BIOL 271 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 823
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) drugs that have effects similar to those of sympathetic activation are called
sympathomimetic drugs. which of the following would you not expect to observe in a
person who has taken a sympathomimetic drug?
a) sweating
b) increased heart rate
c) dilation of respiratory passages
d) decreased blood pressure
e) increased blood sugar level
2) which respiratory organ(s) has a cardiac notch?
a) right lung
b) left lung
c) right primary bronchus
d) left primary bronchus
e) both the right and the left lungs
3) summation that results from the cumulative effect of multiple synapses at multiple
places on the neuron is designated
a) spatial summation.
b) temporal summation.
c) inhibition of the impulse.
d) hyperpolarization.
e) impulse transmission.
4) which of the following consists of a network of intracellular membranes with
attached ribosomes?
a) rough endoplasmic reticulum
b) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c) mitochondria
d) nucleoli
e) golgi apparatus
5) the mechanism for producing a concentrated urine involves
a) the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (adh) by the neurohypophysis.
b) aquaporins being inserted into the membranes of the collecting duct cells.
c) a high concentration of nacl in the interstitial fluid that surrounds the collecting
d) an increase in facultative water reabsorption.
e) all of the answers are correct.
6) the hering-breuer reflex
a) functions to increase ventilation with changes in blood pressure.
b) alters pulmonary ventilation when the po2 changes.
c) alters pulmonary ventilation when the pco2 changes.
d) protects the lungs from damage due to overinflation.
e) is an important aspect of normal, quiet breathing.
7) which of these statements about the trophoblast is false?
a) secretes hyalouronidase to erode endometrial cell adhesion
b) absorbs nutrients released by degenerating endometrial glands
c) has both an acellular and cellular component
d) is derived from the inner cell mass
e) causes maternal blood vessels to break down
8) axons that decussate between the pyramids of the medulla oblongata belong to the
________ tracts.
a) anterior corticospinal
b) lateral corticospinal
c) vestibulospinal
d) reticulospinal
e) rubrospinal
9) an obstruction in blood flow to the kidneys would ultimately result in
a) pernicious anemia.
b) renal anemia.
c) increased erythropoiesis.
d) decreased erythropoiesis.
e) increased sensitivity to vitamin k.
10) long-term memories that are with you for a lifetime are called
a) tertiary memories.
b) reflexive memories.
c) consolidated memories.
d) multilobar memories.
e) secondary memories.
11) which of the following is a property of the blood-brain barrier?
a) the capillary endothelial cells are interconnected by tight junctions.
b) it is generally permeable to lipid-soluble compounds.
c) astrocytes surround the cns capillaries.
d) it is absent in portions of the hypothalamus.
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) if osteoclasts are more active than osteoblasts, bones will become
a) denser.
b) thicker.
c) osteopenic.
d) stronger.
e) calcified.
13) spinal nerves are
a) purely sensory.
b) purely motor.
c) both sensory and motor.
d) interneuronal.
e) involuntary.
14) twins that occur when blastomeres separate are called ________.
15) the normal ph range for ecf is 7.35 to ________.
16) the element sulfur has an atomic number of 16 and mass number of 32. how many
neutrons are in the nucleus of a sulfur atom? if sulfur forms covalent bonds with
hydrogen, how many hydrogen atoms can bond to one sulfur atom?
17) the movement of a body part downward is called ________.
18) the outer layer of the suprarenal gland is the ________.
19) endothelial cells release ________ that stimulate smooth muscle contraction and
accelerate the repair process.

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