BIOL 350 Midterm 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 800
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) _________________ are the simplest body structures considered alive.
a. organ systems
b. organs
c. cells
d. organelles
e. molecules
2) the concentration of a solution may be expressed by all of the following except
a. weight per volume
b. percentage
c. molarity
d. ph
3) clotting deficiency can result from thrombocytopenia or hemophilia.
4) which is the correct path of an electrical excitation from the pacemaker to a
cardiocyte in the left ventricle (lv)?
a. sinoatrial (sa) node -> atrioventricular (av) bundle -> atrioventricular (av) node ->
purkinje fibers -> cardiocyte in lv
b. atrioventricular (av) node -> purkinje fibers -> atrioventricular (av) bundle ->
sinoatrial (sa) node -> cardiocyte in lv
c. atrioventricular (av) node -> sinoatrial (sa) node -> atrioventricular (av) bundle ->
purkinje fibers -> cardiocyte in lv
d. sinoatrial (sa) node -> atrioventricular (av) node -> atrioventricular (av) bundle ->
purkinje fibers -> cardiocyte in lv
e. sinoatrial (sa) node -> atrioventricular (av) node -> purkinje fibers -> atrioventricular
(av) bundle -> cardiocyte in lv
5) why does our blood pressure generally go up as we age?
a. our veins get 'hard' and absorb less systolic force
b. our veins get 'hard' and absorb less diastolic force
c. our arteries get 'hard' and absorb less systolic force
d. our arteries get 'hard' and absorb less diastolic force
6) place the following events in synaptic transmission at a cholinergic synapse in order:
a - a postsynaptic potential is produced; b - voltage gated calcium channels open and
calcium enters the cell; c - ach is released and diffuses across the synaptic cleft; d - a
nerve signal arrives at a synaptic knob; e - ligand gated sodium channels open and
sodium enters the cell.
a. d, b, c, e, a
b. d, b, e, a, c
c. b, c, d, e, a
d. b, d, c, a, e
7) an epithelium whose cells are tall and narrow, with each one touching the basement
membrane and reaching the apical surface, is called __________ epithelium.
a. stratified squamous
b. stratified cuboidal
c. simple cuboidal
d. simple columnar
e. pseudostratified columnar
8) during __________, the uterus is tented (erected) and the cervix is withdrawn from
the vagina. typically, the clitoris is engorged and the labia are bright red to violet due to
a. excitement
b. detumescence
c. orgasm
d. resolution
e. pregnancy
9) what are the afferent vessels that carry blood back to the heart?
a. arteries
b. arterioles
c. veins
d. capillaries
10) mitral valve prolapse causes blood to leak back into the __________ when the
ventricles contract.
a. left atrium
b. right atrium
c. aorta
d. pulmonary trunk
e. pulmonary arteries
11) the physiological process that moves a nutrient from the outside of the bodyto the
inside is called __________.
a. ingestion
b. compaction
c. digestion
d. absorption
e. secretion
12) basal cell carcinoma initially affects cells of the stratum __________.
a. spinosum
b. germinativum
c. corneum
d. basale
e. lucidum
13) the surface of the heart is formed by a membrane called the __________.
a. parietal peritoneum
b. visceral peritoneum
c. parietal pericardium
d. visceral pericardium
e. parietal pleura
14) which of the following will increase the rate of a chemical reaction?
a. an increase in reactant concentration
b. an increase in product concentration
c. a decreased temperature
d. enzyme inhibition
15) the pubic symphysis can be palpated as a hard prominence above the genitalia.
16) which cranial nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius?
a. abducens
b. facial
c. vagus
d. accessory
e. trigeminal
17) during muscle contraction, a single myosin head consumes atp at a rate of about
__________ atp per second.
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7
e. 9
18) which body system(s) is(are) dedicated to maintaining stable internal conditions by
detecting and responding to stimuli?
a. nervous and endocrine
b. nervous
c. endocrine
d. nervous, endocrine, and integumentary
19) you cannot palpate the __________ on a living person.
a. lateral malleolus
b. tibial tuberosity
c. medial surface of the fibula
d. anterior border of the tibia
e. calcaneus

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