BIO 371 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 767
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment in an organism is
a) positive feedback.
b) homeostasis.
c) negative feedback.
d) effector control.
e) integration.
2) which surface feature(s) along the ilium mark(s) attachment sites for large hip
a) iliac spines
b) greater sciatic notch
c) gluteal lines
d) lesser sciatic notch
e) pubic symphysis
3) the developmental period that is the period of all embryological and early fetal
development is
a) first trimester.
b) second trimester.
c) third trimester.
d) infancy.
e) adolescence.
4) excitation of neurons in the basal nuclei would lead to
a) increased muscle tone.
b) loss of consciousness.
c) inability to sense pain.
d) sexual arousal.
e) involuntary speech production.
5) stimulation of the beta receptors on heart muscle cells results in
a) the decrease in atp production.
b) increased heart rate and force of contraction.
c) decreased force of contraction.
d) slower heart rate.
e) inhibition of the heart muscle.
figure 12-2 the nerve action potential
which area of the graph shows when chemically-gated sodium channels are open?
a) 3
b) 1
c) 2
d) 5
e) 4
7) the parathyroid glands produce a hormone that
a) stimulates the formation of white blood cells.
b) increases the level of calcium ions in the blood.
c) increases the level of sodium ions in the blood.
d) increases the level of potassium ions in the blood.
e) increases the level of glucose in the blood.
8) in glycolysis, each molecule of glucose that is catabolized gives a net yield of how
many molecules of atp?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 30
d) 36
e) 38
9) when the arrector pili muscles contract,
a) "goose bumps" are formed.
b) hairs are shed.
c) sweat is released from sweat glands.
d) shivering occurs.
e) the skin changes color.
10) immunity that is genetically determined and present at birth is called ________
a) active
b) natural passive
c) passive
d) auto
e) innate
11) ions can move across the plasma membrane in which of the following ways?
a) through voltage-gated channels as in the action potential
b) through passive or leak channels
c) by atp-dependent ion pumps like the sodium-potassium exchange pump
d) through chemically-gated channels as in neuromuscular transmission
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) which of these descriptions best matches the term t lymphocytes?
a) adhere to collagen beneath endothelium
b) are involved in cell mediated immunity
c) produce antibodies in response to antigens
d) kill bacteria using hydrogen peroxide
e) often elevated in allergic individuals
13) the ________ innervates the ventrolateral body surface, structures in the body wall,
and the limbs.
a) white rami communicantes
b) gray rami communicantes
c) dorsal ramus
d) ventral ramus
e) dermatomes
14) the dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds an entire skeletal muscle is the
a) tendon.
b) epimysium.
c) endomysium.
d) perimysium.
e) fascicle.
15) which of the following is not a function of the nasal mucosa?
a) humidify the incoming air
b) dehumidify the outgoing air
c) dehumidify the incoming air
d) trap particulate matter
e) cool outgoing air
16) tickle is to ________ as itch is to ________.
a) pressure; heat
b) baroreceptors; chemoreceptors
c) touch; pain
d) stretch; temperature
e) thermoreceptors; nociceptors
17) which of the following is not a possible drug effect on synaptic function?
a) interfere with neurotransmitter synthesis
b) interfere with neurotransmitter reuptake
c) prevent neurotransmitter inactivation
d) block neurotransmitter binding to receptors
e) change the type of receptor found in the postsynaptic membrane
18) major calyces are
a) large branches of the renal pelvis.
b) expanded ends of nephrons.
c) basic functional layers of the kidney.
d) conical structures that are located in the renal medulla.
e) the expanded ends of renal pyramids.
19) compared to arteries, veins
a) are more elastic.
b) have more smooth muscle in their tunica media.
c) have a pleated endothelium.
d) have thinner walls.
e) hold their shape better when cut.

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