Biology 362

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 652
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) plasma composes about ________ percent of whole blood and water composes
________ percent of the plasma volume.
a) 55; 92
b) 92; 7
c) 92; 55
d) 45; 55
e) 50; 50
2) when renin is released from the kidney,
a) angiotensin i is converted to angiotensin ii.
b) angiotensinogen is converted into angiotensin i.
c) angiotensin i increases salt reabsorption at the kidneys.
d) blood pressure goes down.
e) blood flow to the kidneys decreases.
3) the taenia coli are
a) tears of the colon.
b) longitudinal bands of smooth muscle in the colon wall.
c) ridges in the mucosa of the colon.
d) polyps that obstruct the sigmoid colon.
e) tumors normally confined in the sigmoid colon.
4) dual innervation refers to an organ receiving
a) two nerves from the spinal cord.
b) both autonomic and somatomotor nerves.
c) both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation.
d) nerves from both the brain and the spinal cord.
e) both sensory and motor nerves.
5) tissue changes with age include all of the following, except
a) less efficient tissue maintenance.
b) proliferation of epidermal cells.
c) thinner epithelia.
d) more fragile connective tissues.
e) decreased ability to repair tissue damage.
6) the ________ reflex complements the flexor reflex by activating contralateral
a) stretch
b) tendon
c) flexor
d) crossed extensor
e) reciprocal
figure 7-2 typical vertebra (inferior view)
identify the structure labeled "1"
a) pedicle
b) transverse process
c) lamina
d) spinous process
e) transverse articular facet
8) the dorsal root ganglia mainly contain
a) axons of motor neurons.
b) axons of sensory neurons.
c) cell bodies of motor neurons.
d) cell bodies of sensory neurons.
e) synapses.
figure 16-1 ans pathway
identify the structure labeled "5"
a) gray ramus
b) dorsal ramus
c) spinal nerve
d) white ramus
e) ventral root
10) if the axolemma becomes more permeable to potassium ion:
a) the membrane will depolarize to threshold
b) a stronger stimulus will be required to cause an action potential
c) the membrane will depolarize to +30 mv
d) sodium ions will enter the cell to replace the lost potassium ions
e) the inside of the membrane will have a positive charge
11) the ________ collects blood from the entire small intestine and two-thirds of the
large intestine.
12) the period during which an excitable membrane cannot respond to further
stimulation is the ________.
13) sinus inflammation is termed ________.
14) a viral infection that often involves the parotid glands, which swell noticeably, is
15) jane develops a cataract in one eye and gets a vision test. her test result for that eye
is reported as 20/400. what does this mean? is a rating of 20/20 better or worse?
16) hormones that regulate the activity of b cells and t cells and enhance nonspecific
defense are called ________.
17) sensory neurons that are always active are called ________ receptors.
18) twins that result from two different ova are called ________.
19) spermatids mature into spermatozoa by the process of ________.
20) a(n) ________ is a covalent bond that stores an unusually large amount of energy.

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