Biology 66913

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 2211
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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The extra-embryonic membrane that forms the majority of the placenta is the
a. amnion.
b. allantois.
c. chorion.
d. yolk sac.
e. umbilical cord.
The sequence of amino acids is the ____ structure of proteins.
a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. quaternary
e. stereo
The process of filtration in the glomerulus is driven by
a. active transport.
b. blood pressure.
c. osmosis.
d. dialysis.
e. sodium-potassium pumps.
The early hominin fossils are found in
a. Africa.
b. Asia.
c. Australia.
d. the South Pacific.
e. Europe.
The corolla is made up of
a. sepals.
b. petals.
c. carpels.
d. ovaries.
e. anthers.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five hormones listed below.
a. estrogen
b. luteinizing hormone
c. somatotropin
d. oxytocin
e. antidiuretic hormone
This hormone induces protein synthesis and cell division in young animals.
The hormone ____ is involved in a positive feedback cycle that results in strong uterine
contractions during labor.
a. estrogen
b. oxytocin
c. cortisol
d. progesterone
e. prolactin
The most inclusive level of organization listed here is a(n)
a. heart.
b. carbon atom.
c. DNA.
d. a zebra.
e. red blood cell.
Fructose and glucose are
a. isotopes.
b. monosaccharides.
c. disaccharides.
d. six-carbon sugars.
e. both monosaccharides and six-carbon sugars.
Cancer cells
a. have altered plasma membranes.
b. have a lessened ability to attach to other cells.
c. divide to produce high densities of cells.
d. show an amplified reliance on glycolysis.
e. exhibit all of these.
Casparian strip
Choose the most appropriate answer response for each question.
a. responsible for opening and closing of stomata
b. mouthpart of an aphid
c. pipelines of the xylem
d. a mutually beneficial association between a fungus and a young root
e. structures on roots that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria
f. pipelines of the phloem
g. evaporation from stems and leaves
h. actively transport sucrose into sieve tubes
i. eudicot plants that tend to establish symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing
j. transport of organic molecules from source region to sink
k. a waxy band that forces water to diffuse through cells
Which event may occur in all viruses, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes?
a. duplication
b. aneuploidy
c. translocation
d. mutation
e. none of these
Peripheral nervous system
Choose the most appropriate answer.
a. integrates body position, motions, balance
b. in cnidarians; based on reflex pathways devoted to swimming and feeding
c. messages from here arouse the brain and maintain wakefulness
d. the cortical region that coordinates muscles required for speech
e. all parts of nerve cells outside the brain and spinal cord
f. acetylcholine is an example
g. reflex control center for breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure
h. axons of the central nervous system that are sheathed with fatty myelin
i. at top of the brainstem bordering the cerebral hemispheres; influences learning and
emotional behavior
j. motor neurons that are divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
k. membrane coverings over brain spinal cord
l. contains the tectum; receives and integrates sensory information that is largely sent on
to the forebrain for further neural processing
m. connects right and left cerebral hemispheres
n. group of nerve cell bodies that form an integrative center
o. contains centers concerned with body temperature regulation and with salt and water
Male mallards have had emerald green head feathers and wings with metallic blue
patches for hundreds of years, whereas female mallards have been drab,
brown-feathered ducks. This phenotypic situation suggests that mallards may be an
example of
a. directional selection.
b. polyploidy.
c. allopatric speciation.
d. disruptive selection.
e. sexual selection.
A study of a cohort of 1,000 animals showed a 90 percent death rate per individual in
the first year, 10 percent the second year, and 5 percent the third year. This population's
survivorship is
a. type I.
b. type II.
c. type III.
d. type I the first year and type II in years two and three.
e. type I the first year, type II the second year, and type III the third year.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five animal phyla listed below.
a. Annelida
b. Arthropoda
c. Mollusca
d. Echinodermata
e. Rotifera
Although most members are enclosed by hardened shells, this phylum name literally
means 'soft body."
Respond to the following statements with reference to the flower parts listed below.
a. megaspore
b. microspore
c. ovule
d. ovary
e. seed
This structure gives rise to the female gametophyte.
