BIO 746 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 806
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) which of the following statements about the menstrual cycle is true?
a) the first occurrence is termed menarche
b) it is ultimately controlled by gnrh
c) is skipped in pregnancy
d) often involves painful myometrial contraction
e) all of the answers are correct.
2) water loss due to evaporation of fluid that has penetrated through the skin is termed
________ perspiration.
a) sensible
b) insensible
c) latent
d) active
e) inactive
3) to defend blood volume against dehydration, the body
a) accelerates reabsorption of water at the kidneys.
b) experiences a recall of interstitial fluids.
c) experiences an increase in the blood colloidal osmotic pressure.
d) increases water intake.
e) all of the answers are correct.
4) secretory cells of the adenohypophysis release
a) fsh.
b) tsh.
c) acth.
d) gh.
e) all of the answers are correct.
5) functions of the large intestine include
a) absorption of bile salts.
b) secretion of vitamins.
c) resorption (absorption) of water and compaction of feces.
d) production of gas to move waste toward the rectum.
e) chemical breakdown of food.
6) when stress is applied to a bone,
a) the minerals in the bone produce a weak electrical field that attracts osteoblasts.
b) osteoclast activity increases.
c) the bone becomes thin and brittle.
d) the bone compensates by becoming thinner in the region of stress.
e) it usually breaks.
7) the pituitary hormone that controls the release of glucocorticoids from the suprarenal
cortex is
a) tsh.
b) acth.
c) fsh.
d) lh.
e) gh.
8) which of the following is not a property of the limbic system?
a) contains cerebral and diencephalic components
b) functions in maintaining homeostasis in cold weather
c) located between the border of the cerebrum and diencephalon
d) links conscious functions of the cerebral cortex with unconscious functions of the
brain stem
e) functions in emotions, learning, and memory
figure 29-1 early human development
identify what process is occurring at the structure labeled "13"
a) fertilization
b) ovulation
c) implantation
d) migration
e) gastrulation
10) the hormone that stimulates secretion and contraction by the stomach is
a) gastrin.
b) enteropeptidase.
c) secretin.
d) cholecystokinin.
e) cck.
11) most of the lymph returns to the venous circulation by way of the
a) right lymphatic duct.
b) thoracic duct.
c) cisterna chyli.
d) hepatic portal vein.
e) dural sinus.
12) an example of a receptor in a negative feedback loop controlling body temperature
would be
a) temperature sensors on the skin that detect a stimulus.
b) sweat glands that increase secretion.
c) regulatory centers that send commands to an effector.
d) effectors that cause blood vessels to dilate.
e) sweat glands that act like effectors.
13) the ________ deliver(s) blood to the myocardium.
a) coronary arteries
b) cardiac veins
c) superior vena cava
d) carotid arteries
e) coronary sinus
14) if a diabetic patient received too much insulin, the low blood sugar could be
corrected by injecting
a) glucagon.
b) ghih.
c) thyroid hormone.
d) aldosterone.
e) antidiuretic hormone.
15) after a stroke, what type of glial cell accumulates within the affected brain region?
a) schwann cells
b) satellite cells
c) oligodendrocytes
d) microglia
e) ependymal cells
16) an element that is a component of hemoglobin, myoglobin, and cytochromes is
a) calcium.
b) magnesium.
c) iron.
d) zinc.
e) cobalt.
17) what provides access for blood vessels entering and leaving the liver?
a) falciform ligament
b) greater omentum
c) mesentery proper
d) lesser omentum
e) diaphragm
18) a fast-adapting mechanoreceptor in the papillary layer of the dermis that responds to
fine touch is a
a) tactile (merkel) disc.
b) root hair plexus.
c) free nerve ending.
d) ruffini corpuscle.
e) tactile (meissner) corpuscle.
19) the erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra is the
a) membranous urethra.
b) penile urethra.
c) glans penis.
d) corpus spongiosum.
e) corpus cavernosum.
20) which of the following statements about adrenergic receptors is true?
a) they are g proteins.
b) when activated, camp levels are affected.
c) epinephrine activates both alpha and beta types.
d) norepinephrine activates both alpha and beta types.
e) all of the answers are correct.

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