BIO 842 Quiz 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 601
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) blood returning to the heart from the pulmonary circuit first enters the
a) right atrium.
b) right ventricle.
c) left atrium.
d) left ventricle.
e) conus arteriosus.
2) each of the following structures is associated with the sphenoid bone, except the
a) foramen ovale.
b) optic canals.
c) pterygoid processes.
d) sella turcica.
e) cribriform plate.
3) each of the following statements concerning oogenesis is true, except that
a) oogenesis begins before birth.
b) ova develop from stem cells called oogonia.
c) an ovum completes its last meiosis after it is fertilized.
d) about half the oogonia complete mitosis between birth and puberty.
e) by the time of their birth, girls have already lost about 80 percent of their oocytes.
4) a muscle that inserts on the body of the mandible is probably involved in
a) kissing.
b) blowing.
c) chewing.
d) frowning.
e) spitting.
figure 3-1 the anatomy of a representative cell
which organelle renews the cell membrane and modifies and packages proteins for
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
e) 8
6) which type of joint is found between the carpal bones?
a) saddle
b) gliding
c) hinge
d) ball-and-socket
e) pivot
figure 6-1 bone tissue
where would osteoclasts be most active?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
8) a freely movable joint is a(n)
a) synarthrosis.
b) diarthrosis.
c) amphiarthrosis.
d) syndesmosis.
e) symphysis.
9) bile is stored in the
a) liver.
b) duodenum.
c) pancreas.
d) gallbladder.
e) appendix.
10) elderly individuals are more prone than are younger individuals to have all of the
following, except
a) hypertension.
b) venous thrombosis.
c) increased elasticity of vessel walls.
d) problems with the conducting system of the heart.
e) arteriosclerosis.
11) the ________ is a strand of fibrous tissue that provides longitudinal support as a
component of the coccygeal ligament.
a) conus medullaris
b) filum terminale
c) cauda equina
d) dorsal root
e) ventral root
12) which of the following is a function of the tongue?
a) manipulation to assist with chewing
b) mechanical processing
c) sensory analysis
d) secretion of mucins
e) all of the answers are correct.
13) a muscle that dorsiflexes the foot is the
a) tibialis anterior.
b) tibialis posterior.
c) peroneus brevis.
d) soleus.
e) gastrocnemius.
14) raising the potassium ion concentration in the extracellular fluid surrounding a
nerve cell will have which effect?
a) depolarize it
b) hyperpolarize it
c) increase the magnitude of the potassium equilibrium potential
d) decrease the magnitude of the potassium equilibrium potential
e) both hyperpolarize it and decrease the magnitude of the potassium equilibrium
15) which of the following complements the actions of glucocorticoids?
a) insulin
b) growth hormone
c) glucagon
d) epinephrine
e) androgens
16) a red blood cell that contains normal amounts of hemoglobin would be called
a) hyperchromic.
b) normochromic.
c) hypochromic.
d) normocytic.
e) macrocytic.
figure 9-2 a simplified sectional view of the knee joint
which structure acts as a cushion and consists of fibrous cartilage?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5

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