BIOL 426 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1829
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) About how many kcal are supplied by 8 oz of the typical sports drink?
2) Which of the following nutrients are required in higher amounts during pregnancy
due to their roles in the synthesis of red blood cells?
a.Protein and chromium
b.Folate and vitamin B12
c.Calcium and vitamin A
d.Vitamin E and vitamin C
3) Which of the following is a feature of calcium nutrition in pregnancy?
a.The RDA increases by over 100%
b.Intestinal absorption increases substantially
c.Supplements are required for most women due to the increased needs
d.Transfer of calcium from maternal stores to the fetus increases rapidly at the
beginning of the second trimester and falls during the last trimester
4) What is the primary function of the rectum?
a.Controls functioning of the colon
b.Absorbs minerals from waste materials
c.Stores waste materials prior to evacuation
d.Absorbs excess water from waste materials
5) Which of the following is a characteristic of alcohol use?
a.Ingestion of alcohol cools the body
b.Alcohol stimulates the appetite in most people
c.Since alcohol is legal, it is not classified as a drug
d.Intake of alcohol along with raw seafood reliably prevents hepatitis
6) When taken in large doses, which of the following vitamins is associated with liver
c.Vitamin B6
d.Vitamin B12
7) Which of the following is a feature of the branched-chain amino acids?
a.They are all dispensable amino acids
b.Large doses may suppress ammonia production
c.They represent the major energy source for muscle tissue
d.They may be helpful in treatment of advanced liver failure
8) Of the following commonly eaten foods, which makes the greatest contribution to
riboflavin intake?
c.Orange juice
d.Peanut butter
9) Which of the following is a characteristic of pancreatic digestive enzyme function?
a.The major hormone controlling the release of pancreatic enzymes is gastrin
b.The release of pancreatic enzymes is controlled primarily by a pancreatic sphincter
c.The pancreas can increase the activity of fat-degrading enzymes in response to more
fat in the diet
d.In general, the amounts of digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas remain
constant over a wide range of nutrient intakes
10) Which of the following events is specific to a salt-sensitive individual?
a.Blood pressure increases as salt intake rises
b.Immune system is activated when salt intake increases
c.Muscle cramps occur when body sodium becomes depleted
d.Thirst response is activated upon consumption of a sodium-rich food
11) Which of the following practices is safest for minimizing microbial contamination
of prepared foods?
a.Store food in a controlled atmosphere of chlorine bleach vapors
b.Restrict the foods exposure at room temperature to a maximum of 4-6 hours
c.Restrict the foods exposure at between 40F and 140F to a maximum of 2 hours
d.Store food under air-tight conditions at a temperature of 32F for a maximum of 1
12) What is the recommended range of weight gain, in lbs, during pregnancy for a
normal-weight woman?
13) Which of the following diets promotes superior physical performance in athletes?
a.High-fat diet
b.High-protein diet
c.High-carbohydrate diet
d.Normal mixed diet with vitamin supplements
14) According to much research, which of the following is a characteristic of excess
body fat that is distributed primarily around the abdomen?
a.It is related directly to exercise
b.Its presence lowers the risk for diabetes
c.It is less common in women past menopause
d.It is associated with increased mortality for both sexes
15) What is the median weekly number of alcoholic drinks consumed by college
a.1 1/2
16) Which of the following is a feature of vitamins?
a.Many serve in the role of enzyme inhibitors
b.Structurally, many are found linked together
c.Several may be oxidized to yield 4 kcalories per gram
d.The quantities present in foods are measured in micrograms or milligrams
17) There is some evidence for benefits from vitamin E supplements in all of the
following groups EXCEPT
a.premature infants
b.people with intermittent claudication
c.women with fibrocystic breast disease
d.people with problems of sexual impotence
18) In the measurement of blood pressure, the units are expressed as of silver of depth of plaque of mercury
19) Exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste materials takes place across the walls of
small vessels called
20) Which of the following regulates the level of calcium in the blood?
a.Dietary intake of calcium
b.Glucagon and epinephrine
c.Dietary intake of phosphorus
d.Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
21) A high risk of heart attack correlates with high blood levels of fatty acids
b.high-density lipoproteins
c.low-density lipoproteins
d.very low-density lipoproteins
22) The feeling of satisfaction resulting from consumption of a meal is termed
b.appetite absorptive hunger
d.resting post absorptive increment
23) Which of the following is a feature of creatine supplementation in athletes?
a.It may enhance performance of endurance athletes
b.Long-term use adversely affects liver and kidney function
c.It may enhance performance of weight lifters and sprinters
d.It induces short-term weight loss consisting primarily of lean tissue
24) Which of the following is NOT among the characteristic of the metabolic
a.Physical inactivity plays a major role in its development
b.Central obesity is thought to play a greater role than other risk factors
c.At least 3 of 5 specific diet-related risk factors must be present for diagnosis
d.The risk factors act synergistically to predict the risk for coronary heart disease
25) The FDA monitors pesticides by sampling
a.all food shipments for all pesticides
b.all food shipments for some pesticides
c.some food shipments for all pesticides
d.some food shipments for some pesticides
26) What organ is the major site for gluconeogenesis?
d.Small intestine
27) Which of the following is NOT an aspect of glycolysis?
a.It is irreversible
b.It generates ATP
c.It occurs in the absence of oxygen
d.It generates two molecules of pyruvate for each molecule of glucose
28) Which of the following is a feature of aquaculture?
a.All farmed fish must be fed to sustain the practice
b.It provides about 5-10% of the world's fish and shellfish
c.It is successful in freshwater lakes but not in ocean waters
d.Currently available technologies cannot yet make it sustainable
29) Which of the following is NOT among the common complications experienced by
pregnant obese women?
b.Pre-term birthing
c.Gestational diabetes
d.Postpartum infections
30) Which of the following is characteristic of alcohol absorption?
a.It is slowed when the stomach is full of food
b.It is increased when high-fat snacks are eaten
c.It is increased when carbohydrate snacks are eaten
d.It is lower in women than in men of the same body weight
31) Which of the following is the bodys first response to the absorption of abundant
amounts of carbohydrate?
a.Catabolism of body fat
b.Catabolism of glycogen
c.Synthesis and storage of glycogen
d.Synthesis and storage of triglycerides
32) Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population takes a dietary supplement
33) What is the name of the short chains of glucose units that result from starch
34) What is the bioavailability of dietary zinc?
35) Who would be the most appropriate person to consult regarding nutrition
b.Medical doctor
c.Registered dietitian
d.Health food store manager
36) In which form are most dietary lipids found?
37) Describe the benefits and adverse effects of the common alternative sweeteners.
38) Discuss the advantages of increasing the intake of phytochemicals from food rather
than from supplements.
39) According to research, the body system, especially in the elderly, that shows
improvement when given antioxidant supplements is the
nervous system
respiratory system
digestive system
immune system
40) Children will learn to disregard their own internal hunger and satiety cues if they
observe their parents habitually overeating
watch too much television, especially food advertisements
eat too many complex carbohydrates during the day
drink too many soft drinks
41) The philosophical emphasis throughout Nutrition Pathways can be best summed up
in which one of the following statements?
"Change your life."
"Balance your choices."
"Deprivation breeds success."
"Variety equals challenge."
42) HIV can be defined as
a virus
an infection that attacks the immune system
a disease that attacks the T-4 cells in the body
all of the above
43) Why is waist circumference considered a good indicator of central obesity?
44) A power plant and the body's metabolism are similar in that both
generate energy
store unused energy
release energy when needed
all of the above
45) What is the most important mineral for growth and development in infants?

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