BIOL 308 Test 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1053
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) within each hemisphere, deep to the floor of the lateral ventricle, you will find the
a) anterior commissures.
b) basal nuclei.
c) motor association areas.
d) visual cortex.
e) auditory cortex.
2) all of the following are true of the intestinal phase of gastric digestion, except that it
a) precedes the gastric phase.
b) functions to control the rate of gastric emptying.
c) involves both neural and endocrine reflexes.
d) helps ensure that the functions of the small intestine proceed with relative efficiency.
e) begins when chyme enters the small intestine.
3) all of the following are present prior to birth, except that the
a) pulmonary arterial resistance is high.
b) pulmonary vessels are collapsed.
c) rib cage is compressed.
d) alveoli are expanded.
e) lungs and airways contain only a small amount of fluid.
4) the ________ nerve, which arises in the cervical plexus, innervates the diaphragm.
a) ansa cervicalis
b) lesser occipital
c) radial
d) phrenic
e) sciatic
5) the posterior nuclei of the thalamus include(s) the
a) basal nuclei.
b) lateral and medial geniculate nuclei.
c) mamillary body.
d) interthalamic adhesion.
e) all of the answers are correct.
6) gastrin secretion in response to elevated luminal ph is an example of
a) neural stimulation.
b) local stimulation.
c) muscular stimulation.
d) hormone stimulation.
e) none of the answers are correct.
7) the muscle that inserts on the acromion and scapular spine is the
a) serratus anterior.
b) trapezius.
c) sternocleidomastoid.
d) pectoralis minor.
e) levator scapulae.
8) the site in the neuron where epsps and ipsps are integrated is the
a) chemical synapse.
b) electrical synapse.
c) axon hillock.
d) dendritic membrane.
e) synaptic terminal.
9) which of the following terms refers to the foot?
a) cervical
b) brachial
c) antebrachial
d) femoral
e) pedal
10) all of the following are true concerning enzymes, except that they
a) are proteins.
b) function as biological catalysts.
c) lower the activation energy required for a reaction.
d) affect only the rate of a chemical reaction.
e) are consumed during the reaction.
11) the heat-gain center for thermoregulation
a) resides in the pre-optic hypothalamus.
b) activates shivering thermogenesis.
c) activates nonshivering thermogenesis.
d) activates skin vasoconstriction.
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) the study of the first two months of development is termed
a) histology.
b) embryology.
c) cytology.
d) pathology.
e) organology.
13) the stratum corneum just under the free-edge of a nail is the
a) hyponychium.
b) lunula.
c) eponychium.
d) nail root.
e) cuticle.
14) in the center of a liver lobule there is a
a) hepatic duct.
b) portal area.
c) sinusoid.
d) central vein.
e) portal vein.
15) when a muscle is stimulated repeatedly at a high rate, the amount of tension
gradually increases to a steady maximum tension. this is called
a) incomplete tetanus.
b) complete tetanus.
c) a twitch.
d) wave summation.
e) recruitment.
figure 3-2 the plasmalemma
microfilaments are labeled
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
e) 6
17) suppose that epiphyseal lines appear in a 10-year-old's long bones. which of the
following statements is therefore true?
a) the epiphyseal plates have ossified and further growth in length is not possible.
b) administraton of growth hormone will stimulate future bone growth in length.
c) osteoclasts will dissolve the metaphysis so length growth can continue until
d) more growth will occur during the teenage years as sex hormones stimulate
rebuilding of growth plates.
e) intramembranous ossification will enable further growth in length.
18) consider these results from a blood lab test. which value is most likely abnormal?
a) rbcs5.2 million/l
b) platelets280,000/l
c) leukocytes8600/l
d) hemoglobin10.7 g/100 ml
e) hematocrit44 percent
19) a dorsal and ventral root of each spinal segment unite to form a
a) cervical enlargement.
b) lumbar enlargement.
c) spinal nerve.
d) spinal meninx.
e) spinal ganglion.
20) ________ is a condition resulting from an inflammation of a facial nerve.
a) cerebral palsy
b) bell's palsy
c) addison's disease
d) gout
e) hydrocephalus
21) the thick, flat sheet of tendon deep to the scalp is called the ________ .
22) the term ________ means the failure of one or both testes to descend into the
scrotum by the time of birth.
23) ribs 8 to 12 are called ________ because they do not attach directly to the sternum.
24) the ________ of a radioactive substance is the time required for 50 percent of a
given amount of radioisotope to decay.
25) the ________ is the inner lining of the uterus.
26) blood is drained from the lower portion of the large intestine by the ________.
27) an infection by the bacterium clostridium tetani can cause the disease called
28) the structural features and skeletal components of the sternum make it a part of the
axial skeleton, which is important in a variety of clinical situations. if you were
teaching this information to prospective health care professionals, what clinical
applications would you cite?
29) the muscle layer of the heart is the ________.

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