Biology 583 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1238
subject Authors Sylvia Mader

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1) ecologist robert macarthur observed that five species of similar warblers coexisted on
spruce trees because they
a. ate different kinds of insects.
b. cooperated in their foraging habits.
c. foraged in different places of the tree canopy.
d. were actually subspecies of the same species.
e. were kept below the carrying capacity by predators.
2) excretion is a process in which ____ is (are) removed from the body.
a. water
b. salt
c. feces
d. metabolic wastes
e. hormones
3) scientific discoveries have provided evidence that the ______ systems are involved
in behavior.
a. digestive and reproductive
b. excretory and circulatory
c. respiratory and digestive
d. endocrine and nervous
4) identify this plant as a monocot or eudicot after examining its stem and leaf.
a. this plant is a monocot.
b. this plant is a dicot.
c. not enough information is provided to differentiate the plant as a monocot or dicot.
5) usually it is not possible to penetrate inside a body cavity to reach interstitial spaces
without cutting through some protective epidermal tissues. however, sperm reach the
egg via the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes. without crossing any epidermal barrier,
the sperm finds the egg in what body cavity?
a. abdominal cavity
b. pleural cavity
c. pelvic cavity
d. pericardial cavity
e. dorsal body cavity (cerebral-spinal)
6) the elbow and knee are examples of ______ joints.
a. immovable
b. fibrous
c. cartilaginous
d. synovial
e. ball-and-socket
7) which statement is not true about cartilage?
a. cartilage cells are located in small spaces called lacunae.
b. the matrix of cartilage includes calcium salts.
c. the matrix of cartilage is both solid and flexible.
d. the human fetal skeleton is made up of cartilage.
e. adult bodies possess structures that are made up of cartilage such as the nose, ear, and
pads between the vertebrae in the backbone.
8) all of the following statements concerning the evolutionary species concept are true
a. an abrupt change in the diagnostic traits of fossils is indicative of the evolution of a
new species.
b. fossils are considered to be members of the same species if they possess the same
diagnostic traits.
c. certain structural traits, called diagnostic traits, are used to distinguish one species
from another.
d. members of a species may actually have quite dissimilar evolutionary pathways.
9) what is the aqueous humor?
a. one of the fluids in the inner ear
b. the fluid that surrounds the ossicles of the middle ear
c. the fluid in the eye between the cornea and the lens
d. the fluid in the eye between the retina and the lens
e. the gel-like material in a cupula of a mechanoreceptor
10) reptiles evolved from ______ ancestors and were abundant by the ________ period.
a. mammals; carboniferous
b. fish; devonian
c. echinoderms; cambrian
d. amphibians; permian
11) what occurs in anaphase?
a. centrioles move to opposite poles.
b. chromosomes move to opposite poles.
c. chromosomes line up along the equator of the dividing cell.
d. the nuclear envelope disappears.
e. the nuclear envelope is constructed.
12) what structure in the mammalian brain is enlarged and is responsible for higher
mental processes?
a. forebrain
b. hindbrain
c. midbrain
d. cerebellum
e. cerebrum
13) which of the following hormones are believed to be involved in abscission?
a. ethylene
b. auxin
c. gibberellin
d. all of the above are correct.
14) which of the following pairs of protists would be most closely related due to both of
them possessing plastids?
a. archaeplastids & rhizaria
b. archaeplastids & chromalveolata
c. rhizaria & chromalveolata
d. amoebozoa & excavata
15) which is an example of negative feedback?
a. nursing action stimulates the hypothalamus to release oxytocin that triggers
mammary gland milk production.
b. when the blood becomes dilute, adh is no longer released from the hypothalamus.
c. uterine stretching sends nerve impulses to the hypothalamus that releases oxytocin
that stimulates uterine contraction.
d. fsh and lh stimulate the gonads to produce sperm or eggs.
e. trh stimulates the anterior pituitary to release thyroid-stimulating hormone.
16) which of the following disorder is not associated with the lower respiratory tract?
a. asthma
b. pneumonia
c. sinus infection
d. pulmonary tuberculosis
e. emphysema
17) identify the correct sequence that freshwater will flow through.
a. clouds - streams - river - wetlands - delta - ocean
b. clouds - river - stream - delta - wetlands - ocean
c. ocean - clouds - stream - estuary - river
d. cloud - river - stream - delta - marsh - ocean
e. ocean - delta - estuary - river - stream - marsh
18) two communities may have exactly the same number of species, yet one might be
measured as having a greater species diversity. why?
a. composition or a listing of the various species in a community
b. a community and all of the abiotic factors associated with it
c. the native species plus the introduced species
d. the potential number of species that should exist in a community minus the species
that have gone locally extinct
e. both the number of species and the evenness or relative abundance of individuals of
the different species
19) identify how the haart works when used on a patient that has contracted hiv.
a. entry inhibitors in haart will prevent the hiv virus from binding to the cd4 receptors
on the cell membranes. azt will interfere with the conversion of viral rna into dna and
the integrase inhibitors prevent hiv from inserting its dna into the host cell.
b. entry inhibitors in haart will prevent the hiv virus from fitting through the protein
channels of the cell membranes. azt will interfere with the conversion of viral dna into
rna and the integrase inhibitors prevent hiv from inserting its dna into the host cell.
c. entry inhibitors in haart will prevent the hiv virus from binding to the cd4 receptors
on the cell membranes. azt will interfere with the conversion of viral dna into rna and
the integrase inhibitors prevent hiv from inserting its dna into the host cell.
d. entry inhibitors in haart will prevent the hiv virus from binding to the cd4 receptors
on the cell membranes. azt will interfere with the conversion of viral rna into the
cellular proteins and the integrase inhibitors prevent hiv from inserting its dna into the
host cell.
e. azt in haart will prevent the hiv virus from binding to the cd4 receptors on the cell
membranes. inhibitors will interfere with the conversion of viral rna into dna and the
integrase inhibitors prevent hiv from inserting its dna into the host cell.
20) organisms belonging to the same _____ would be the most closely related.
a. kingdom
b. phylum
c. family
d. class
e. order

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