BIO 744

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 548
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) taste buds are monitored by cranial nerves
a) ix, x, xi.
b) vii, viii, ix.
c) vii, ix, x.
d) v, vii, ix.
e) ix, xi, xii.
2) cerebrospinal fluid enters the blood circulation at the
a) jugular veins.
b) dural drain.
c) arachnoid granulations.
d) tentorium cerebelli.
e) frontal sinus.
3) branches that may occur along an axon are called
a) telodendria.
b) synaptic terminals.
c) collaterals.
d) hillocks.
e) synapses.
4) skeletal muscle fibers are formed from embryonic cells called
a) sarcomeres.
b) myofibrils.
c) myoblasts.
d) fascicles.
e) myomeres.
5) tuberculosis results from an infection by the bacterium
a) clostridium difficile.
b) staphylococcus aureus.
c) mycobacterium tuberculosis.
d) vancomycin-resistant streptococcus.
e) tuberculin plumonae.
6) which of the following are not components of the skeletal system?
a) tendons
b) bones
c) ligaments
d) cartilage
e) other tissues that connect bones
7) ________ crush and grind food.
a) bicuspids
b) incisors
c) molars
d) cuspids
e) bicuspids and molars
8) a hormone that is synergistic to growth hormone is
a) aldosterone.
b) insulin.
c) cortisol.
d) calcitonin.
e) renin.
9) all of the following are true of the vagina, except that it
a) serves as a passageway for the elimination of menstrual fluids.
b) receives the penis during coitus.
c) holds spermatozoa prior to their passage to the uterus.
d) forms the lower portion of the birth canal.
e) loses a portion of its lining during menses.
10) the element that is necessary for the proper function of the enzyme carbonic
anhydrase is
a) iron.
b) cobalt.
c) zinc.
d) selenium.
e) iodine.
11) the area of the motor cortex that is devoted to a particular region of the body is
proportional to the
a) size of the body area.
b) distance of the body area from the brain.
c) number of motor units in that region.
d) number of sensory receptors in the area of the body.
e) size of the nerves that serve the area of the body.
12) which of the following substances undergo tubular secretion:
a) water
b) glucose
c) hydrogen ions
d) sodium ions
e) all of the answers are correct.
13) ________ are nearly identical cells that are produced by early cleavages.
a) blastomeres
b) morulas
c) gastrulas
d) amnions
e) blastulas
14) plasma is closest in composition to
a) urine.
b) isotonic saline solution.
c) sterile water.
d) csf.
e) interstitial fluid.
15) under quiet conditions, blood returning to the heart retains about ________ of its
oxygen content when it leaves the lungs.
a) 25 percent
b) 50 percent
c) 75 percent
d) 90 percent
e) 100 percent
16) tubular reabsorption involves all of the following, except
a) active transport.
b) facilitated diffusion.
c) cotransport.
d) countertransport.
e) stem cell movements.

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