BIOL 695 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1240
subject Authors George R. Mangun, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry

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1) The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays a strong role in forming impressions about
the internal states of other people.
2) Knowledge about the context in which previous learning took place is referred to as
recency memory.
3) The right hemisphere is more important than the left for both the perception and
production of facial expressions.
4) In performing a sequence of complex actions, such as playing the piano, each
movement is planned primarily in relation to the immediately preceding and subsequent
5) In the Atkinson and Shiffrin modal model, information can be lost by both decay and
interference at each stage.
6) Dynamic filtering is one view of the prefrontal cortex, in which this area is a
repository of representations and selects information most relevant to the current task.
7) The primary olfactory cortex is located in the parietal lobe.
8) The anterior cingulate cortex is important for distinguishing positive self-relevant
information from negative self-relevant information.
9) The main mass of fibers that carries signals from the cortex in one cerebral
hemisphere to the other is called the
a.anterior commissure.
b. corpus callosum.
c.arcuate fasciculus.
d. planum temporale.
10) The speech of people with Brocas aphasia is usually slow and effortful and consists
of primarily concrete words, while words that serve grammatical functions are omitted.
This type of speech output is called
a.word salad.
b. telegraphic speech.
c.spectral speech.
d. paraphasic speech.
11) The model of Kali and Dayan predicted that the maintenance of memories over time
a.depend on reactivation of thalamoneocortical connections.
b.depend on reactivation of hippocampalneocortical connections.
c.not depend on reactivation of thalamoneocortical connections, even though these are
essential for the formation of new memories.
d.not depend on reactivation of hippocampalneocortical connections, even though these
are essential for the formation of new memories.
12) Based on the work of Navon (1977), which of the following types of stimuli would
probably produce the shortest reaction times if participants were required to detect the
presence of an L in the figure?
a.L L
b. F
c. L
d. All reaction times would be roughly the same.
13) Cells that fire together, wire together was first proposed by Donald Hebb as an
explanation for
a.epileptic seizures and their effects.
b. associations made by the law of effect.
c.the way in which the brain codes new learning.
d. amnesia caused by brain damage.
14) Which of the following is NOT an anatomical or physiological difference between
the cerebral hemispheres?
a. The planum temporale is larger on the left side.
b. The Sylvian or lateral fissure is steeper on the left side.
c.Parts of the thalamus are larger on the left side.
d. Left-hemisphere neurons tend to have more dendritic branching than
right-hemisphere neurons.
15) Which of the following best describes the three main components of word or lexical
processing in the correct order, according to most modular models of word recognition?
a. lexical access lexical integration lexical selection
b. lexical access lexical selection lexical integration
c. lexical selection lexical access lexical integration
d. lexical selection lexical integration lexical access
16) Working memory has been called the____________of the mind.
b. bookshelves
c.filing cabinet
d. staple gun
17) Localized specialized networks that can perform functions are called
b. units.
c. items.
d. modules.
18) A monkey is taught that food is associated with a stimulus card that has a star on it.
After training, the animal receives a lesion to the lateral prefrontal cortex. The monkeys
memory for the foodstimulus card association is then tested by presenting the animal
with the two stimulus cards diagrammed here. How will the monkey now respond?
a.The monkey will remember the correct response and choose stimulus card 1 to earn a
food reward.
b. The memory trace left by the training period will be disrupted by the surgery, and the
monkey will randomly select among the stimulus cards.
c.The monkey will no longer be able to retrieve old memories, even if the
representations are intact, and will randomly select among the stimulus cards.
d. The monkey will no longer be able to recognize visual patterns and will randomly
select among the stimulus cards.
19) An undercover agent notices a green car parked outside her apartment building
when she leaves for work at 8:00 a.m. Later she notices the same car in a store parking
lot and becomes suspicious that she is being followed. The agents ability to recognize
the car under these two different circumstances is an example of
a. viewer-centered object recognition.
b. object constancy.
c. perceptual categorization.
d. property-based organization.
20) Which of the following is true about the prefrontal cortex?
a.The prefrontal cortex seems to play a role in working memory but not in long-term
storage of information.
b. The prefrontal cortex seems to play a role in long-term storage of information but not
in working memory.
c.The prefrontal cortex is important for both working memory and long-term storage of
d. The prefrontal cortex is not essential for either working memory or long-term storage
21) Hemiplegia is the
a. paralysis of the side of the body that is contralateral to the injured brain region.
b. paralysis of the side of the body that is ipsilateral to the injured brain region.
c. loss of sensory feedback from the side of the body that is contralateral to the injured
brain region.
d. loss of sensory feedback from the side of the body that is ipsilateral to the injured
brain region.
22) With regard to perception, the term feature refers to
a. the most important aspect of a figure, such as its identity or name.
b. a complex pattern of sensory stimulation, such as a face or word.
c. any combination of elements that requires attention for processing, such as the
conjunction of color and shape.
d. a fundamental component of a visual pattern, such as edge orientation or color.
23) Which of the following of Damasios categories is most associated with the
a.core consciousness
b.core awareness
c.extended consciousness
d.extended awareness
24) The phenomenon of global precedence described by Navon (1977) is that when
hierarchically structured stimuli are presented, shapes are extracted before local shapes.
b. local shapes are easier for the visual system to extract than global shapes. shapes take longer to process than local shapes.
d. local shapes can interfere with the perception of global shapes.

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