Which of the following does NOT cycle through an ecosystem?
a. water
b. carbon
c. energy
d. phosphorus
e. nitrogen
Which of the following is NOT true about cyanobacteria?
a. Cyanobacteria have the same light-capturing chlorophylls as plants.
b. Chloroplasts evolved from ancient cyanobacteria.
c. Cyanobacteria can fix carbon.
d. Cyanobacteria can fix nitrogen.
e. Cyanobacteria put nearly all of the nitrogen into Earth's atmosphere.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five biomes listed below.
a. tundra
b. chaparral
c. desert
d. taiga
e. deciduous forest
This biome is most likely to have a population of moose.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the autonomic nervous system
associated with the five regions of the human spinal cord listed below.
a. cervical
b. thoracic
c. lumbar
d. sacral
e. coccygeal
Sympathetic nerves from this region innervate the kidney.
competitive exclusion
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. blending in and being hidden by the background
b. where an organism is generally located in a community
c. one organism benefits at another organism's expense
d. traditionally a self-sustaining array of interacting organisms that is best suited for a
particular environment
e. lichens on newly hardened, newly cooled lava
f. robins and human populations
g. the yucca moth and the yucca
h. one species is eliminated from an area of niche overlap
i. tasty species resembles repugnant one
j. the process that leads from a pioneer community to a mature community
k. natural reforestation of burned-over forest
Which of the following human extraembryonic membranes forms the urinary bladder?
a. amnion
b. yolk sac
c. chorion
d. allantois
e. none of these
Both the large waves and starvation of marine mammals was caused by
a. El Nio.
b. El Diablo.
c. El Minator.
d. El Laborador.
e. none of these.
All of the following are factors in enzyme-catalyzed reactions that work alone or in
combination to lower the activation energy EXCEPT
a. helping substrates get together.
b. orienting substrates in positions favoring reaction.
c. breaking the laws of thermodynamics.
d. shutting out water molecules.
e. inducing a fit between enzyme and substrate.
Choose the proper item below for the following statements.
a. Thomas Brock
b. Stanley Miller
c. Kwang Jeon
d. Lynn Margulis
e. Oliver Hardy
He/she is a major proponent of endosymbiosis.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of asexual reproduction?
a. Asexual reproduction is faster than sexual reproduction.
b. Individual organisms do not have to seek mates.
c. Asexual reproduction promotes variation.
d. Asexual reproduction is less energetically costly than sexual reproduction.
e. In stable environments the offspring are as well adapted as the parents.
Answer the following questions in reference to the five plant tissues listed below.
a. parenchyma
b. collenchyma
c. sclerenchyma
d. xylem
e. phloem
Vascular tissue that conducts water and dissolved salts throughout a plant.
The above figure represents
a. neuromuscular junction.
b. muscle fiber.
c. transport proteins.
d. action potential.
e. none of these.
The reason that the various Hawaiian honeycreepers are vulnerable to extinction is
a. the reduction of their habitats.
b. the warming of their habitats, supporting mosquitoes that carry the pathogens for
avian malaria.
c. the encroachment of humans into their habitats.
d. the importation of new predators and competitors into their habitats.
e. all of these answers.
Which plant hormone has mostly inhibitory effects?
a. auxin
b. gibberellin
c. cytokinin
d. abscisic acid
e. ethylene
The function of helicase enzymes is to
a. break hydrogen bonds and unwind the two strands of the DNA molecule prior to
b. rewind the two DNA molecules after replication.
c. remove bases that might have been inserted incorrectly.
d. seal new short stretches of nucleotides into one continuous strand.
e. fragment old DNA that is no longer of use to the cell.
Acetyl-CoA is produced when __________ is broken down.
Some invertebrates do not have special respiratory organs and rely on __________
exchange, diffusion of gases across the body surface.
Primary growth (lengthening) arises from __________.
Species interactions between members of a community include __________, which is
helpful to one species and does not harm the other species.
__________ hold neighboring cells together.
includes both sides of the Z band.
A cross of two Kerry horses always produces Kerry. A cross of a Kerry with a Dexter
produces 1/2 and 1/2. Crosses of two Dexters produce two Dexters for every Kerry.
Some enzymes are controlled by having nonsubstrates bind to a nonactive site and
result in a change in their overall structure; these are called __________.
__________ is the evaporation of water from plant parts, mainly at stomata, into air.
A mythical mutation is in fruit flies is called hairless gene. What would you suspect the
homeotic gene is in control of?
Why are cDNA libraries considered so valuable?
Mitosis and cytoplasmic division of a cell in an ovule produces four __________, one
of which gives rise to the female gametophyte.
In cases of __________ growth, a population's growth is proportional to its size.
urinary bladder
If an X-linked recessive gene is expressed in 4 percent of the men, what proportion of
women would express the recessive trait?
Which of the following have the most efficient lungs: amphibians, mammals or birds?
Explain your answer.
Pure-breeding yellow guinea pigs crossed with pure-breeding white ones produce only
cream-colored offspring. This pattern indicates incomplete dominance. Rough hair is
found to be dominant to smooth hair. Give the F1 and F2 genotypic and phenotypic
ratios of a cross of a smooth, white guinea pig with a homozygous, rough, yellow
guinea pig.

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