Biology 32008

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 752
subject Authors Charlotte A. Spencer, Michael A. Palladino, Michael R. Cummings, William S. Klug

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Describe the value of using twins in the study of questions relating to the relative
impact of heredity versus environment.
Assuming one mutational event in a gene, on average, which of the following mutagens
or mutational conditions would be expected to cause the most damage to a protein
synthesized by such a mutagenized gene: 5-bromouracil, 2-amino purine, ethylmethane
sulfonate, or frameshift?
Describe the general structure of a transcription factor.
What does it mean to say that double-stranded nucleic acids are antiparallel?
A mutation that occurs naturally, without exposure to a known mutagen, is called a(n)
List the two relatively complex processes in which genetic information is converted
into functional products.
There is about as much nuclear DNA in a primary spermatocyte as in ________
[number] spermatids?
Although mutations have been observed in many different genes, they have not been
isolated in histones. Why does this seem reasonable? If one wanted to produce
antibodies to histones, would it be an easy task? Explain your answer.
Name three human cancers with a genetic predisposition. What appears to be the
genetic cause of each?
At what approximate wavelengths do DNA, RNA, and proteins maximally absorb
A gene that specifies the fate of a particular anatomical segment in Drosophila is called
a(n) ________.
What term refers to the similarity between parents and offspring and what term refers to
the lack of similarity between parents and offspring?
List at least three environmental agents or factors that are known to cause cancer.
What is unusual about the amino acid composition of histones? How is the function of
histones related to the amino acid composition? Of which histones are nucleosomes
Maternal-effect patterns result when nuclear gene products controlled by the maternal
genotype condition the egg and influence early development. Give two examples of
maternal effects.
What is the general ethnic distribution of the sickle-cell gene?
Migration occurs when individuals move between populations. Considering a single
pair of alleles, A and a, what formula is used to indicate the new frequency of A in one
generation of migration?
Which two factors contribute significantly to the wide ranges of genome size among

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