BIO 879 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 438
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) when carotid and aortic baroreceptors slow their discharge,
a) heart rate increases.
b) heart rate decreases.
c) stroke volume increases.
d) both heart rate and stroke volume increase.
e) the heart rate will decrease to lower blood pressure.
2) which of the following acts as an atpase during the contraction cycle of muscle?
a) actin molecules
b) troponin molecules
c) tropomyosin molecules
d) the head portion of the myosin molecule
e) the tail portion of the myosin molecule
3) the pneumotaxic center of the pons
a) sets the at-rest respiratory pattern.
b) prolongs inspiration.
c) modifies the rate and depth of breathing.
d) suppresses the expiratory center in the medulla.
e) stimulates the dorsal respiratory group.
4) which of the following is not an action of tsh?
a) stimulates t3 and t4 secretion
b) stimulates iodide trapping by thyroid follicle cells
c) inhibits t3 and t4 secretion
d) stimulates pinocytosis of colloid by thyroid follicle cells
e) increases cyclic amp concentration within thyroid follicle cells
5) granulocytes form in
a) the intestines.
b) the spleen.
c) the thymus.
d) red bone marrow.
e) yellow bone marrow.
6) the sum of all of the biochemical processes going on within the human body at any
given time is called
a) glycolysis.
b) oxidative phosphorylation.
c) catabolism.
d) anabolism.
e) metabolism.
7) the serous membrane covering the stomach and most of the intestines is called the
a) pericardium.
b) peritoneum.
c) pleura.
d) mediastinum.
e) abdomen.
8) polyspermy results in
a) twins.
b) fetuses with different fathers.
c) haploid individuals.
d) chimeric adults.
e) a nonfunctional zygote.
9) which of the following directly regulates the secretion of insulin?
a) parasympathetic nervous system
b) sympathetic nervous system
c) blood-glucose concentration
d) hypothalamus
e) tropic hormones from the pituitary gland
10) the double-layer sheets of serous membrane that support the viscera are called
a) peritoneal sheets.
b) mesenteries.
c) ascites.
d) the diaphragm.
e) the dorsal and ventral frenulums.
figure 28-1 the male reproductive system
identify the structure that produces a fructose-rich fluid.
a) 9
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12
e) 13
figure 21-2 veins
identify the vein labeled "9"
a) axillary
b) brachial
c) cephalic
d) basilic
e) median cubital

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