Biology 49851

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 20
subject Words 2846
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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The spindle apparatus is composed of
a. Golgi bodies.
b. microtubules.
c. endoplasmic reticulum.
d. nucleoprotein.
e. chromatids.
According to the above table, the foraging characteristic that would benefit an animal
most in a stable ecology would be?
a. A baby garter snake captures and eats a slug.
b. A sitter because it would have more trouble adapting to a changing environment.
c. A forager because it has the ability to adapt quickly.
d. Both the sitter and the forager are equally adept in a stable ecosystem.
e. All of these would benefit an animal the most.
____ is always ____, while ____ may be ____.
a. Exhalation; passive; inhalation; active
b. Inhalation; active; exhalation; passive
c. Inhalation; passive; exhalation; active
d. Exhalation; active; inhalation; passive
e. Exhalation; active; inhalation; active
A cuticle
a. resists water loss.
b. covers epidermal cells.
c. may contain waxes and cutin.
d. resists attack by microorganisms.
e. does all of these.
Answer the following questions in reference to the four groups of fungi listed below.
a. Zygomycetes
b. Ascomycetes
c. Basidiomycetes
d. Glomeromycetes
The delicious, highly-prized truffle is a member of this group.
One part of Darwin's theory is that individuals with certain traits have an increased
competitive edge. The source of these traits is
a. adaptation to stress.
b. development over a lifetime.
c. inheritance.
d. mutation after birth.
e. all of these.
Rickets is caused by
a. overexposure to UV radiation.
b. an excess of calcitonin.
c. inadequate amounts of vitamin D.
d. an excess of ascorbic acid.
e. a fetal deficiency of thyroid hormone.
Use the figure above to answer the following questions.
The letter "F" from the above figure represents
a. complement.
b. MHC markers with antigen expressed to the surface of a cell.
c. lysosome fusing with a phagosome.
d. plasma membranes fusing.
e. MHC recycling.
Genetic equilibrium and allele frequencies are maintained by all EXCEPT which one of
the following?
a. lack of gene flow
b. large population interbreeding freely
c. differential survival and reproduction
d. random mating
e. absence of mutations
A U.S. submarine surfaced ____ miles from the nearest land in the arcticand found
polar bears hunting on the frozen sea.
a. 100
b. 1,000
c. 500
d. 50,000
e. none of these
Use the figure above showing cyclic events in a human ovary to answer the following
A structure that thickens the uterine endometrial lining in preparation for pregnancy is
indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
Select the most appropriate choice for each person.
a. wrote Principles of Geology
b. developed the theory of catastrophism
c. believed that giraffes have long necks because their short-necked ancestors stretched
their necks and passed this change on to their offspring
d. was a naturalist who sailed on the Beagle and studied finches
e. wrote an essay relating population size to competition for limited resources
f. natural historian and author; early ideas of Chain of Being
In order for DNA molecules to undergo recombination,
a. they must be from the same species.
b. their strands must separate as in replication.
c. they must be cut and spliced at specific nucleotide sequences.
d. one of the two DNA strands must be degraded.
e. they must first be transcribed.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE concerning an electron that has
absorbed a photon?
a. It moves to a higher energy level.
b. It becomes more stable.
c. It quickly returns to its original energy level.
d. It may emit energy.
e. It becomes excited.
Which of the following is NOT true of enzyme behavior?
a. Enzyme shape may change during catalysis.
b. The active site of an enzyme orients its substrate molecules, thereby promoting
interaction of their reactive parts.
c. All enzymes have an active site where substrates are temporarily bound.
d. Each enzyme can catalyze only a specific reaction.
e. Enzyme activity is not affected by pH and temperature.
Helicobacter pylori has been associated with:
a. emphysema.
b. duodenal ulcers.
c. peptic ulcers.
d. lung cancer.
e. skin infections.
Transcription starts at a region of DNA called a(n)
a. sequencer.
b. promoter.
c. activator.
d. terminator.
e. transcriber.
The gaseous plant hormone is
a. auxin.
b. gibberellin.
c. cytokinin.
d. abscisic acid.
e. ethylene.
According to the text, ____ major mass extinction(s) and recovery(ies) has(have) taken
place in the past.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Choose the one most appropriate statement for each.
a. made in the small intestine and pancreas; act on peptide fragments
b. glucose, fructose, and galactose are examples
c. made in the pancreas; acts on fats
d. made by the pancreas and salivary glands; acts on starch
e. made by the small intestine; acts on double sugars
f. made by the pancreas; acts on proteins and polypeptides
g. contains cholesterol; helps emulsify fats
h. made in the stomach; acts on proteins
i. stimulates hydrochloric acid secretion
j. circular muscle acts like valve
Which of the following is the best definition of sympatric speciation?
a. species that evolve due to geographical distance
b. mechanical isolation acts to prevent speciation
c. breeding behavior that prevents the organisms from breeding due to differences in
their breeding time
d. ecological isolation
e. evolutionary change that creates two species occupying the same space
The rapid expansion of angiosperms late in the Mesozoic era appears to be related to
their coevolution with
a. dinosaurs.
b. gymnosperms.
c. insects.
d. mammals.
e. birds.
