BIOL 540 Test 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 698
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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A(n) ________ acid is an acid that cannot leave solution and enter the atmosphere.
A) fixed
B) volatile
C) respiratory
D) organic
E) inorganic
The complex structures of DNA and protein found in the cell nucleus are
A) nucleoplasm.
B) chromatin and histones.
C) histones.
D) nucleases.
E) mitochondria.
An activated G protein can trigger
A) the activation of adenyl cyclase.
B) the opening of calcium ion channels in the membrane.
C) the release of calcium ions from intracellular stores.
D) a fall in cAMP levels.
E) All of the answers are correct.
The organ inferior to the urinary bladder and contains the urethra in the middle is the
________ gland.
A) prostate
B) bulbourethral
C) Cowper's
D) seminal vesicle
E) seminiferous tubular
The "t" in tRNA stands for
A) translate.
B) transport.
C) transfer.
D) transcribe.
E) transmit.
Erythropoiesis is stimulated by a kidney-derived hormone called
A) erythropoietin.
B) bilirubin.
C) thrombopoietin.
D) colony-stimulating factors.
E) plasmin.
During the procedure known as a(n) ________, a needle is inserted into the
subarachnoid space in the inferior lumbar region.
B) encephalomyelogram
C) laminectomy
D) lumbar puncture
E) thoracic tap
Lymphatic tissues are connective tissues dominated by
A) mast cells.
B) plasma cells.
C) fibroblasts.
D) monocytes.
E) lymphocytes.
Identify the mismatched pair.
A) skull bones: 8 cranial and 14 facial bones
B) bones associated with the skull: 6 auditory ossicles and 1 hyoid bone
C) vertebral column: 24 vertebrae and 1 sacrum and 1 coccyx
D) thoracic cage: sternum and 24 ribs and 2 clavicles
E) there is no mismatched pair
________ creates 90 percent of the ATP normally generated.
A) Glycolysis
B) Beta oxidation
C) Oxidative phosphorylation
D) Gluconeogenesis
E) Glycogenesis
The condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood is reduced, owing to a
low blood hemoglobin concentration, is called
A) thrombocytopenia.
B) leukopenia.
C) polycythemia.
D) anemia.
E) leukocytosis.
The ________ muscle elevates the upper eyelid.
A) orbicularis oculi
B) epicranius
C) orbicularis oris
D) levator palpebrae superioris
E) buccinator
Which of the following activities is not related to kidney function?
A) control of hydrogen ion and pH in the blood
B) control of wastes in the blood
C) lipid digestion
D) regulation of blood pressure
E) maintenance of various blood ion concentrations
Identify the structure labeled "7."
Figure 14-1 The Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid
A) dura mater
B) lateral ventricle
C) fourth ventricle
D) subarachnoid space
E) filum terminale
The pyrimidine bases found in DNA are ________ and cytosine.
A) cytosine
B) adenine
C) thymine
D) uracil
E) niacin
The superior phrenic artery supplies blood to the
A) lungs.
B) heart.
C) diaphragm.
D) pharynx.
E) pancreas.
In water, phospholipids tend to form tiny droplets with hydrophobic tails buried inside
A) micelles.
B) chylomicrons.
C) glycocalyces.
D) eicosanoids.
E) hydroceles.
The structures labeled "1" are dendrites. Their membranes contain numerous
chemically-gated ion channels.
Figure 12-1 The Neuron
A) The first statement is true but the second statement is false.
B) The first statement is false but the second statement is true.
C) Both statements are true.
D) Both statements are false.
The abnormality that develops when a lens loses its transparency is known as
A) glaucoma.
B) myopia.
C) macular degeneration.
D) a cataract.
E) Fuch's dystrophy.
A ________ allele will always be expressed regardless of what the other allele happens
to be.
A) homologous
B) homocentric
C) recessive
D) maternal
E) dominant

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