?
A) DNA microarray analysis
B) polymerase chain reactin (PCR)
C) DNA sequencing
D) protein-protein interaction assays
A certain cell type has existed in the blood and tissue of its vertebrate host's immune
system for over twenty years. One day, it recognizes a newly arrived antigen and binds
to it, subsequently triggering a secondary immune response in the body. Which of the
following cell types most accurately describes this cell?
A) plasma cell
B) thyroid cell
C) memory cell
D) macrophage
Whenever diploid populations are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at a particular locus,
A) the allele's frequency should not change from one generation to the next
B) natural selection, gene flow, and genetic drift are acting equally to change an allele's
C) two alleles are present in equal proportions
D) individuals within the population are evolving
Apoptosis involves all but which of the following?
A) fragmentation of the DNA
B) activation of cellular enzymes
C) lysis of the cell
D) digestion of cellular contents by scavenger cells
As you study two closely related predatory insect species, the two-spot and the
three-spot avenger beetles, you notice that each species seeks prey at dawn in areas
without the other species. However, where their ranges overlap, the two-spot avenger
beetle hunts at night and the three-spot hunts in the morning. When you bring them into
the laboratory and isolate the two different species, you discover that the offspring of
both species are found to be nocturnal. You have discovered an example of _____.
A) mutualism
B) character displacement
C) Batesian mimicry
D) resource partitioning
Atria contract _____.
A) just prior to the beginning of diastole
B) during diastole
C) immediately after systole
D) during systole
What will be the long-term effect of blocking the lymphatic vessels associated with a
capillary bed?
A) more fluid entering the venous capillaries
B) an increase in the blood pressure in the capillary bed
C) the accumulation of more fluid in the interstitial areas
D) the area of the blockage becoming abnormally small
Absorbance at Various pH Levels
The accompanying table represents the results of an experiment where the effects of pH
buffers on an enzyme found in saliva (amylase) were studied. A spectrophotometer set
at 500nm was used to measure absorbance at the various pH levels every 20 sec for 2
min. The higher absorbance values would indicate greater enzyme activity. All
experiments were conducted at the same temperature.
Which statement correctly identifies the result that the optimum pH for amylase
function is 7?
A) The pH with the lowest absorbance values would indicate the optimum pH for
amylase since this pH does not affect the structure or function of the protein.
B) The pH with the highest absorbance values would indicate the optimum pH for
amylase since this pH does not affect the structure or function of the protein.
C) At pH 9, the enzyme is denatured and will lose its function, but not its structure.
D) At pH 4, the structure of the enzyme will be altered, and the enzyme would not be
able to catalyze the reaction.
Select the choice that correctly associates the organ with its embryonic sources.
A) anterior pituitary gland mesoderm and endoderm
B) thyroid gland mesoderm and ectoderm
C) adrenal gland ectoderm and mesoderm
D) skin endoderm and mesoderm
Which of the following contributed to the dust bowl in the American southwest during
the 1930s?
I) overgrazing by cattle
II) clear-cutting of forest trees
III) plowing of native grasses
IV) lack of soil moisture
A) I and II
B) II, III, and IV
C) I, III, and IV
The trp repressor blocks transcription of the trp operon when the repressor _____.
A) binds to the inducer
B) binds to tryptophan
C) is not bound to tryptophan
D) is not bound to the operator
Which of the following statements about essential nutrients are true? Essential nutrients
I) are necessary for plant growth and reproduction
II) are required for a specific structure or metabolic function
III) cannot be synthesized by a plant
IV) are produced by symbiotic bacteria
A) I and IV
B) II, III, and IV
C) I, II, and III
D) I, II, III, and IV
Refer to the following art to answer the question below.
According to the Shannon Diversity Index, which of the five blocks above, with each
containing thirty-six squares, would show the greatest diversity?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
C.elegans is a model organism and was the first eukaryotic organism to have its genome
sequenced. The free-living nematode is often used in laboratories investigating nervous
system development with all 302 of its neurons and their effectors categorized.
Interesting control mechanisms have been investigated with reproduction, particularly
with egg-laying in the nematode. There are 16 muscles, 2 types of neurons, and
multiple receptors involved in the process of laying eggs in C.elegans, and there are
mutations in all of those structures for the study of the process. One particular mutation
that prevents the laying of eggs by the worm is rescued by the neurotransmitter,
serotonin. That rescue suggests that the mutation is most likely in which of the
A) a post-synaptic neuron involved in egg-laying
B) a pre-synaptic neuron involved in egg-laying
C) a receptor for serotonin on cells needed for egg-laying
D) one of the muscles needed for egg-laying

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