The term "plankton"
a. refers to a taxonomic division of algae.
b. is a common term for microscopic organisms that drift or swim weakly in water.
c. includes only multicellular forms.
d. refers to small aquatic plants.
e. would apply to large brown algae.
a. are circular muscles.
b. prevent backflow.
c. are smooth muscles.
d. are found at the entrance and exit of the stomach.
e. include all of these.
pleural sac
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. flexible windpipe reinforced with cartilage
b. surrounds each lung
c. oxygen-rich form of a respiratory protein
d. contains two true vocal cords
e. alter chest cavity volume
f. part of the brainstem; controls breathing
g. throat passage behind the mouth
h. inhalation and exhalation
i. connect trachea to lungs
j. flaplike structure that points upward allowing air to enter trachea, but blocks the
larynx during swallowing
k. contraction increases thoracic volume
l. microscopically small pockets lined with moist epithelium
The organism in the above photograph has which of the following structural systems?
a. cartilaginous
b. bone
c. hydrostatic
d. chitinous
e. none of these
The anatomical structure shown above is of
a. venous valves.
b. pulmonary veins.
c. the inferior valve.
d. the right myocardial sac.
e. the heart apex.
Use the figure above to answer the following questions. The graphs illustrate diversity
patterns for ants (A) and breeding birds (B).
Graph B shows that breeding bird species richness
a. is greater than 1,000 at the equator.
b. drops off in northern and southern latitudes.
c. is less than that of ants at 30 degrees north latitude.
d. drops by more than an order of magnitude at 40 degrees north latitude.
e. includes all of these.
Which of the following statements is false?
a. Xylem vessels are similar to drinking straws.
b. The transport of water in xylem is due to positive pressure generated by the root.
c. Water evaporates mainly through stomata.
d. Water is drawn up to the top of a tree by the pull of transpiration.
e. Plants absorb the majority of needed elements from water and soil.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the flower parts listed below.
a. anther
b. stigma
c. ovule
d. ovary
e. stamen
Male gametogenesis occurs in this structure.
Of all organisms, prokaryotes are
a. the smallest.
b. the most abundant.
c. the most metabolically diverse.
d. the most widespread.
e. all of these.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five stages or structures
involved in the development of the human egg.
a. oogonium
b. primary oocyte
c. secondary oocyte
d. polar body
e. corpus luteum
This stage lies dormant between birth and puberty.
Guard cells
Choose the most appropriate answer response for each question.
a. responsible for opening and closing of stomata
b. mouthpart of an aphid
c. pipelines of the xylem
d. a mutually beneficial association between a fungus and a young root
e. structures on roots that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria
f. pipelines of the phloem
g. evaporation from stems and leaves
h. actively transport sucrose into sieve tubes
i. eudicot plants that tend to establish symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing
j. transport of organic molecules from source region to sink
k. a waxy band that forces water to diffuse through cells
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five components of mammalian
blood listed below.
a. red blood cells
b. basophils
c. platelets
d. albumin
This blood component helps to maintain the proper osmotic concentration of the blood.
cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Match each term with the most appropriate statement.
a. cells that do not divide, die in less than a week, and secrete antibodies
b. cells that directly destroy body cells already infected by viral or fungal parasites, as
well as mutant and cancerous cells
c. lymphocytes that are held in reserve, circulate in the bloodstream, and enable a rapid
response to subsequent encounters with the same invader
d. able to lyse cells by forming pore complexes
e. cells that are produced in the bone marrow, are never changed by the thymus, and
manufacture antibodies
f. able to destroy cells but not dependent on recognition of antigen-MHC complexes
g. a class of proteins that help cells of the immune system communicate
h. "big eaters" that alert other lymphocytes to the invasion of specific antigens
i. immature cells that may or may not be committed to develop into one of several
mature cell types
j. a group of cells that are all produced asexually from one original parent cell
k. surface patterns of nonself molecules or particles
l. proteins released by cytotoxic T cells to destroy target cell membranes
m. preparation injected into the body to elicit a primary immune response
n. one of this group has been identified as the causative agent of AIDS
A virus infects a host cell and takes over the host's mechanisms of replication and
__________ synthesis.
Microevolution is change in the __________ of a population.
If you place a plain, dry cracker in your mouth, you will slowly notice a sweet taste.
__________ refers to nutrient enrichment of any ecosystem that is otherwise low in
__________ in annelids regulate the composition of body fluid.
Is a mutation more likely to be lethal if it impacts early or late stages in development?
When a person dies, the body often experiences rigor mortis. In this condition, it is as if
the muscles have become inflexible and it is very difficult to manipulate the joints. Why
does this occur?
If you are seeking to maintain a healthy weight, should you be concerned about
carbohydrate, fat or protein intake?
A denatured protein has lost its __________.
During which state of the cell cycle would a cell contain the least total amount of
A metaphase plate forms in both plant and animal cells and is when the chromosomes
oral cavity
Some viruses cause disease; they act as __________ in humans.
An atom with more protons than electrons is called a(n) __________.
Why is anal sex more apt to transfer the HIV virus than vaginal sex?
Describe the challenges that plants faced when they entered the land, and how did they
overcome them?
In the late 1920s, a mutation occurred in many silver fox farms around the world. The
fox farms that sold expensive furs were proud of the quality of their furs, and each
advertised that it had the best, purest breed of all the fox farms. The new mutations
produced a "platinum" coat pattern that was commercially desirable, so the farms
crossed them to get more. The results of their breeding experiments were as follows: (1)
silver x silver >>> all silver offspring; (2) silver x platinum >>> equal numbers of
silver and platinum; (3) platinum x platinum >>> two platinum for each silver
offspring. Explain.
Species interactions between members of a community include __________, which
harms both species.

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