Biology 463 Test

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1047
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) in meningitis,
a) inflammation of the meninges occurs.
b) bacteria can be the cause.
c) viruses can be the cause.
d) csf flow can be disrupted.
e) all of the answers are correct.
2) more than half the heat is lost from the body indoors through the process of
a) radiation.
b) conduction.
c) convection.
d) evaporation.
e) concentration.
3) which of the following description applies to the term myopia?
a) farsightedness
b) nearsightedness
c) normal vision
d) astigmatism
e) age-related decline in accommodation
4) which of these statements about ectopic pregnancy is false?
a) the embryo may implant in the uterine tube.
b) the mother's life may be endangered.
c) vaginal delivery is often possible.
d) it occurs in less than 1 percent of pregnancies.
e) it does not yield a viable embryo.
5) testicular nurse cells function in all of the following ways, except that they don't
a) secrete mllerian inhibiting factor.
b) secrete progesterone-binding protein.
c) coordinate spermiogenesis.
d) support meiosis.
e) serve as a blood-testis barrier.
figure 24-2 the wall of the small intestine
what is the layer labeled "4"?
a) mucosa
b) submucusa
c) muscularis externa
d) muscularis mucosae
e) serosa
7) the pancreatic hormone that causes blood sugar levels to fall is
a) cortisol.
b) somatotropin.
c) insulin.
d) glucagon.
e) aldosterone.
8) which of the following is true of olfactory discrimination?
a) there are 6 primary smells known.
b) the number of olfactory receptors decline as we age.
c) all odorants require the same concentration to activate an olfactory receptor.
d) there are different types of olfactory receptor cells to detect each type of odorant.
e) all of the answers are correct.
9) epithelial cells that are adapted for absorption or secretion usually have ________ at
their free surface.
a) mitochondria
b) cilia
c) microvilli
d) junctional complexes
e) golgi complexes
10) drugs that block nicotinic receptors would be
a) sympathomimetic.
b) parasympathomimetic.
c) parasympathetic blocking agents.
d) sympathetic blocking agents.
e) autonomic blocking agents.
11) exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight) causes the skin to darken by increasing the
production of
a) hemoglobin.
b) carotene.
c) collagen.
d) keratin.
e) melanin.
12) the prominent indentation on the medial surface of the kidney is the
a) calyx.
b) pelvis.
c) ureter.
d) hilum.
e) pyramid.
13) calcium reabsorption by the kidneys is promoted by the hormone
a) calcitonin.
b) parathyroid hormone.
c) aldosterone.
d) cortisol.
e) adh.
14) curling into the "fetal position" ________ the intervertebral joints.
a) hyperextends
b) flexes
c) abducts
d) extends
e) rotates
15) during early development, the y chromosome produces a substance called "testis
determining factor" (tdf) that causes the indifferent gonad to become a testis. this would
be an example of
a) capacitation.
b) activation.
c) differentiation.
d) induction.
e) predilection.
figure 13-1 the spinal cord
what is the function of the structure labeled "12"?
a) control of skeletal muscle
b) somatic sensory receiving
c) visceral sensory receiving
d) control of visceral effectors
e) ascending pathway
17) primary ossification centers develop in long bones in the
a) proximal epiphysis.
b) periosteum.
c) metaphysis.
d) distal epiphysis.
e) diaphysis.
18) the anticodon for the triplet uca is
a) agu.
b) agc.
c) tca.
d) tgt.
e) agt.
19) in general, the nervous system does each of the following, except
a) help to maintain homeostasis.
b) respond rapidly to change.
c) direct long-term responses to change.
d) direct very specific responses.
e) interpret sensory information.
20) ________ conduct fluid from the interstitial space back to the venous system. (note:
be sure to capitalize the first letter of your answer).
21) the inner portion of the suprarenal gland is the ________.
22) oxygen is added to blood as it flows through the ________ circuit.
23) the watery fluid component of blood is called ________.
24) explain why warm, dry climates feel cooler than warm, humid climates, even
though the air temperatures are the same.
25) the hip joint can also be referred to as the ________ joint.
26) in a condition known as sunstroke, the victim appears flushed, the skin is warm and
dry, and the body temperature rises dramatically. explain these observations based on
what you know concerning the role of the skin in thermoregulation.
27) the substance called sebum is commonly known as ________.
28) a(n) ________ is a pure substance composed of atoms of only one kind.
29) thyroid hormones are structural derivatives of the amino acid ________.

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